List price: $110.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $55.00
Collectible price: $79.41
Buy one from zShops for: $76.45

This book is really an authoritative source for studying battleships from their inception to their final days.

Used price: $4.50
Collectible price: $5.00

List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
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Collectible price: $10.59
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Used price: $16.13
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List price: $11.55 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $6.95
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Then when Gregory's mother and father got to Anut Grace's house they hade to get back home.When they got there Gregory asked do I have my own room? He did and he was so happy he said "This is better then a party and cake this is the best Birthday ever!" The next day he started the first day of school, in his new school. That day when he came home from school he was walking around and found a gate to a burnt down building. He cleaned it up a bit and found a box of chalk. That at school Mr. Hiller, a friend of Miss.Perry, came in and taught Gregory and the rest of the kids all about plants. When Gregory when home that night he said to his mother,"We don't have any grass around here". So he started to draw plants in the building. His mother and father did nit want to see.They were too busy.Don,t worry the end gets gets better.
I could not put the book down because the book never ended,and you would most likely would want to stay up and read it.You will like the book but you have to read it to find out!!!

Used price: $10.00

The book itself is a running commentary on the show, it's stars, the writers, and the various ways the show aired. The photos are perhaps the best feature (who can forget Carl's Cuts with the pig-men) or the fact that Rick Moranis does Woody Allen better than Woody. Dave and Rick really do Bob Hope and Woody Allen so well it is scary. The book runs in mostly chronological order, with input from the starts all along the way. However, some of the commentary is WAY behind the scenes, perhaps a bit too far back for the average fan.
Dave Thomas, the author, does an excellent job of capturing the egos, the infighting, and the creative styles of the shows writers and performers. People often forget just how much talent came out of this ensemble: John Candy, Martin Short, Eugene Levy, Dave Thomas, Rick Moranis, Catherine O'Hara; all have had major roles in TV and movie comedy since their stint on SCTV.
The best features of this book: The photos and the quizzes at the end of each chapter. The worst feature: too much information on the writers and producers behind the scenes and not enough info on what went in front of the cameras.
Overall, I recommend highly as a great look at the best comedy shows ever made.

Used price: $1.53
Buy one from zShops for: $4.00

It might be helpful to read (or re-read) the introduction after having read part of the book (say, into the first Roman visit).

Never before had I encountered a questing mind quite like Goethe's. Almost from the moment to left Carlsbad in September 1786, he was noticing the geological structures underlying the land and the flora and fauna above it. He sits down and talks with ordinary people without an attitude -- and this after he had turned the heads of half of Europe with his SORROWS OF YOUNG WERTHER. Here he was journeying incognito, apparently knowing the language well enough to communicate with peasants, prelates, and nobility.
One who abhors marking books I intend to keep, I found myself underlining frequently. "In this place," he writes from Rome, "whoever looks seriously about him and has eyes to see is bound to become a stronger character." In fact, Goethe spent over a year in Rome learning art, music, science, and even sufferings the pangs of love with a young woman from Milan.
Bracketing his stay in Rome is a longish journey to Naples and Sicily, where he becomes acquainted with Sir Warren Hamilton and his consort Emma, the fascinating Princess Ravaschieri di Satriano, and other German travelers. One of them, Wilhelm Tischbein, painted a wonderful portrait of Goethe the traveller shown on the cover of the Penguin edition.
The translation of W.H. Auden and Elizabeth Mayer is truly wonderful. My only negative comments are toward the Penguin editors who, out of some pennywise foolishness, have omitted translating the frequent Latin, Greek, and French quotes. I am particularly upset about the lack of a translation of the final quote from Ovid's "Tristia." In every other respect, this book is a marvel and does not at all read like a work written some 215 years ago. It is every bit as fresh and relevant as today's headlines, only ever so much more articulate!

Used price: $1.75
Collectible price: $9.30
Buy one from zShops for: $6.94

The Serenity New Testament comes complete with the Twelve Steps made famous by Alcoholics Anonymous. However, it just does not reiterate them, but cross-references every single step with multiple biblical references that speak about the particular topic. For instance, Step Two: "come to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity" is cross-referenced with a passage from the Gospels: "Everything is possible for him who believes" (Mark 9:23).
The format is very simple, and extremely easy to follow. The Twelve Steps are listed in the very front of the book, with a short commentary and a long list of verses (with page numbers!) that you can look up. Or, you can go directly to the New Testament, Psalms & Proverbs, and read the various books in a normal fashion. But unlike a typical Bible, the authors have highlighted all the verses that speak directly to the Twelve Steps, and have placed the step numbers next to the verses. For example: when you read the ninth chapter of Mark's gospel, you will see "Step 2" placed next to Mark 9:23.
There is also a chain reference system, so that you can go through the New Testament, Psalms & Proverbs reading all the verses that pertain to the particular step your interested in. So when you read Mark 9:23 there will be a note in the margin telling you a page number where you can find another verse reference for Step 2.
The authors wisely chose the New King James Version for the basis of their work, which is far easier to read and understand than the early 17th century English of the old King James Bible. There are also lots of helpful notes spread throughout the Bible passages, helping the reader to understand the close relationship between the Steps and Word of God.
While I have more than enough Bibles in my home, I've never come across one as fascinating as this little gem. I seriously considering buying a case of Serenity New Testaments to have on hand for giving to people who could use a little encouragement.
An outstanding New Testament. Highly recommended, whether or not you're in a Twelve Step program.

List price: $36.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $18.90
Buy one from zShops for: $24.55

The book is well organized and the writing is clear and concise, all making for an informative and enjoyable read. It is an excellent book for a strategic planning point of view. It is an absolute necessity for the 21st century business owners and CEOs. The book is teaching you about Business Model Innovation and the ideas might become useful as your business direction changes. The book offers help to anyone looking to improve theirs chances for success. And it is quite readable. I highly recommend it for senior and mid-level managers, entrepreneurs, consultants, and business students.
Alexander Petrochenkov

Filled with well-written stories of inspiring individuals (such as barber Michael Cogliandro) and progressive organizations (such as Habitat for Humanity, Dell Computer, and Disneyland), it provides the reader with a step-by-step method to adoitly leverage what's available and accomplish the five ultimate principles of business model innovation.
The book's format is as excellent as its content. Each chapter represents a sequential step in the innovation change process and flows seamlessly to the next. Each chapter contains a fully-fleshed out real-life example of the point being made. Boxes highlight salient points which are also summarized. Furthermore, each chapter has a set of heavy-duty key questions for readers to think about at length and apply to their own businesses.
Dynamic, practical, insightful, and inspirational, The Ultimate Competitive Advantage is an absolute necessity for today's savvy business owner!

Using real world business models, author's Mitchell & Coles explain how you can cause your company to have the competitive advantage by simply changing your company's business model. No matter what the size of your company, this book is a definite tool in creating your business model.
Most companies restructure and reorganize, hoping to attain business effectiveness & success. Yet the "Ultimate Competitors Advantage" will help you discover ways to reinvent your business model that will not only meet the needs of your customers, but bring strong profitability back into the company and spread from the employees to the shareholders. All around success!
So put an end to the business model that says, "We've always done it this way." Buy this book, and allow it to help mold and guide your imaginations into 21st century business model innovation!

List price: $20.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.30
Collectible price: $7.36
Buy one from zShops for: $4.99


It should be no surprise that more recent revelations have overtaken G&D's look at Soviet designs. Still, the info they do present is generally representative of the design's actual properties. A similar state applies in the chapter on Dutch Design 1047.
The only caution requiring the reader's attention is that the occasional typo pops up to confuse the statistical information. This is a general caveat for all three volumes rather than this one in particular.