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Book reviews for "Schofield,_William" sorted by average review score:

Frogmen: First Battles
Published in Hardcover by Branden Publishing Co (1989)
Authors: William Schofield and P. J. Carisella
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $17.64
Collectible price: $15.88
Buy one from zShops for: $16.21
Average review score:

Outstanding book on the history of the Decima MAS (10th Light Flotilla). This naval assault unit defined the term "frogmen" who were the originators of underwater warfare. They mastered the use of the "Human Torpedo" and "Explosive Motor Boats" and wrecked havoc on Allied ships. No longer did the Allies have the luxury of feeling secure in port. When I bought this book I could not put it down. Italian war heros such as Teseo, Borghese and de la Penne all come to life in this well written book. The great pictures are also worth noting.
If you are to buy any book on Italian World War Two actions, this is it! Highly, Highly Recommended!!
Jim Heddlesten

Amazing real life missions retold for the first time
I just received my copy of this excellent book yesterday from, I must agree it's very well written and details the amazing missions of the 10th light comandos superbly!

It's a definite must buy if you're into military history, and it does do justice to the real exploits of this elite Italian unit that severely embarrassed and almost crippled the British Royal Navy led by Admiral Andrew Cunningham.

The latter of which led a campaign of misinformation by keeping any reference to the events detailed in this recount out of English history books in a hush hush propaganda campaign for almost 55 years now.

I've almost finished reading it am and now sadly at chapter 23 the last chapter in the book, sadly because the reader is left wanting more and one wishes thatthe Authors William Schofield and P.J. carisella would release a second volume as surely there is more to tell about the !0th light flottila than is covered in this brilliantly written volume...

If you have'nt read this book yet then I urge you to do so ...
It's a very good read indeed!

The finest Navy commandos in History
I just received my copy of this excellent book yesterday from, I must agree it's very well written and details the amazing missions of the 10th light comandos superbly!

It's a definite must buy if you're into military history, and it does do justice to the real exploits of this elite Italian unit that severely embarrassed and almost crippled the British Royal Navy led by Admiral Andrew Cunningham.

The latter of which led a campaign of misinformation by keeping any reference to the events detailed in this recount out of English history books in a hush hush propaganda campaign for almost 55 years now.

I've almost finished reading it am and now sadly at chapter 23 the last chapter in the book, sadly because the reader is left wanting more and one wishes thatthe Authors William Schofield and P.J. carisella would release a second volume as surely there is more to tell about the 10th light flottila (Decima mas who wore the emblem of a blue shield with a skull holding a red rose between its teeth and a large red X as its insignia) than is covered in this brilliantly written volume...

If you have'nt read this book yet then I urge you to do so ...
It's a very good read indeed!

And it details an aspect of military history that all should learn about... buy it now! it's that good!

What You Really Need to Know About Moles and Melanoma
Published in Hardcover by Johns Hopkins Univ Pr (15 October, 2000)
Authors: Jill R., Md Schofield and William Robinson
Amazon base price: $51.95
Used price: $49.90
Buy one from zShops for: $49.90
Average review score:

Life-Saving Information for 1 in 70 People!
If caught in time, curing skin cancer is simple. If not caught soon enough, skin cancer is usually fatal. At the same time, skin cancer's prevalence is rapidly increasing. Within our lifetimes, it may well be the major source of deaths from cancer . . . unless we all become more vigilant.

This book will take you to the level of understanding of skin cancer that dermatologists have, but in a way that a nonscientific person can understand. You will benefit from many diagrams and color plates that will help you decide if a mole or abnormality on the skin needs a biopsy to test for cancer. You can use this information to check yourself, your loved ones, and people you see more casually. You may well save a life in the process! This is like learning CPR.

Most skin cancer is thought to be caused by occasional overexposure to the sun before age 19. So even if you have been careful since 19, you may still get it. Those who have skin cancer once also have an increased likelihood of a recurrence.

There are many misunderstandings about what is needed to be done now, including the thought that using sun block will solve the problem of future risk. That's not true. Most sun blocks only stop the UV B rays. UV A rays (which are found in tanning salons) are also considered a probable cause of DNA mutations in the skin that cause skin cancer. In addition, the damage you experienced with a bad sunburn when you were 16 cannot be undone by care now. 80 percent of lifetime exposure to the sun occurs before age 19 for most people. Some people have a genetic predisposition, and that is explained as well.

You will find out a lot about treatments, and the prognosis for recovery, as well as the latest research.

I picked up this book because weird growths started appearing on my skin around age 50. I became a frequent visitor to my dermatologist, who happily burned off most of these. But I felt a lot of anxiety until the biopsies told me they were benign. I think this information will help me feel more comfortable with my growths, and better inform me about when I need to go see my outstanding dermatologist, Dr. Peter Bendetson.

One of the things you will learn is that the flat moles near the surface are the ones most likely to turn into cancer. So when they start changing in asymmetric, and colorful ways, get thee to the dermatologist. I emphasize that because the book is filled with stories about general practitioners pooh-poohing the significance of skin abnormalities that turned out to be cancer. You cannot tell what a discoloration or growth is for sure without a biopsy. A busy general practitioner may often be unlikely to want to take one and treat you until after you have been shown to have skin cancer. By the way, the problem with skin cancer is that it spreads throughout the body when too deeply established. Once it is past the skin, it becomes hard to stop. Take precautions, watch out, and get early treatment!

After you read and apply this outstanding book, I suggest that you think about what other areas of your mental and physical health you need to be monitor and attend to more consistently. Do you eat a healthy diet? Do you drink enough water? Do you get enough exercise? Do you feel good around other people? Do you have loving relationships in your life? Do you have an annual physical examination?

Have the quality of life you deserve!

What You Really Need To Know About Moles and Melanoma
A comprehensive and up-to-date resource that covers what to expect from initial diagnosis to long term care. Also recommended by the Melanoma Clinic at University of Michigan Hospital.

Points out that sunscreen isn't enough prevention
Dr. Jill Schofield and Dr. William Robinson's What You Really Need To Know About Moles And Melanoma points out that sunscreen isn't enough prevention: the latest facts about moles and cancers from prevention through treatment is detailed in a guide which discusses risks, therapies, and what to watch for. Color photos provide clear guidelines on cancerous versus noncancerous possibilities.

Ashes in the wilderness, a novel
Published in Unknown Binding by ()
Author: William G. Schofield
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $2.50
Average review score:
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Chivalry In English Literature: Chaucer, Malory, Spenser And Shakespeare (BCL1-PR English Literature)
Published in Library Binding by Reprint Services Corp (1912)
Author: William Henry Schofield
Amazon base price: $79.00
Average review score:
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English Literature from the Norman Conquest to Chaucer
Published in Library Binding by Haskell House Pub Ltd (1969)
Author: William Schofield
Amazon base price: $75.00
Average review score:
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Forty-Six Years in the Army
Published in Paperback by Univ of Oklahoma Pr (Trd) (1998)
Authors: John McAllister Schofield and William M. Ferraro
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $7.31
Buy one from zShops for: $5.95
Average review score:
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Freedom by the Bay: The Boston Freedom Trail
Published in Paperback by Branden Publishing Co (1988)
Authors: William G. Schofield and Richard A. Berenson
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $2.50
Collectible price: $2.50
Buy one from zShops for: $3.98
Average review score:
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Human Energy Requirements: A Manual for Planners and Nutritionists
Published in Hardcover by Oxford University Press (1990)
Authors: William Philip Trehearne James and E. C. Schofield
Amazon base price: $90.00
Used price: $49.00
Average review score:
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Indians, Cattle, Ships, and Oil: The Story of W.M.D. Lee
Published in Hardcover by Univ of Texas Press (1985)
Author: Donald F. Schofield
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $10.00
Collectible price: $10.54
Average review score:
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Landing Signals
Published in Paperback by Trill Press/Sacramento Poetry Center (26 October, 1985)
Authors: Ben L. Hiatt, Patrick Grizzell, Quinton Duval, C.B. Davis, Tom Crawford, Julia Connor, Olivia Castellano, Raymond Carver, Luke Breit, and Jane Blue
Amazon base price: $10.00
Used price: $29.00
Average review score:
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