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Sugar Busters for Kids
Published in Hardcover by Ballantine Books (Trd) (2001)
Authors: Samuel S. Andrews, Morrison C. Bethea, H. Leighton Steward, and Luis A. Balart
Amazon base price: $4.99
List price: $23.95 (that's 79% off!)
Used price: $3.99
Buy one from zShops for: $4.25
Average review score:

Understanding and using the Sugar Busters concept better!
Since reading this book I've had solid sucess in weight loss and am eating healtheir and feeling better. The book Sugar Busters for Kids did accomplish several key elements in my personal weight loss program.

This book helped me greatly to understand the "why" of my life long struggle with weight and obesity. It has given me a tool in the understanding of "how" certain foods affect my wieght loss. And it has provided me with the "what" to eat and feel good at the same time.

The Glycemic Index Tables provided an easy and useful referance to the everyday control of my diet and food intake. Dr. Andrews and team have made the concept easier to understand and workable.

The recipes work, and I love the use of Creole seasoning to put flavor into some of the dishes.

My daughter who is a sophmore in college also uses the info found in this book very helpful.

This book should be included in every dieters libray, know matter what the age.

Great book for entire family
We just loved this book. We have been followers of the Sugar Busters concept for over five years and have never been healthier. Since reading the original Sugar Busters book, we have been concerned about all the sugar and processed carbohydrates that children eat these days. This book has really allowed us the share the benefits we have received with our children. The book is informative and easy to read and the illustrations are great, but one of our favorite things about the book is the recipes which, I might add, are not just for children. They are great for the whole family.

A Fine Healthier Living Plan for Kids
This book will be most appealing to adults who have had success with the Sugar Busters! approach to weight control through reducing the amount of high glycemic foods (ones that raise insulin levels and thus slow down the metabolism) that they eat. Now, you will know how to integrate this approach for the whole family!

If you have not yet discovered the Sugar Busters! approach, it is well worth your time. As the authors (three M.D.'s and a former Fortune 500 CEO) point out, many diseases are related to overweight and obesity (such as Type 2 diabetes which is caused by insulin resistance, and cardiovascular diseases). Two terrible things are happening now. First, childhood overweight and obesity are growing rapidly as a percentage of the population around the world. Second, what were once adult diseases related to overweight and obesity are showing up in children. The authors point out that these trends are closely associated with the rise in the use of refined sugar. These trends run in families, suggesting both genetic (homone related) and environmental causes.

As to changing, the book is filled with directions for how to shop, menus (along with acceptable substitutes), and recipes (on the spicy side to appeal to the adults too). You can also use the recipes in any of the other Sugar Busters! series books. The recipes are almost all simple to prepare. Most include ingredients available at most food stores. There also seemed to be an attempt to keep the cost reasonable. I do think that households with younger kids will probably use fewer seasonings (but remember that no-sugar ketchup!).

There is a separate section with rhymes for kids at the back, which illustrates some of the key concepts. You can use this like a standard children's book for those in the 3-6 age range. My only criticism about the back is that the letter to kids uses gasoline for a car as the analogy to the need to eat better. Prior to the age of driving, I doubt if that analogy will work

One of the best parts of the book is that it keeps it as simple as possible. The authors also emphasize making better choices rather than treating this like a diet. They also point out that there are few long-term studies of the effects of diet on youngsters, but they have used the few that are available. For example, a low glycemic breakfast reduces what youngsters eat in calories for lunch. They also discuss how to introduce new foods (assume it will take at least 10 efforts before acceptance occurs, so be patient and persistent!). The menus are adjusted separately for the 6-8 and 9-12 year old groups. Over 12, they can use the adult Sugar Busters!

Sugar Busters!
Published in Audio Cassette by HarperCollins (1998)
Author: H. Leighton Steward
Amazon base price: $12.60
List price: $18.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.98
Collectible price: $8.99
Buy one from zShops for: $4.28
Average review score:

A Revolutionary Book That Will Change Your Life
SUGAR BUSTERS is the only fitness book that actually worked for me. Since I've started following the eating guidelines, I've lost over 20 pounds, and feel better than I ever have before. The great thing about this book is that it approaches health and nutrition from a completely different perspective. Instead of worrying about calories and fat grams, SUGAR BUSTERS focuses on the effect foods have on the body's blood chemistry, especially with regards to insulin, which has a profound effect on weight loss/gain. The book includes a list of acceptable/unacceptable foods, recipes, a 14-day sample meal plan, and tons of information. I give this book my highest possible recommendation. It changed my life. Anyone who is overweight, has high cholesterol, diabetes, or just wants to look and feel better should buy yhis book. I've gone from 230 pounds to 208 in less than 3 months. My goal for the next 3 months is to get down to 190 pounds. If you follow the eating guidelines outlined in SUGAR BUSTERS, and combine it with a reasonable excercise program (walking, jogging, bicycling), you will be amazed at the results. This program takes time and commitment. You can't change your appearance and health overnight. But you will begin to feel better almost immediately when you eliminate sugar from your diet. The authors explain why sugar is bad for you, and why cultures that don't eat a lot of sugar, as well as our ancestors who didn't eat refined sugar, are healthier and live longer. In conclusion, if you read only one health/fitness book this year, it should be SUGAR BUSTERS. Having been duped by gimmichky diets in the past, and having been overweight for a long time, I wouldn't write a positive review for this book if I didn't honestly believe in its message. I understand what it's like to be overweight, and that is why I am recommending this book to everyone out there who wants to change their lives.

Easy, simple,and it works, which gave me hope.
My daughter lost weight for the first time in 6 years.She let herself go and nothing worked for her as she gave up on everything. But not SugarBusters, she loves it and told me about it when I was diagnosed with Diabetes II 8 months ago.I lost weight, my blood sugar went down, my cholesterol went down, even the doctor was amazed.I have lost 26 pounds and this has given me hope which is more then I had eating the regular diabetic diet. and my daughter is beautiful but just got huge, now she is gaining self esteem and a body due to this book. It is a necessity for me, but for her a choice and it works for us both and others. Buy it, read it, it makes sense to me,but I would like more info pertaining to diabetics and how long I can stay on this.

I lost 20 pounds in two months and hardly changed my diet. I have kept it off for 6 months and continued to lose weight more gradually. (I am now at my ideal weight) My doctor recommended this diet to me because I was geting sick so often. It is simple common sense rules for eating. It doesn't require exercise. You don't count calories or fat grams just follow a few simple words of wisdom regarding how sugar and carbohydrates effect your body. It is not as strict as Atkins diet and much safer. This is not a "NO CARB" diet. I was so encouraged with the results that I decided to really "Challenge" myself and I bought the book "Body for Life". Now that's a program!!! It is difficult but very good, ...

Sugar Busters! Quick & Easy Cookbook
Published in Spiral-bound by Ballantine Books (Trd) (27 October, 1999)
Authors: H. Leighton Steward, Morrison C. Bethea, Sam S. Andrews, and Luis A. Balart
Amazon base price: $16.80
List price: $24.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $16.00
Buy one from zShops for: $15.00
Average review score:

A North Carolina Fan of Sugar Busters
This cook book is a great tool for the Sugar Busters diet. When we started Sugar Busters before the holidays, I lost 10 pounds and my boyfriend lost over 15 (in less than 2 months!). It is great to have a cook book to aid with the concept of Sugar Busters. Diabetes runs in my family and I am CONVINCED that if I had not changed my eating habits that I was well on my way to having diabetes myself. I no longer crave carbohydrates in the afternoon and as a result I don't have that dip in energy in the late afternoon that I have experienced for years. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has struggled with weight loss. Some of the recipes may be a little higher in fat....but for those of us who were addicted to carbohydrates, this diet will do amazing things for both your health, energy level and weight!

A Great Quick Fix Diet Book.
I am getting married in a month, so I bought this book to try and lose those extra pounds for the wedding. It's hard to believe that you can eat like this and still lose weight, but miraculously it is working! A lot of the recipes have a pretty high fat content so if you are worried about cholesterol, this may not be the book for you. But if you want to take off pounds quickly and are willing to follow the regimen, this book will do the trick. Fair warning - giving up sugar and carbs is really hard so you have to be determined. And the recipes are not always quick and easy. As a long-term way of life, I don't know if I could cook and eat like this every day. But for quick weight loss without starving yourself, this is the book to buy.

A thinner reader from Virginia
Great recipes!I started this "lifestyle change" three weeks ago, and have lost 11 pounds.I've tried just about every fad diet...high-carb,high-protein,you name it.Sugar Busters is different-it's not something you do for two weeks.It's a lifestyle change.This cookbook has made meals easier for me because it provides you with lots of great alternatives.The authors do not suggest you cut out all carbs or eat fatty foods.It truly is a healthier way to eat!

Sugar Busters! Shopper's Guide
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Ballantine Books (2003)
Author: H. Leighton Steward
Amazon base price: $4.99
Average review score:

Not too helpful
Most of the shopping recommendations are for food that have low sugar noted in the ingredients, which seems like a good general guideline but not too helpful in a "shopper's guide". Also noted are - you guessed it - "Sugar Busters" brand foods where applicable.

Except to bring in extra royalties for the authors, there is no reason for this to be a separate book. It really should be a supplement to the Sugar Buster's book itself.

Quick guide for shopping without having to use the main book
The Sugar Busters book is a comprehensive book but the shoppers guide keeps you from having to sift thru all of the pages of the big book. It is a very handy book to have when shopping for the correct foods.

Handy guide for shopping
Since it's pocket size it's convenient- nothing more, nothing less- it's not promising extra miracles or secrets. The reader from Leverett, MA is a bit naive to comment on the authors pushing Sugar Busters products - this is America, folks, people are going to try and make an extra buck - it doesn't mean you have to buy the specific products suggested. You should read the book to understand why you should pick certain foods. That should always serve as your general guideline when a food is in question - this guide just serves as a quick handy reference.

The New Sugar Busters
Published in Hardcover by Ballantine Books (Trd) (24 December, 2002)
Authors: H. Leighton Steward, Morrison C.,M.D. Bethea, Sam S.,M.D. Andrews, Luis A., M.D. Balart, and Maureen O'Neal
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.00
Buy one from zShops for: $14.20
Average review score:

This book may include more up-to-date statistics or info; but if you've read any of the other Sugar Buster books, you've got the concept. I found nothing new that was all that revealing. What I appreciate most is more new and easy recipes to help keep this lifestyle of eating interesting.

Repetitive - but informative
The Sugar Busters book was not only a rehash of the book before, it was a rehash of itself - if you actually take the time to read it straight through, you'll notice that half the content is the same material repeated over and over. And the print IS obnoxiously large.
However, if you are picking up Sugar Busters for the first time, this book is a great way to get the basic facts about the low-glycemic, right carbohydrate format of this diet, in a little more detail than the previous edition. The charts, recipes, and label information makes it easy to get started, and the lists of "acceptable" foods makes it easy to stick with it. The book is written in a simplistic, gimmicky format, but the diet makes sense - and it works.

An information goldmine .. finally some logic at last ..
About a month ago, in an effort at preventitive medicine to lower my cholestorol and resulting high blood sugars, my GP sent me to a cardiovascular surgeon. Well as a person that rarely has gone to doctors I wasn't exactly excited what this guy told me, but, when I asked him to explain what kind of a diet or program I should follow he just said buy the book Sugar Busters and follow what it says .....

I have been on all kinds of diets before (who hasn't) and every time some Doctor tried to explain to concepts to me they generally lasted only short periods since the darn diets just didn't make any sense, and it just felt like pieces were missing in the overall puzzle of chemistry in they body related to proteins, carbohydrates, sugars, chloesterol, good bad etc etc.....

What a great surprise this book was to me. Not only does it tie all the pieces together and explain its' diet as the 'Sugarbusters way of eating is roughly 40 percent carbohydrates 30 percent protein and 30 percent fat, it is a balanced diet' that makes overall sense.....

The authors go to great detail to explain the functions of the pancreas, the purposes of insulin, glucanol and exactly what happens when you eat a high protein meal vs a high cargohydrate meal....

For example, the book explains that "The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of how much of a specific amount of ingested carbohydrate (usually 50 grams) will cause a persons blood sugar to rise and remain elevated over time relative to the effect on blood sugar of the same amount of pure glucose (which is assigned a GI of 100)... NOW HERE's THE SHOCKER FOR ME the book continues that to "compare the potatoes blood stimulating effect realtive to table sugar is that it would take 118 grams of sugar to have the same impact as one potato. That is 29 1/2 teaspoons of sugar ... WOW all that from one miserable white potato ....

From a historical perspective the book explains that sugar is not even mentioned in the bible and is a modern phenomena dating back only to 500 AD .... obviously the authors have the hots against processed sugars, flour, white potatoes, even white rice (surprising to me cause I thought that rice was a salvation for me .... WRONG) .... The authors also do something that I would have thought was ABSOLUTE BLASPHEMY and even HERECY in that they talk about the famous US goverment food pyramid, that even my dog knows by heart, and advise the reader the this pyramid was formed after many battles with the sugar lobby, the flour lobby, the potato lobby, meat people, egg people, milk people etc etc etc ... needless to say the resulting pyramid is more than suspect, for lack of using stronger words .......

Ok .. so you get the picture ... and as an added bonus this book contains som 100 pages of recepies from restaurants around the US that are in line with the Sugar Busters diet ....

This is one FABULOUS book that is well written, easy to understand, clear cut (don't really need a PhD in chemistry to understand it)and I feel is a definive answer to all those bits and pieces of diet information and stupid, misleading and politically correct food pyramids that I have been exposed to over my 'sugar eating' lifetime.....

The New Sugar Busters! En Espanol
Published in Paperback by Ballantine Books (Trd Pap) (2003)
Authors: H. Leighton Steward, Morrison, Md Bethea, Sam Md Andrews, H. Leight Steward, Lewis A. Balart, and Samuel S. Andrews
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Sugar Busters Quick and Easy Cookbook
Published in Paperback by Ballantine Books ()
Author: H Leighton Steward
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $15.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

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