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Book reviews for "Taylor,_Kenneth_Nathaniel" sorted by average review score:

Devotions for the Children's Hour
Published in Paperback by Moody Press (1998)
Author: Kenneth Nathaniel Taylor
Amazon base price: $8.79
List price: $10.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $3.50
Collectible price: $8.00
Buy one from zShops for: $5.99
Average review score:

A Timeless Treasure
I was recently given a 1957 edition of this book...mine does not have colorful pages to look at for my 2, 4, and 8 year olds BUT I have never had such quality devotional time with my children. I am a Bible scholar/teacher and it is apparent in this devotional that the author not only understands his audience but also loves the subject matter...the doctrines of our faith! These are NOT BIBLE STORIES...they are BIBLE DOCTRINAL TEACHING for CHILDREN. Even my four year old participates and is able to easiliy comprehend the difficult concepts such as ONLY ONE GOD / THE TRINITY...WHERE DID GOD COME FROM?...IF WE CANNOT SEE GOD, HOW CAN WE KNOW HE IS ALIVE?...THE ORIGIN OF SIN...WHO IS SATAN?...WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE ASK JESUS TO BE OUR SAVIOR...WHAT IF WE SIN AFTER WE ARE SAVED?...HOW DO WE KNOW THE BIBLE IS TRUE? Some of these questions most adult believers have difficulties answering...but ask my kids, they learned them fom this is truly a TIMELESS TREASURE from Jehovah!

When you are dealing with children under 10, you have to limit time on what you are teaching, or risk losing their attention. This wonderful devotional is perfect for getting the bible doctorine across to 5-10 year olds in their language. It takes no more that 10-20 minutes, including bible verses. Each devotion gives bible verses, explanations, a short story about it, and a prayer and hymm. Absolutley wonderful, my children and I look foward to bible time each evening. I wish there were more like it.

Children understand God and faith
Devotions is a series of small chapters (most are three pages) that teach children everything they need to know to have faith and why. They learn God's love for us, Jesus' mission and forgiveness by the cross. They are taught characteristic behaviors for Christian living. Simple examples at the end of each chapter illustrate the chapter's point and make it easy for a child to apply the teaching to his own life. Devotions offers scriptural references to support the chapter's teaching. It provides questions at the end of the chapter to reinforce the lesson. My children have delighted in their learning. It is sensible to them.....not a tremendous unfathomable mystery. My nine-year-old at times will take the lead and read to his younger siblings. A very simplistic perspective encourages young learners!

Right Choices
Published in Hardcover by Tyndale House Pub (01 May, 1999)
Authors: Kenneth Nathaniel Taylor and Kathryn E. Shoemaker
Amazon base price: $9.59
List price: $11.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $7.29
Buy one from zShops for: $8.46
Average review score:

Right Choices
I teach a Bible class to preschoolers and I purchased this book as a guide for my "how to be good lessons," which I use in conjuction with the Bible lessons. I start each lesson with a "how to be good lesson" found in Right Choices and then proceed to the Bible lesson. The structure of the book is great - one subject per story, simple questions to ask the children, a prayer and a scripture. The children grasp the concepts and are quickly learning the basics of how God would have us live.

Great for family devotions with very young children.
We picked up this book while looking for a guide for our family devotions with our three year old. The structure of the book is great - one subject per story, simple questions for you to ask your child, a prayer and a scripture. Our three year old grasps the concepts quickly and is learning the basics of how God would have us live. We have enjoyed the book as parents and our son asks to have devotional time and brings us the book.

The Way
Published in Hardcover by Tyndale House Pub (1974)
Author: Kenneth Nathaniel Taylor
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $10.00
Average review score:

Easy to read and faithful to the Catholic Church
I was given this Bible as a Christmas gift, and my initial reaction to a Bible written in contemporary English was one of skepticism. I thought that this would surely be a watered-down version of Sacred Scriptures that compromises the true meaning of God's Word for the sake of making it easy to read. After spending some time with this Bible, I am pleased to say that I was wrong. It is written in easy to read contemporary English, but still manages to convey the truth of God's Word in a way that is consistent with Catholic faith and morals. One thing I didn't like is that the deuterocanonical books were placed in a separate section at the end rather than in their traditional order among the other books. Still, I think this Bible is worth buying for anyone who wants a very readable version of Sacred Scripture that is faithful to the Catholic Church.

Great Bible for young adults
This bible has a great layout. Each book is preceeded by an application to real life which helps the reader understand the book he/she is about to read. At the front of the Bible there are questions that people frequently ask and Scripture sites that contain the answers to those questions. It's just great!

Family-Time Bible in Pictures
Published in Hardcover by Tyndale House Pub (1992)
Author: Kenneth Nathaniel Taylor
Amazon base price: $12.99
Used price: $5.00
Average review score:

This is the best children's Bible on the market!
We are very impressed with the pictures, text, and brief discussion ideas at the end of each story. The accounts of the Bible stories are Biblically correct. Toddlers show great interest in the book and often select it for their own independent browsing. Many of the popular children's Bible songs are portrayed in the pictures. This is an inpirational, educational, and fun book!

LA Biblia En Cuadros Para Ninos/the Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes
Published in Hardcover by Editorial Portavoz (1956)
Authors: Kenneth Nathaniel Taylor and Jose Luis Riveron
Amazon base price: $12.59
List price: $17.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.00
Buy one from zShops for: $10.09
Average review score:

La Biblia en Cuadros para Niños, a must have book for kids
When I was little girl, one of the first books that I started reading was this book. This book includes stories from the Old and New Testament and it is explained using simple sentences and beautiful illustrations. At the end of each story it has questions so the child could test him or herself reading comprehension. I lost this book. Now that I have a child of my own one of the first things that I did was to get this book. My child is still too young to understand it but I am reading a story every night knowing that one day she will start reading it on her own like aI did. This is a book that every Spanish speaking child should have in their bookhelf.

Stories About Jesus (Taylor, Kenneth Nathaniel. Bible Stories for Little People.)
Published in Hardcover by Tyndale House Pub (1994)
Authors: Kenneth N. Taylor and Nancy Munger
Amazon base price: $8.99
Used price: $2.40
Buy one from zShops for: $4.55
Average review score:

Wonderful Teaching Tool
This is one of my 5 year old son's favorite books. I've bought several children's Bible stories books for him, but none have kept his interest as much as this one. He really enjoys answering the two questions at the end of each short story. The stories also each end with "A Little Prayer" and "A Bible Verse For You To Say". My son loves saying the Bible verse that goes along with the story. He now likes to get my Bible and we look up the verse and confirm that it matches his storybook.

I highly recommend this book as a tool for parents who are teaching young children about Jesus.

The Teaching of Christ: A Catholic Catechism for Adults (Exploring the Teaching of Christ)
Published in Paperback by Our Sunday Visitor (1995)
Authors: Bishop Donald W. Wuerl, Ronald Lawler, Thomas Comerford Lawler, Donald W. Wuerl, and Kenneth Nathaniel Taylor
Amazon base price: $12.57
List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.99
Collectible price: $8.26
Buy one from zShops for: $9.99
Average review score:

Incredible compilation and explination of the Catholic faith
Years back I decided to convert from Espicopal to Catholic. This book was given to me as a gift. Only recently did I finally open this book and I'm sorry I didn't sooner. In my experiences, the Catholic faith has never been so well compiled and explained. I've been moved by the spirit throughout the readings and come closer to my faith through understanding. I am extremely greatful to the authors for such a wonderful publication. Praise be to God!

Living Bible
Published in Hardcover by HarperCollins (1973)
Author: Kenneth Nathaniel Taylor
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $3.49
Collectible price: $13.39
Average review score:

God's name Jehovah used over 300 times
Written in modern English, I was impressed to see the name of Jehovah used well over 300 times.Other modern English versions
have deleted the name completly.

Excellent paraphrase!
The Living Bible continues to be one of the premier paraphrases in the world of English Bibles today. Unlike other paraphrases (such as the New Living Translation (NLT)), the Living Bible reads much more smoothly, as it was the result of one man's efforts and his one voice. As with other paraphrases, the Living Bible is not truly a translation, but a free interpretation of the actual Scripture text - so essentially, it is a commentary in the form of a Bible. I find it helpful to read from the Living Bible for my devotions, but for serious, in-depth Bible study, I recommend using a much more literal translation, such as the New King James Version (NKJV).

The Living Bible was the work of Kenneth Taylor, who wanted something much more easily understandable for his family than the King James Version (KJV); also, the Living Bible was paraphrased from the American Standard Version (ASV) - not the KJV.

living Bible helps you live
This paraphrase of the Bible did more to help me in my spiritual growth than any Bible I had ever read. When I began to get serious in my Christian walk, I tried to read my Bible like I was supposed to but reading King James Version made me not want to read it all. The Living Bible spoke to me about how God wanted me to live my life in language I could understand. I highly recommend the Living Bible for new Christians who want to grow with God.

Holy Bible: People's Parallel, King James Version and the Living Bible, Burgundy Bonded
Published in Hardcover by Tyndale House Pub (1982)
Authors: Tyndale House Publishers and Kenneth Nathaniel Liv Taylor
Amazon base price: $54.99
Average review score:

We all need help
This bible is for those who want the original word (KJV) but want to be able to understand it (NLT). I would recommend this bible to anyone because we are all sinners and we all need help from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Study this bible so we can all become more in tune with GOD

1611 vs 1971
The comaprison of the two texts on the page is wonderful. I believe the King James Version is the best for intensive bible study and The Living Bible is more readable and up-to-date in the language of our day.Check out the Love chapter I Corinthians 13:4-6 Living Bible "Love is vry patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud, never haughty or selfish or rude. Love does not demand its own way. It is not irritable or touchy. It does not hold grudges and will hardly even notice when others do it wrong. It is never glad about injustice, but rejoices when truth wins out." I usually notice when others do me about you?

New Living Translation - A Missionary's view
Having lived overseas as a missionary for a good part of the past 20 years and having realized that God speaks in other languages besides English, it is a real treat to find an English version of the Bible that is written in the language that we use every day. The only cautions I have are: 1]- This Bible speaks real plain. It will probably touch some ares of your life that you have kept your conscience quiet on. You may need to make some changes! So if you are comfortable with your knowledge of God and your relationship with Him ... and don't want to be disturbed - this is not for you. 2]- Keep your King James Bible to compare.

God Bless, James Yoder

A Child's First Bible
Published in Hardcover by Family Learning (2000)
Author: Kenneth Nathaniel Taylor
Amazon base price: $10.95
Buy one from zShops for: $6.00
Average review score:

Nice pictures but too simplistic even for two-year old
My wife bought this book as a way of introducing our 2-year-old daughter to the stories of the Bible. The pictures are very nice, but we have been very disappointed. The stories are given in such an abbreviated form that they are almost meaningless. Plan on having to give a lot of background and explanation. Of course, if you wanted a book that gave only the most cursory information so that you could fill in the details and meaning as you see fit, this book may be of use. As for us, we are putting this book away and getting a different children's Bible. This one is not meeting our needs.

So far, our 1st choice Bible for our 2 year old
We haven't gone through the whole Bible yet with our two year old, but so far, we have enjoyed this children's Bible. He particularly enjoys the pictures and the little images of bugs and rainbows and such, which they've included near the page numbers! We have noticed that it shares more than just stories from the Bible as many children's Bibles tries to teach LESSONS from the stories, for example, on the Creation and Fall story, some children's Bibles only focus on Creation and skip the Fall story. This Bible also teaches about the Fall, specifically pointing out that Adam and Eve disobeyed God and that God sent them out of the Garden as part of their punishment. The next story is about Cain and Abel and how one obeyed and the other disobeyed. Following that is the Noah story, teaching how Noah believed and obeyed God.

My 2 wishes so far in this version of the Bible is (1) for the author to connect the stories somehow...for example, to transition from the Cain and Abel story to the Noah story, one could say something to the effect of: "People all over the earth were evil and God decided to destroy mankind with a lot of rain. However, Noah believed God and God was merciful by protecting Noah and his family..." And (2) for each book of the Bible to be given attention. I noticed Leviticus was skipped, which is important to establish the foundation of the concept of sacrificial atonement, the precursor for all to understand the system which God chose to establish, so that Christ substitutionary sacrifice for us would make more sense.

Haven't gotten to the New Testament yet to give an editorial...

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