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Book reviews for "Schoen,_Elin" sorted by average review score:

Growing With Your Child: Reflections on Parent Development
Published in Paperback by Main Street Books (1996)
Author: Elin Schoen
Amazon base price: $15.00
Average review score:

A Very Helpful Book
This book is very well written and insightful. It illuminates the depth and meaning of being a parent and can add a richness to parent-child relationships. To parents everywhere who have lost their "inner child", this book is for you!

growing with your child
Most people enter parenthood feeling it is the epitome of adulthood and then find out that they have an awful lot of growing to do to for their childrens sake...the problem is that though we can find plenty of books anticipating our childrens development there are precious few exploring our own. We can be surprised,delighted, and sometimes appalled by all that parenthood calls forth, but in reading this book we at least don't feel alone.It is a wonderful evocative exploration of what parenthood does call forth as we strive to grow into our most important job..entertaining, insightful and highly recommended

Tales of an All-Night Town
Published in Hardcover by Harcourt (1979)
Author: Elin Schoen
Amazon base price: $9.95
Average review score:

So, you think Chicago politics are dirty?
Everyone has heard about the Chicago Machine (Richard Daley), New York's Boss Tweed, and Boston's Last Hurrah. America's best kept secret, however, is that the real dirty politics happens in small town America.

Tales of an All Night Town exposes this dirty little secret. When a criminal organization (a/k/a gang) moves into a desperately poor town of a few thousand, have money, and do not shy away from violence, chaos, corruption, and violence rule. Everything from the Police Department to the Mayor's office is corrupted.

A few thousand dollars and a shot gun in Chicago won't even get you on the evening news. In a small town in southern Illinois, they will get you a whole town. (Not to mention a fascinating book!)

Closet Book
Published in Hardcover by Harmony Books (1982)
Author: Elin Schoen
Amazon base price: $22.50
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Published in Paperback by Bantam Books (1987)
Authors: Elin Schoen Brockman and Elin Schoen
Amazon base price: $4.50
Average review score:
No reviews found.

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