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Book reviews for "Skowronek,_Stephen" sorted by average review score:

The Politics Presidents Make: Leadership from John Adams to Bill Clinton
Published in Paperback by Belknap Pr (1997)
Author: Stephen Skowronek
Amazon base price: $21.50
Used price: $11.65
Average review score:

BRILLIANT, but a tad dense
This is definitely a difficult book, and understanding certain critical passages may require several readings. In short, this is NOT a good book for an introduction to presidential politics and leadership. For a more readable and still highly regarded account, Neustadt's seminal work is a good choice. However, none of this is to say that Skowronek's book is not brilliant--it is, and reading it carefully is a very profitable experience and will enhance anyone's understanding of the presidency, agree with Professor Skowronek or not. Through all the technical references, Skowronek proposes a paradigm for assessing presidential leadership: Reconstruction, Disjunction, Articulation, and Pre-emption, all of which are based on the nature of the government and its commitments (vulnerable or resilient) and on the president's relationship to that regime (opposed or affiliated). Reconstruction results when presidents are opposed to a vulnerable regime--here are the "great" presidents: Lincoln, FDR, and Reagan, for example. Affiliation with a vulnerable regime produces Disjunction. Articulation results from affiliation with a resilient regime. And Pre-emption is the product of opposition to a resilient regime. Of course, this merely scratches the surface of Skowronek's argument, for which he argues quite well and which he approaches from a fairly historical perspective. I highly recommend this for anyone wishing to gain a deeper, fuller understanding of presidential leadership, especially in considering how much a president's skills affect what type of leader he is and how much circumstances shape his presidency.

I read this as part of a course (taught by the author himself) in my sophomore year of college. Skowronek is I think to be applauded for his historical approach to presidential politics, and for his style of writing: it seems more as if youre reading a story than a political science book. Time and time again, Skowronek comes back to his thesis and main themes (legitimacy and presidents ability to correctly understand and manipulate their historical moment. The book never loses focus as Skrownek discusses different presidents or as he tells stories about a particular president. And hes done his research really really well. In particular his use of presidential quotes is very very impressive. Numerous times he gives examples of Presidents who attempt to build political legitimacy using words that fit very well into Skowronek's conceptual framework ("preserving foundations", recovering old sacred truths, continuing work that has already begun). The problem with Skowronek's book is that I think, given the sort of analysis hes doing here, its not very naunced. Im sure for example, articulation presidents often distanced themselves from their predecesors in some form or another. Some may not have a problem with this: after all S. is trying to prove his point and prove it well. However I thought at times that the book could have been more nauanced. Just my thoughts....OHH BUY THE BOOK!

The Presidency in Political Time
In "The Politics Presidents Make,"Stephen Skowronek presents a sweeping indictment of the Neustadtian view on presidential leadership made famous in Richard Neustadt's classic text, "Presidential Power." Skowronek challenges Neustadt's assertion that presidents after FDR represent a distinct group of incumbents, who, because of the constant challenges of modernity, cannot make due with the formal powers of the president--which is a mere "clerkship"-- and must instead utilize informal authority to "get things done," something "pre-modern" presidents did not have to do consistently. Skowronek views such a notion as a conceit of modern times, and he incorporates "pre-modern" presidents into his analytical framework, which gives the reader a better understanding of the presidency as it is weighed against the emergent structures of power and in relation to the recurrent structures of authority. Skowronek also disputes the idea that each president is at liberty to "be as big as he can be." The differences in "great" presidents and "incompetent" presidents arises not out of differences in skills-- i.e. bargaining ability-- but instead out of differing political identities vis-a-vis the current political order. Because the presidency is, in constitutional terms, an order shattering, order-affirming, and order-creating political institution, successful presidents are those-- like Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, FDR, and Reagan-- who are able to reconcile the order-shattering and order-affirming impulses by creating new standards for constitutional governance. This type of leadership stance-- reconstructive leadership-- is the most potent form of leadership because it allows for a reconciling of the order-shattering and order-affirming aspects of the presidency, which enables such incumbents to legitmate their actions, the key to successful leadership. Skowronek has written a superb book-- one of the best books on the presidency ever written-- and it is valuable because it correctly identifies legitimacy as the most important aspect of leadership and not skills.

American Political Development
Published in Paperback by W W Norton & Co. (2003)
Authors: Karen Orren and Stephen Skowronek
Amazon base price: $
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Building a New American State : The Expansion of National Administrative Capacities
Published in Paperback by Cambridge University Press (2002)
Author: Stephen Skowronek
Amazon base price: $28.00
Used price: $12.99
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The Politics Presidents Make: Leadership from John Adams to George Bush
Published in Hardcover by Belknap Pr ()
Author: Stephen Skowronek
Amazon base price: $31.00
Used price: $1.97
Collectible price: $9.53
Buy one from zShops for: $14.00
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Studies in American Political Development
Published in Paperback by Yale Univ Pr (1987)
Authors: Karen Orren and Stephen Skowronek
Amazon base price: $16.00
Used price: $6.54
Average review score:
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Studies in American Political Development, Number 2
Published in Paperback by Cambridge Univ Pr/Journal Dept (1992)
Authors: Karen Orren and Stephen Skowronek
Amazon base price: $58.00
Average review score:
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Studies in American Political Development/Number 2, Fall 1991
Published in Paperback by Cambridge Univ Pr/Journal Dept (1991)
Authors: Karen Orren and Stephen Skowronek
Amazon base price: $44.00
Average review score:
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Studies in American Political Development: Number 1, Spring 1992
Published in Paperback by Cambridge Univ Pr/Journal Dept (1992)
Authors: Karen Orren and Stephen Skowronek
Amazon base price: $30.00
Average review score:
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