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Book reviews for "Souljah,_Sister" sorted by average review score:

Coldest Winter Ever, the
Published in Paperback by The X Press (10 February, 2000)
Author: Sister Souljah
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

The Coldest Winter Ever
If you love the book "True to the Game" than you love this book even more. It has alot to offer other than street smarts and how black people live.

The Coldest Winter Ever
Published in Paperback by Pocket Books (01 August, 2001)
Author: Sister Souljah
Amazon base price: $11.16
List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $7.80
Collectible price: $8.47
Buy one from zShops for: $9.40
Average review score:

Admirable depiction of a society's downfall
As a lover of literature and poetry, it took a lot of convincing by my sister before I picked this book up. I am so glad that I did. Never before have I read such a raw, powerful, and emotional depiction of the "ghetto" girl of today.

Possessed by money and the illusion of power, Winter is a pathetically delusional person at the start of the story. But her training and education on the streets and through the downfall of her "mafia-style" family is intriguing and extremely thoughtful. She represents the unwanted ideal of celebrity - the street-wise ghetto princess we have seen from afar but never dare to delve into her psyche or what drives her clouded ambition.

Sister Souljah has a unique perspective into her characters and weaves prominent social problems into her story with the acumen of a pro. The characters are dynamic and inspire empathy within the reader, even when every moral fiber within the reader advises him or her to hate the twisted morality of the characters.

I was especially pleased with the "reality-based" ending Souljah chose for this book. I won't give away the ending, but a friend advised my sister, "This is Sister Souljah, not Danielle Steele."

This is a book that can inspire readers to re-evaluate their own misperceptions and prejudices. Instead of shunning those who fit the molds of "ghetto princesses," crack-dealers, and "base-heads," Souljah sends the clear message that within these people there are humans who can be saved, even if it takes a lifetime to save them.

Captivates you from page 1 - 419
What can I say about this book that the other 400 plus reviewers have not already said? “The Coldest Winter Ever” was just a phenomenal read. It holds you from page 1 to 419. As a matter of fact, this is one of those books you wish was never ending. I spent two sleepless days reading this book. No joke!! I just had to find out what drama Winter got herself into again. The rise and fall of the Santiaga family is a ghetto tragedy. What makes this story so compelling is the fact that although its fiction, its actually reality. There are so many Winters out there who go through similar life experiences. When I finished this book I was like WOAH!! that was an mindful. I was left with so many thoughts and ideas. I wanted to become a mentor or big sister to a young sister to avoid her the pain the Winter went through. I have since mentored two girls. This is a must read, must own, must review from time to time to keep yourself focused type of book. More power to you Sister Souljah. When’s the next book?

This book is so cold you might want to put your jacket on!!!
Sister Souljah penned a realistic drama filled book that should be required reading for all young urban females. Winter is a young woman who only knows clothes, music, money, and men. She knows nothing that can help her survive in this world. She is the type of female who has to rely on her looks because she has nothing else to help her live. Her mother once told her that "being beautiful is a full-time job." Inevitably it is this kind of thinking that ends up being her down fall. While reading I kept hoping that she would see the light and change her ways before it was too late, but unfortunately that did not happen. Perhaps it is for the best that this book did not have a sugar coated fairy tale ending. With this ending we see what is truly possible when you live such a foul lifestyle. I truly felt sorry for her mother, and her younger siblings. Winter had so many times to get her life together and she kept falling into that gripping ghetto mentality that can be so overwhelming and destructive. I kept hoping that Midnight would help her get her life together, but she had to learn her lessons the hard way. This novel is a serious page turner (I read it in one day). Sista Souljah has written a thought provoking novel that gives insight into the lives of the ghetto princesses of the world. Winter is a character that the reader will not forget!!

No Disrespect
Published in Hardcover by Times Books (1995)
Authors: Sister Souljah and Sister Souljah
Amazon base price: $23.00
Used price: $7.65
Collectible price: $15.88
Average review score:

In the end, I understood
Sister Souljah became my favorite writer when I finished The Coldest Winter Ever. I just loved it! This led me to read No Disrespect. The book begins discussing her childhood and how her parents marriage came to end, and as a result her family moved into the projects. Throughout the book she refers to her beauty. She always describes her full figure and constantly compares herself to other women. This became a little boring, until it finally clicks that even with her physical beauty and inner strength, she was extremely vulnerable. She experienced so many trials and tribulations, even though she was well known and respected in the black community.

I cannot say enough about this book. Her honesty became clear to me in the end. That I really appreciate. Her depiction of "Black America" is most accurate. I have stated many of these things myself. Read this book only if you're not easily offended (black or white) and if you really want to grow as a person. My props to Sister Souljah for living up to my expectations.!

Must Read!
This is a very GOOD book. Even though I disagreed with a lot of ideology, I still found her stories compelling. I read this book in 1 day. I was obsessed. I truly couldn't put it down.

In many ways her true life story mimics some of the character's in Terry McMillian's "Waiting to Exhale". Intelligent black professional woman gravitating toward destructive relationships. The sacrifices Sista Souljah makes for black men who use and abuse her leave you bewildered. Sista Souljah aks (SS) makes too many excuses for black men which cause her much pain and disrespect. She never once discusses the issue of black men respecting and uplifting black women or even more importantly - themselves.

My main dislike (there are a few others) - her racial views. Yes, racism exists. Yes, due to racism we have many ills in our community. ((But now what....she leaves you hangin')) I think she needs to consider writing a separate book addressing this issue. Or at least add a some kind prelude to this book because it might solidify some of her arguments.

Instead, (SS) does not explain her racial and political views, she assumes you understand the issues and it's manifestations - this is a big mistake. Instead, it gives you the appearance that she blankets racism as the excuse for ALL negative behavior in our community. This gets redundant and you begin to question whether or not she entertains other possibilities.

There was a comment by a reviewer that she came across as having an "I'm all that" attitude about her appearance and intelligence. And (SS) does go at length to discuss her beauty and intelligence - many, many times! But when you look at the choices she makes in her personal life, her attitude only masks her low self-esteem.

As you can see this book gets you questioning and thinking about your own views. IT'S A GREAT READ!

This is a Life Changing Book!
As I read No Disrespect, I developed a new respect for Sister Souljah - for she is bright, strong, sober, calculating, and in your face, telling it like it is! I've read works of so-called prolific writers more than twice her age, yet none have touched nerves and brought revelation to me as she has in No Disrespect!
I smiled to myself as I read the penetrating questions she asked the people in her life. I admire her! I wish every Black man and woman could and would read this enlightening tome, for it is a life changing adventure into a world where knowledge is king! The multitude of lessons learned are a by-product of a very entertaining read!

Invierno Mas Fria, El
Published in Paperback by Umbriel (2001)
Author: Sister Souljah
Amazon base price: $16.90
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