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Book reviews for "Schoenstein,_Ralph" sorted by average review score:

Max Morath: The Road to Ragtime
Published in Hardcover by Walsworth Publishing (1999)
Authors: Max Morath, Diane Fay Skomars, Ralph Schoenstein, and Diane Fey Skomars
Amazon base price: $40.00
Average review score:

A beautiful depiction of an amazing man!
This is a non-fiction book you can actually read! It's funny, truthful, revealing, exciting and fun. Max approaches this book the way he approaches his music--with vigor and enthusiasm. The pictures have depth--you get to know Max through the photography. Would highly recommend it!

The Real Show Business
In all of the mass of literature about American entertainment, there are only a few books that give you an accurate idea of what show business is really like -- ACT ONE, by Moss Hart, THE TROUBLE WITH CINDERELLA, by Artie Shaw, ALL OF MY BEST FRIENDS, by George Burns, and the occasional passage in a star's autobiography (Sophie Tucker, Billy Rose, Little Richard).

Now, THE ROAD TO RAGTIME has joined that select company. Thanks to Max Morath and Diane Fay Skomars, we have a document that shows what real American show business is like in the late 20th Century trenches -- the one-man show, the community concerts circuit, the roadhouses and honky-tonks, radio, television, and anywhere else there's an audience ready to be entertained.

Max Morath is one of America's greatest entertainers. He's one of those magical peformers who's able to get the audience in the palm of his hand the moment he takes the stage. What's extraordinary is that he's been able to be so successful without ever compromising the integrity of his music.

He's a national treasure -- and this terrific book helps us unlock it.

-- Murray Horwitz National Public Radio

A handsome book, a thick slice of Americana in photos & text
Max Morath and Diane Skomars have created a handsome book celebrating Max's career as a channeler of American popular culture. Max loves the American present as much as he loves its past. He's been stirring the melting pot for fifty years now, mixing musical styles, fact, fiction, humor, and social observation. This book is much like a Morath concert--that is, it is sweet, funny, and wise. Skomars' photographs gorgeously depict the world of "Present Max"--a world of fast food, lookalike motels, freeway signs--as he travels to take "Past Max" to audiences everywhere. A beautiful evocation of Max at work and on his way to work.

My Kid's an Honor Student, Your Kid's a Loser: The Pushy Parent's Guide to Raising a Perfect Child
Published in Paperback by Perseus Publishing (01 April, 2003)
Author: Ralph Schoenstein
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.15
Buy one from zShops for: $4.99
Average review score:

Funny and wise
"My Kid's an Honor Student ..." develops a thesis of importance to parents raising young children in today's competitive environment. It is a funny study of the current environment of parental fear prevalent in the search for school placement. A premium seems extant on sometimes facetiitous striving for fashionable college (and prep school and even pre-nursery school) admission as setting the irrevocable path for a child's future achievement in "life". Schoenstein, a humorist/commentator on foibles of the American scene, highlights the sometimes ludicrous extremes of this push to "better" schools with a light, humorous touch. He provides belly laughs, without succumbing to saracasm and derision. Worthwhile for parents, teenagers, and grandparents.

Again Schoenstein is hilarious .. AND apt!
Ralph Schoenstein has that rarest of talents: the abilty to write really funny books about topics that have the sharp tang of truth. He has an unfailing eye, and such an extraordinary facility with the language that almost every page demands at least a smile and, all too often for the peace of my living room, an out-loud laugh. I have read and thoroughly enjoyed many Schoenstein books before, but (as a five-time grandfather now) found this one especially delicious. More to the point, so did my children...AND even those grandchildren old enough to appreciate the humor in their own situations. I eagerly await the next Schoenstein book .. on whatever subject he chooses.. in the sure knowledge that it will make me laugh even while learning a little more about the human condition.

A must read for parents who want to raise a normal kid!
Schoenstein has a unique knack for blending humor with good solid advice. No wonder he was the ghost for the Bill Cosby books! Parents who want to raise healthy, happy and above all NORMAL kids will find this book invaluable. It's also a great read for grandparents!

My wife and I and our two grown daughters loved this book.

Stop the Snoring!
Published in Paperback by Warner Books (1997)
Authors: Ralph Schoenstein and Yosef Krespi
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $4.49
Average review score:

An Honest Look at Snoring
This was a very honest book about snoring and the problems it causes. I snore and I know I snore loud. Girlfriends, family, and roommates have suffered greatly as a result. I liked this book because the author was very honest about his snoring problem and the problems it creates for others. It is a short book and does not take long to read. I also enjoyed how the author fairly evaluated the many "so called" snoring treatments out there. Masks, surgery, nose strips, tennis balls, all "supposed" cures which did not work for the author or most snorers. Sadly the author had no answers to cure snoring and unfortunately that is the reality. However, kudos for the author for openly discussing a problem many of us suffer from but are embarrassed to talk about.

Toilet Trained for Yale: Adventures in 21st-Century Parenting
Published in Hardcover by Perseus Publishing (16 April, 2002)
Author: Ralph Schoenstein
Amazon base price: $14.00
List price: $20.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $1.38
Collectible price: $3.18
Buy one from zShops for: $1.44
Average review score:

Toilet Trained Tots - How True!
I don't have any children of my own but was drawn to this book based upon my own encounters with the increasing number of "Toilet Trained for Yale" tots and their stop-at-nothing push-parents.

The author delivers an insightful, biting commentary on this parenting trend, that in the effort to produce the brightest and best baby, these parents will do and try almost anything!

"Parents are not raising a child. They are raising a living resume."

Through laugh out loud passages, the author takes us a step back to look at the hilarity and obsurdity of the ever prominent baby and me classes, music for the womb cd's, and all other gimicks that are touted to insecure, compensating, over-achieving parents.

A funny, quick read. However, based on the content and length, I would reccommend waiting for the paperback!

Grounded again
I was given this book as a gift from my in-laws. I can't thank them enough. It's very hard to look around at other kids whose parents are taking them to gymnastics class, 2nd language class, music class, scheduled play class, etc. and not feel like you are deficient as a parent if you're not doing the same. I easily fall into the trap of panicking that my daughter, who is 18 months old, isn't being exposed to enough, or talking enough, or climbing well enough. This book really helps me keep my feet on the ground and remember that Laura Ingalls Wilder didn't have the benefit of "language flashcards" at 12 months and she turned out just fine. Oh, and the "reading" 6 month olds...give me a break!

Today's moms need to read this!
Ralph Schoenstein has done a fantastic job of taking my generation's tendency to push-parent and showing us all just how ridiculous we are for doing it. Every Mom who has played Mozart for her baby while still in utero, or grilled her pre-schooler on the differences between white and ecru needs to read this book. From now on, I'm giving copies of this book as baby shower gifts -- to save the next generation of babies from push-parenting!

Bouncing Back: I'Ve Survived Everything... and I Mean Everything ...and You Can Too!
Published in Audio Cassette by HarperAudio (1997)
Authors: Joan Rivers and Ralph Schoenstein
Amazon base price: $18.00
Used price: $3.96
Average review score:

Well-meaning, but misses the mark
Though Joan Rivers has gone through some rough times, her qualifications as a motivational speaker/self-help guru are lacking. She instructs people who have gone through major life crises (i.e. the loss of a spouse, major illnesses, etc.) not to wallow in their pain for more than one weekend. How can a person possibly get over the loss of a loved one in just one weekend? This book, with its one-liners, trivializes people's pain and suffering by saying that you have to "snap out of it," and suggests that redecorating the house will make one feel better. Rivers should stick with what she knows best -- insulting people.

Survive, be happy, live and love again - wise words
...which summarize Joan Rivers' little book. She explains her own life's problems - very significant difficulties from near bankruptcy, professional pariah-hood to the suicide of her husband of nearly 30 years and bulimia.

Some may not like the occasionally flippant tone which is Rivers' hallmark but there's no doubt in my mind of her sincerity, depth of determination and that she grew through the horrible suffering she felt at the suicide of her husband. She describes some very personal difficulties with style and candor.

She does not advocate the currently fashionable "society of victimhood" and cites as one example a woman who witnessed the tragic shootings at Kent State in 1970. This woman's view in 1995: "my life stopped" - Joan's view: "Get over it - that was 25 years ago! How can your life stop?" Sounds flippant but if you read the book you'll see that becoming a self-pitying zombie helps no one and there is ALWAYS someone worse off than you.

Excellent book, uplifting, interesting and unpretentious (Joan mentions she doesn't have a PhD she has an IBTIA [I've been through it all]).

I highly recommend it even if you aren't going through a crisis - it will help you understand someone who is.

I was stunned to read all the negative reviews others have posted regarding this book! I found it one of the most inspiring things I have come across in a long time. I actually have the audio version of this book, which might make quite a difference. I try and listen to it at least once a week. To hear Joan's familiar and unimitable voice recount her tragedies and how she fought her way back to happiness give "Bouncing Back" a much more personal touch. I will be the first to admit that most of the psychological advice is standardized info that could be obatined in any of thousands of other self-help books. But to listen to Joan's unique voice and hear her apply these psychological theories to her own experiences makes what otherwise be just another self-help book a truly uplifting journey. THANKS JOAN!

Alma Matters: How to Survive College Life
Published in Paperback by Dell Books (Paperbacks) (1983)
Author: Ralph Schoenstein
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $1.90
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Booze Book
Published in Hardcover by Playboy Press ()
Author: Ralph Schoenstein
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $4.72
Average review score:
No reviews found.

The booze book; the joy of drink: stories, poems, ballads
Published in Unknown Binding by Playboy Press ()
Author: Ralph Schoenstein
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $2.75
Collectible price: $12.71
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Citizen Paul: A Story of Father & Son
Published in Paperback by Farrar Straus & Giroux (1978)
Author: Ralph Schoenstein
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $1.49
Collectible price: $4.24
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Diamonds for Lori and Me: A Father, a Daughter, and Baseball
Published in Hardcover by William Morrow (1988)
Authors: Ralph Schoenstein and Lori Schoenstein
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $0.73
Collectible price: $1.06
Average review score:
No reviews found.

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