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Book reviews for "Schwartz,_Morris_S." sorted by average review score:

Letting Go: Morrie's Reflections on Living While Dying
Published in Hardcover by Walker & Co (1900)
Author: Morrie Schwartz
Amazon base price: $18.00
Used price: $20.90
Average review score:

Morrie: In His Own Words
This book is truely a wonderful learning experience about how people should treat and live their life. Its words of wisdom are stated by an old dying man named Morrie Schwartz suffering from ALS which helps him better to understand himself and add to his prospective of living and dying in addition to his other life experiences. They boil down mainly to being more open and loving(telling more would ruin the magic of reading it). I am a living testament that the advice Morrie has to offer works like a charm for it has made me a better person to myself and around others by practicing what he says as much as a can to a certain extent. As a book it is very easy to read and understand. However what took one point of this book is its originality(thanks to Tuesday's With Morrie, which has almost the exact same theme and lessons).

Morrie delights me
I've got "Tuesdays with Mirror" as a gift from my ex-boss when I quited from the previous job. Now I do want to thank you her. It's such a wonderful gift. Actually, I'm a kind of person who doesn't normally read a kind of book like this but when the first time I read it, I could hardly put it down. Morrie got me as like he got Mitch. While I was reading, I was curious what will happen in the end and questioned to myself if there was a man kind like this in the World!! Yes, there was. Here he is. Morrie is sweet, gentle, nice and worm. That's the way I felt from the book. His words are so simplicity and do touch my heart. I wish, for the rest of my life, I could live and see the world like him just some of his parts!! Thank you Morrie & Mitch for a wonderful thesis and thank you again, Mitch, for letting us touch his soul and know this wonderful old man, Morrie Schwartz.

A beautiful book
I read "Tuesdays With Morrie", but this book is much more meaningful as it was written by Morrie himself. I read it quickly, but marked a lot of passages.

End of life experiences and dying are subjects that I deal with each day. How I wish that people would read Morrie's book and put things in proper perspective. It seems that people die without really living. Morrie didn't and for this I thank him.

This should be required reading for anyone who deals with terminally ill persons.

Tuesdays With Morrie (Wheeler Large Print Book Series (Cloth))
Published in Hardcover by Wheeler Pub (1998)
Authors: Mitch Albom and Catherine Coulter
Amazon base price: $27.95
Used price: $17.95
Average review score:

Saving Lives
Whether you are old or young, you always need someone watching over you in life. Someone needs to give you advice when times are rough, have a shoulder for you to cry on, and encourage you while you succeed. You need help in paving a road of moral values, and guidance in setting your priorities in line. Most of all, As you go through life, you need friends.

In Tuesdays With Morrie, Morrie befriends Mitch during college. Morrie was a tremendous influence on Mitch and taught him several life lessons. Mitch was excited to learn, and take Morrie's courses. Mitch learned social skills, reasons for people's actions, and the truth of society. However, after graduating from college, Mitch lost many lessons that he was taught. After hearing of Morrie's disease, Mitch returns to his old professor. Morrie helps him to re-evaluate his life, and get his tracks back inline.

Tuesdays With Morrie is the most encouraging book that I have ever read. Humor is mixed with drama, and every thought that comes from Morrie is applicable to my own life. I was fascinated with the truth of our culture that was revealed, and Morrie's love and passion for people. I have recomended this book to several of my friends, not only for a good read, but also to sooth some of the hard times that life delivers.

Pure Inspiration
The summer after my high school graduation I was wondering why I felt as though something was missing. My view of life had become that of Mitch's, fast paced. In my rush to go on my senior trip and off to college I had forgotten the true meaning of family and friendship. Before leaving for school a dear friend gave me this book. As I began reading, I could not stop. Tuesdays With Morrie portrays the true meaning of life in such clarity that made me want to reach out to people (family and friends) of whom I had not been as close to as I would have liked. This book taught me to open my heart to people I hold dear and to consider dear my 'enemies' as well. It doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, you truly only need to love and to allow yourself to be loved. When ever I feel as though I'm losing touch with the importance of my life, I begin to read this book. Immediately after putting the book down I alway want to call my parents. They are the people closest to me and they are also the people who have made me and will continue to make me who I am yet to become (like Morrie and his father, mother, and step-mother). I do however find it a shame that Morrie did infact die, yet he made his death our inspiration. The lessons taught in this book are beautiful and I hope his book continues to guide me in my trying times. Allow it to guide you through your life, and pass on the book to a loved one.

A beautiful book about humanity, and what's really important
This is one of the most moving books I've read in a long time. The book can be read in a few hours. But, give yourself four - you may want to read this again to absorb Albom's moving tribute to his mentor and friend.

I was originally drawn to the book out of admiration for Albom's sports writing and his appearances on ESPN, and I'm delighted that I stumbled upon this gem.

I won't say much more because I don't want to give away too much about the book - readers should experience its contents on their own. This is a well-written, easy-to-read treasure about what's really important in life, told by a dying man to his protégé. Morrie's point of view cannot be fully understood by someone not looking death in the eye, but his lessons are thought provoking, memorable and apropos in today's fast-paced, "younger is better" society.

A note about Albom - this is the first book I've read written by him, but it certainly won't be the last. Like any good author - he doesn't tell, he shows. His descriptions of Morrie are vivid - Albom brings him to life. It's not always pleasant, but you feel as if you're in the room with Mitch and Morrie, sharing laughter and tears.

I don't hesitate to admit I had plenty of tears at the end of the book, as I'm sure Albom did when he wrote it.


Five stars for Tuesdays with Morrie, and six stars to Albom for sharing.

Nurse and the Mental Patient
Published in Paperback by John Wiley & Sons (1965)
Authors: Morris S. Schwartz and Emmy L. Shockley
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $6.25
Collectible price: $7.00
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