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Book reviews for "Schofield,_Carey" sorted by average review score:

Inside the Soviet Military
Published in Hardcover by Abbeville Press, Inc. (1991)
Authors: Carey Schofield, Dmitri Yazov, and Leonid Yakutin
Amazon base price: $19.98
Used price: $5.00
Collectible price: $15.88
Average review score:

A must have!
This is THE book on the Soviet Armed Forces as they were just before the breakup of the USSR. The author visted military units all over the former Soviet Union to provide an extensive, up-close look at the Red Army. Several of the Soviet officers we are introduced to in this book are now prominent (sometimes infamous) Russian political figures. Every branch of service is covered: infantry, the tank force, navy, air force, the elite Airborne/Air Assault units, etc. Also contains the first real look inside the near-mythical Spetznaz forces. Incredible illustrations from front to back. A real find for the Soviet/Russian military enthusiast. Do yourself a favor and find a copy of this book.

The Russian Elite: Inside Spetsnaz and the Airborne Forces
Published in Hardcover by Greenhill Press (1993)
Author: Carey Schofield
Amazon base price: $29.95
Average review score:

Excellent account
This is a follow up to Ms. Schofield's previous book, _Inside the Soviet Military_, which is also highly recommended. The author now focuses solely on the elite Soviet Airborne (the Blue Berets) and the Spetsnaz forces. A brief history of the Red Army's paratroopers (the world's first) is given, as is a fairly detailed section of the 1968 Prague operation.

At the center of this book are gripping accounts of Soviet heroism in Afghanistan. These must be read by any serious student of recent military history and will probably hold special interest for any veteran. There are more than a few very moving stories of (sometimes suicidal) valor in these pages.

The last chapters deal with the tragedy of a proud and patriotic army struggling in vain against the ethnic separatism and political incompetence that led to the break up of the USSR. The section on the August 1991 "coup" and its aftermath is especially interesting. Immediate post-Soviet history is touched on, as well, but this book was written before the October '93 Parliament massacre or the '94 Chechen War.

While most of this book deals with the Airborne and Air Assault forces, there is also some great info on the Spetsnaz units, which have been so misunderstood and blown out of proportion in many popular Western accounts.

Among the many Soviet military personalities that appear thoughout this book is Alexander Lebed. An interesting portrait of the man before he left the army for politics, covering his service in Afghanistan through his command in post-Soviet Moldavia.

Also try _Inside the Blue Berets: A Combat History of the Soviet & Russian Airborne Forces_, by Steven Zaloga, for further reading.

Inside the Soviet Army
Published in Hardcover by Headline (06 June, 1991)
Author: Carey Schofield
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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Ireland : photographs 1840-1930
Published in Unknown Binding by Laurence King ()
Author: Carey Schofield
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $33.60
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Published in Hardcover by Beaufort Books, Inc. (1985)
Author: Carey Schofield
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $7.41
Collectible price: $5.29
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Jagger Stones
Published in Hardcover by Methuen Publishing Ltd ()
Author: Carey Schofield
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $6.50
Collectible price: $12.71
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Russia at War, 1941-1945
Published in Hardcover by Arrow (A Division of Random House Group) (19 November, 1987)
Authors: Georgii Drozdov, E. Ryabko, and Carey Schofield
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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