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Book reviews for "Scholl,_Lisette" sorted by average review score:

Hypnovision: The New Natural Way to Vision Improvement
Published in Hardcover by Henry Holt & Company, Inc. (1990)
Authors: Lisette Scholl and Debbie Bartmasser
Amazon base price: $19.95
Average review score:

What an eye opener!
At first I was sceptical, I thought it was something that only super hereos could do, like superman and his X-ray vision.

Scholl's ability to dumb down the complex, seamingly outlandish ideas for a simple person like myself is first class. The new illustrations added by Bartmasser left me tantalised. Their selectivity and placement throughout the text aided my vision improvement, as I strained harder through my beer bottom glasses to ogle some more.

It took a while to grasp the foreign concept of hypnosis. But, after some assistance from a couple of other hypnosis texts it was full steam ahead.

I am definitely reading this book again, hopefully without glasses, and the insights into hypnotism have opened up a world where I can convince people they are chickens!

Visionetics: The Holistic Way to Better Eyesight
Published in Paperback by Doubleday (1978)
Author: Lisette Scholl
Amazon base price: $5.95
Average review score:

Not bad but not really my style...
I don't think that you'll ever find a more sincere author than Lisette Scholl. She provides a VAST array of vision improvement techniques from both the East and West. The core of it all seems to be based on the Bates method which is also available at amazon if you're curious.

However I am not one of those people who is good at designing their own daily vision programs when faced with so very very very many vision exercises. It was all a bit overwhelming to me I guess. It wasn't for lack of trying though. I literally did ALL of the exercises in Visionetics back when the tape was available along with the book well over a year. But heh, maybe that's just me. My results? Except for tantalizingly brief moments of clear vision, I never achieved anything more. I admit that I may be more at fault than the book.

You see it's only human nature that we have an affinity for some teachers and learn tons therefrom, and with others even though they may be very good we get much less educated.

For me at least Visionetics gets a bit too much into the Western psychotherapeutic pent up emotional release stuff with which I feel no for affinity whatsoever. And if you're not into New Age stuff then you might not care for this book either. The latter doesn't bother me as long as its based on more than just "subjectivisms." Thankfully Lissette generally bases her assertions on credible existing theories or at least on her first-hand experiences. Pretty refreshing considering all the nutty new age books out there with assertions in print based on nothing at all.

So personally I don't use Visionetics anymore. I prefer a bit more systematic methodology, so I finally just had to bite the bullet and lay down two C notes for the See Clearly Method with which I've had very gratifying results in only a few weeks.

Like I said at the beginning of this review, I simply am one of those people who needs a VERY structured method so that I KNOW exactly what to do, when and for exactly how long. So I naturally gravitated towards the SCM. However, if you're more creative and free form, then perhaps with its open ended methodologies Visionetics is for you. The Bates method has had a strong following for many many years, and I tend to think that means something. The fact that Visionets is primarily based on the Bates Method should encourage those who are less systematic than myself to give Visionetic a try. It might just be what you've been searching for. Best of luck.

28 Days to Reading Without Glasses: A Natural Method for Improving Your Vision
Published in Paperback by Citadel Pr (1998)
Author: Lisette Scholl
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:
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Hypno-Vision: The New Natural Way to Vision Improvement
Published in Paperback by Western World Pr (1997)
Authors: Lisette Scholl and Richard B. Morton
Amazon base price: $12.95
Average review score:
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