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Book reviews for "Scholl,_John" sorted by average review score:

Delaware, Maryland & the District of Columbia Atlas of Historical County Boundaries (Serial)
Published in Hardcover by Charles Scribners Sons/Reference (1996)
Authors: John H. Long, William, Dr. Center for Family and Community History Scholl, and Charles Scribners Publishing
Amazon base price: $135.00
Used price: $189.95
Collectible price: $200.00
Buy one from zShops for: $196.94
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Alabama : Atlas of Historical County Boundaries
If you're interested in this sort of thing as I am this book could be of great value however the price is unreal. I have a CD that does much the same for the entire country at a third the price of one state however this book is MUCH more accurate and shows county boundaries that only occured for as little as three days. The CD is also easier to use. That said I'll likely ask for the book as one of those Christmas presents I wouldn't buy for myself.

Geology and Resource Potential of the Continental Margin of Western North America and Adjacent Ocean Basins-Beaufort Sea to Baja California (Earth Sc)
Published in Hardcover by Circum-Pacific Council for (1988)
Authors: David W. Scholl, Arthur Grantz, and John G. Vedder
Amazon base price: $32.00
Used price: $25.00
Average review score:
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Saving Farmland
Published in Paperback by Center for Analysis (1975)
Authors: John Kolesar and Jaye Scholl
Amazon base price: $4.25
Average review score:
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