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Book reviews for "Schoen,_Barbara_Taylor" sorted by average review score:

Dogs and Their Women
Published in Paperback by Little Brown & Co (Pap) (1989)
Author: Louise Barbara/Taylor Cohen
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $0.55
Collectible price: $1.40
Buy one from zShops for: $4.40
Average review score:

As a dog Mom, I had to have this book!
A dear friend had let me borrow her copy. After reading it, I had to get a copy. This book will warm your heart and the images are just wonderful. It's great to know others feel the same way as I when it comes to their dogs. Dogs share such a wonderful unconditional love and these stories are just one example. Get it for the dog lover in your life.

Dogs and Their Women
A wonderful book! I bought this book when seeking solace following the death of my first dog companion. It gave me comfort and hope to see that there were many more special dogs out there, (and I have since adopeted another one!).

A celebration of a universal relationship.
This is a book that could be read all over the world, and be loved. (In fact, an international version would be a nice idea.) Any of us who have had or known a special dog find ourselves in this book. My dog Dilly writes her own page every day. You must read about these common and uncommon women and their extraordinary dogs!

Cats and Their Women
Published in Paperback by Little Brown & Co (Pap) (1992)
Author: Louise Barbara/Taylor Cohen
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $0.42
Collectible price: $5.00
Buy one from zShops for: $7.54
Average review score:

If the scale were 1-10, this book would be a 20!
If you love cats, this is an absolute MUST read. It is a heartwarming book. Each two-page spread features a black and white photograph of cat along with the woman they've adopted, and a short text on some aspect of their relationship. In a matter of a few pages it will take you from laughter to tears and back again. There is also a book "Dogs and their women" which is equally excellent. I actually keep and extra copy of these two on hand as quick presents for animal lovers. They are that good.

Women's Best Friend:A Celebra Tion of Dogs and Their Women
Published in Hardcover by Little Brown & Company (1996)
Author: Louise Barbara/Taylor Cohen
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $1.50
Collectible price: $8.47
Buy one from zShops for: $5.49
Average review score:

The first book was better
While this is a wonderful collection, I prefer the authors' first book, "Dogs and Their Women," which I found to be more moving. Both are great gifts for the dog lover in your life!

Get this for the dog lover in your life..
I got the first book "Dogs and Their Women" and I was so glad to find another book had been made. The images and stories are really great. If you liked the first book, get this one too. I've got them both and I'm glad I did!

Horses and Their Women
Published in Paperback by Little Brown & Co (Pap) (1993)
Author: Louise Barbara/Taylor Cohen
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $2.50
Collectible price: $4.95
Buy one from zShops for: $8.73
Average review score:

The right book for the adult wishing for a horse
This is the kind of book that makes you wish you could have someone else drop the kids off at soccer and ballet lessons so you had time to slip into your jeans and head out to the stable. Lots of photos and stories of girls and women alike who have accomplished that dream. By Claire

A sweet group of essays written by women about their horses
This is really a very sweet book. It would be a perfect gift for a young girl in her early teens that has been bitten by the horse bug. It has over 100 pages, with a large black and white photo on one side, and an essay on the other. Some of the essays are short, some are boring, and some make you wonder why you bought this book. But then you read the ones that bring tears to your eyes and you know why. This book shows us women and the horses they love, and in their own words they tell us a little about themselves and their horse. It's not a glorious coffee table book like GaWaNi Pony Boy's is, but it is a charming book to read and pass along to other women, or our daughters who share our love of horses.

Horses And Their Women
Scores of small essays about the special horse(s) in various women's lives. A big black and white photo on one page is complemented by the story right beside it. There are no color photos. Some of the "essays" are only two sentences long! Some of the stories are hilarious, some heartbreaking, some just silly or sappy. Still, there is a genuine love of horses here, and no male-bashing like the title might suggest. If you love horses, real horses, not just fictional or perfect horses, than display this book proudly on your shelf

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