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Book reviews for "Stang,_Ivan" sorted by average review score:

High Weirdness by Mail
Published in Paperback by Simon & Schuster (Paper) (1988)
Author: Ivan Stang
Amazon base price: $13.00
Used price: $2.75
Collectible price: $6.95
Average review score:

Hilarious, eye-opening, out of date but still worth reading
The true SubGenius Holy Books are "The Book of the SubGenius" and "Revelation X: The 'Bob' Apocryphon," but "High Weirdness by Mail" was the book that truly opened my eyes for "Bob." Published in 1988, it was a groundbreaking book that opened the door to the widening field of crackpotology, and a number of more "serious" books looking at the fringe elements of society have all credited High Weirdness as their inspiration. The addresses in that book are now more than ten years out of date, but the book is still worth reading for the vicious, hilarious, and outrageous reviews of all of the addresses contained therein. The writing reveals a great part of the true purpose of the Church of the SubGenius, and it was the writing of High Weirdness that inspired me to send my money to "Bob" and become a fully ordained (and paid-up) SubGenius minister.

Tribute to J.R. "BOB" Dobbs
Are you dissatisfied of this world? Do other people think you are different? Well your not alone. The Church of the Subgenius is for you! You'll learn how J.R. "BOB" Dobbs used his psycic powers for financial gain since the age of six! You'll learn that you are not alone in your thinking, and its just that everyone else is brainwashed. Order Today!

Revelation X : The 'Bob'Apocryphon : Hidden Teachings and Deuterocanonical Texts of J.R. 'Bob' Dobbs
Published in Paperback by Fireside (1994)
Authors: The SubGenius Foundation, J.R. 'Bob' Dobbs, Rev. Ivan Stang, and Paul Mavrides
Amazon base price: $16.00
Used price: $3.99
Average review score:

Let me say first
that I had to buy THREE copies of the first book, because it would 'disappear' when I lent it to friends. I certainly wore out the binding of each copy myself, because it was one of the funniest books I'd ever read hands down. Naturally, when the sequel, "Revelation X" hit the shelves, I needed to have it, even though I knew I'd already given enough money to these raving hucksters(I mean, I loved the Church-bought the mebership and all). While not as side splittingly funny as the first one, this is still light years ahead of any other humor books. Each SubGenius book is literally crammed with things to read and look at, artwork and rants and gag philosophy from embittered nerds all over the world apparently, all about the mythical figure of Bob Dobbs and his plan to save us from the maw of the Conspiracy that is perpetuated by so-called normal people to destroy noncomformity. Obviously, if you are the shy, intellectual type with a truckload of inner rage and a brain that no one appreciates or understands, then this is your bible. Women Subgenii take note: there's a chapter devoted just to you. Enjoy one of the last decades' coolest in-jokes.

I bought this one too, now I'm even crazier!
Thanks again, "Bob"!

Revelation Indeed
Bob has kept the secret well hidden, however there are those of us who have come to figure it out for ourselves. Prior to the New Testament, the Koran, the Book of Ulvolva (ancient text of Atlantis), the Book of Zen, the Zoroastrian Scripture, the Talba, the Tonka, the Willy Wonka, and the Sears Roebuck catalog-- we have, written in the time of Ancient Maldaistheregasinthecar (formerly Rowwanda East of Gucci), a holy text. If you have mastered the Tao of Jeet Condo, then perhaps you are ready for the Apocryphon.

Bob has encrypted the actual 'date of text.' In fact, within the Apocryphon are the architectural plans to the Ark of Noah, the Leaning Tower of Pizza (hold the anchovies), the Great Wall of China, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, and the electrical schematics for the Univac, the Cadillac, and the Rayovac--- all encrypted. Not to mention a fascinating 'Table of Elements' containing over 92 undiscovered elements and a killer Betty Cronkyte chocolate chip cookie recipe.

Bob knows, and perhaps with some basic instruction and years of grueling practice, you too could know. Keep in mind that the Apocryphon doubles as both a CPRRPMWPM and an MFCCOICSOIC manual. Having the knowledge, as Bob warns, is half the battle. Knowing just what to do with having the knowing of every aspect of everything and everything in-between everything in and of itself is besides the point. However, despite these dichotomic delemmic conundrums one must insist the practice itself is beyond the ability of even the most skilled novice. Therefore Bob suggests that perhaps the reading of the Apocryphon backward could produce more or less understanding of the meaninglessness of the attempt not to do so.

Using the Apocryphon I have gained enlightenment and understand that, had I not pursued these truths, I would have undoubtedly overcome. Thank you Bob for being there, even when I did not need you, and thank you also for your wisdom and arrogance.

The Book of the SubGenius : Being the Divine Wisdom, Guidance, and Prophecy of J.R. 'Bob' Dobbs, High Epopt of the Church of the SubGenius, Here Inscribed for the Salvation of Future Generations and in the Hope that Slack May Someday Reign on this Earth
Published in Paperback by Fireside (1987)
Authors: J.R. Dobbs, The SubGenius Foundation, and Rev. Ivan Stang
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.66
Collectible price: $12.50
Buy one from zShops for: $11.09
Average review score:

What else can be said about a book that says it all??
Assuming you never heard of the Church of the SubGenius, and their horrible, discordian, and nerdish beliefs...I'd say it's about time you did. BUY THIS BOOK.

A true remedy for all the [junk] that clouds the minds of modern man. You might think you think, but you WON'T think the same after this thought provoking 'reveal all' tale. Life begins AFTER you look at this book for the first time. A true mind opener. Ever felt the popular, and organized religions are missing the boat, or that TV ad media are hiding the facts, or maybe that people are just looking at you weird because THEY just don't GET IT? The answers are here. This is truely a guide to fill in every missing crack, especially yours. Stang and Drummond (with the help of Bob Dobbs) have burst open the doors to a unique INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH CHURCH that will clear the cobwebbs from your eyes so you can replace them with a wool of your own choosing.

Filled with passages fusing together the histories and religions of mankind's blatantly pointless path, the SubGenius detail how you can be freed from the bounds of this horrible present life style of common possession and launch yourself headlong into THEIR HELLISH HEAVEN of individual, spastic, self expression. Filled with plenty of illustration, clip art collages and snappy sayings meant to confuse the unworthy! You can read it in bits, or all the way through; it doesn't matter because you can't go back from this experience.

A great organization, a ground breaking book, I still won't pay MY [money] to these guys. It might be TOO much Slack, but I'd just call it laziness, or prudent money management.

Just Read The Review!
One word: brilliant! Many words: This book is equal parts scathing indictment of conformist thought, a sincere exhortation for the free-thinking individualist to not lose faith in himself/herself, an amusing cosmogony filled with sundry gods, demons, yetis, aliens and more, a free-spirited religious/philosophical treatise on the merits of self-indulgence, an ego-maniacal, self-aggrandizing rant and a blatant attempt to "cash in" by Ivan Stang, a satire on mainstream American culture AND seemingly "counter culture" types (cults, hippies, punks...; in short any "followers" of any stripe or creed), and one long, self-satirizing, not-at-all-to-be-taken-seriously joke.
If all this sounds like essential reading for any sane person in an insane world, then...your right! If all this sounds like a stupid, rambling, jerk-yer-chain-jape, then...your right!
Based on all that, if you cannot conceive how this book could could be so ESSENTIAL, then you're *SO PINK* you can't think straight anyways.

you need this
If you don't own it, most especially if you've never heard of it, you pinkos seriously need a copy. (And if you HAVE heard of it, what the heck are you waiting for?)

If you already own a copy, buy another and GIVE it to that special friend in need of serious help. Use its pages for toilet paper, or bury it in the backyard and watch it REAPPEAR on your front porch ad infinitum. (And it'll be just dandy for propping up the short leg of your TV set.)

It's real simple: everyone needs more [fill in the blank]. This book'll show you how to get it, with easy step-by-step assembly instructions that even the most awkward glue-sniffing yooth can follow. With Dobbs's patented Eurorotorvated Dance Steps and Preprogrammed Learning Materials you can NEVER GO WRONG. (Ok, Dobbs (...) up and the saucers haven't shown up yet. Tough.)

Trust me, it really works, as I can testify from personal experience.

Once you've read the book, send in your (money) and all PRAISE to the mighty Dobbs!!! You and your life will be better for it. Just click on the little button up there...c'mon, you know you want to free yourself from the slavery of JHVH-1 and his many demons... You MUST get SLACK.

Three-Fisted Tales of Bob: Short Stories in the Subgenius Mythos
Published in Paperback by Fireside (1990)
Author: Ivan Stang
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $3.48
Collectible price: $15.88
Average review score:

Slack be here forever!
This is a wonderful collection of humourous stories in the subgenius mythos. From big players such as the Rev. "Stang", to New Wave musician Mark Mothersbaugh (from DEVO), many authors have attempted to caputre the essence of SLACK provided by JHVH1 through his Earthly minion, BOB! Get your 'Frop here! (Watch out for the Stark Fist of Removal. Slack be Eternal!)

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