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Book reviews for "Schoell,_William" sorted by average review score:

The Nightmare Never Ends: The Official History of Freddy Krueger and the Nightmare on Elm Street Films
Published in Paperback by Citadel Pr (1992)
Authors: William Schoell and James Spencer
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $170.47
Average review score:

This is the ultimate book for any Freddy Krueger fan!
This book is full of great,outstanding pictures from the Nightmare series.If you are a Freddy Krueger fanatic like I am you will fall in love with this book.Full of info about the special effects of all the films.Freddy fans you gotta get this one.It is totally cool!

GREAT for Krueger fans!
I'm a huge collector of Freddy Krueger and Nightmare On Elm Street stuff, and when I got this book, I was just blown away. The great pictures and behind the scenes made it excelent! email me if you wanna talk Freddy!

If you love Freddy Kruger then this book is a must! It shows many secrets of each films from 1-6.

This is a must with great pictures and biographies of each cast member and a large amount of pictures,charts and biographies on each film from: A Nightmare on Elm St -to- Freddy'd Dead

Films of Al Pacino: William Schoell
Published in Paperback by Citadel Pr (1995)
Author: William Schoell
Amazon base price: $17.95
Average review score:

Perfect Pacino
This was apresent for my husband, but I just had to read it first! Great book, gets right into the heart and soul of the man. Many stories and anecdotes I have not read before. Good buy!

Al is the man...
If u r a Al Pacino fan then this is the book u need .I my self love every litle thing about that man.Everything from his acting , his look , the way he dresses and his personality.But it was alot i didnt know about him wich i got answers to after reading William Schoells bok Al Pacino.

The Dragon
Published in Paperback by Leisure Books (1989)
Author: William Schoell
Amazon base price: $3.95
Used price: $3.00
Collectible price: $7.93
Average review score:

One of the best stories i have ever times..
Thats right I read it seven times!!! I picked up this book for the first time and had it finished in five hours..on a Sunday night before school the next morning..This book is filled with attractive characters, intense scenes, and one heck of a plot. If they ever made a movie out of this book it would be instant classic. I mean it made Jurassic Park look like a bedtime story. This is one of the few books that I have read without putting down. I almost feel bad that I have only been able to get my hands on four of William Schoell's books...what happened to him? Does he write horror fiction any more? Well most likely I'll end up reading this book again soon and I encourage you to also. It you can find a copy. But believe me, if you do, it is totaly worth it.

Published in Paperback by Leisure Books (1992)
Author: William Schoell
Amazon base price: $3.95
Used price: $0.76
Collectible price: $0.01
Average review score:

Unique horror novel a good read
From the very beginning, Saurian distinguishs itself as a very different kind of horror novel. The premise begins with a young boy growing up in a Florida oceanfront town. The innocence of youth is lost quickly when a monster unlike anything ever imagined destroys everything he knows. The remainder of the book follows him in adulthood and the repressed memories of this incident slowly surfacing. He discovers that not only did this really happen, but that others have experienced this horror and it still exists today. The beginning of this book has some extremely creepy moments. It slows down near the end but the character development is good enough that you'll want to follow it through to the end. This title is out of print but can probably be found used in many outlets. It is the first I have read by Schoell but will look for other titles in this genre in the future.

The power of "Saurian"...
The mastery of William Schoell over detail and power of words just grabbed and shook me. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to be scared a little and almost convinced that what they are reading is really going on. There is no way to compare the intensity of "Saurian" to anything else because there are no books like it. The final confrontation with The Beast as it stampedes along the pier is one of the greatest parts. I would be the first in line if "Saurian" were made into a motion picture. Although it would lose some of it's intensity, it would gain some through the graphics available to the movie industry. That's all I have to say about that.

This book was the all out best book I have ever read.
This book was great. After reading this book I have been looking for his other books...for about three years! I have only found 1 more book of his though. I read this book, told my friends, and all of a sudden, my entire school was reading it! If William Schoell is reading this, (unlikely) please make another book!

Late at Night
Published in Paperback by Leisure Books (1986)
Author: William Schoell
Amazon base price: $3.95
Used price: $0.78
Collectible price: $1.00
Average review score:

You'll "Scream" over this one
William Schoell's "Late at Night" is a clever little horror story the plot of which you'll recognize if you've seen the movie "Scream." A bunch of different characters are drawn into an old mansion where they find a book that features a bunch of people just like them getting killed off one by one! I don't know if this book was the inspiration for "Scream," but it should have been. Its a good read for lovers of horror fiction.

Beginning Late at night, ending Early morning
I don't know how the last reviewer got the idea that this could have been a basis for the Scream movies. Just to get that out of the way. But I will tell you what this book is.... It is a treasure, I found it hidden away at an old bookshop I happened to pass through. I read his other book, The Dragon, another phenominal one night read. But Late at night is a great story, a fast read and it keeps you at the edge or your seat..or in my case...on my feet for hours cause i couldnt even put it down to take a proper shower and ended up standing in teh shower stream holding the book up to keep it from getting wet, for three hours.

This book is nearly perfect in terror and if you are lucky enought to have the chance to read it then do so...

Bride of Satan
Published in Paperback by Banner of Truth (1990)
Author: William Schoell
Amazon base price: $3.95
Used price: $4.50
Average review score:

Beware of this Bride
William Schoell is a mid-level horror writer who produced a number of decent King-esque novels back in the 1980s, of which "Bride of Satan" is one of the better ones. The premise of the book is that an evil force invades people's minds and turns them into murders. Yes, King has done better with this basic premise than Schoell does here (notably in "Needful Things"), but if you're a horror fiction fan you could do worse.

Introduction to Business: Opening Doors
Published in Hardcover by Allyn & Bacon (1993)
Authors: William F. Schoell, Gary Dessler, and John A. Reinecke
Amazon base price: $79.90
Used price: $7.75
Buy one from zShops for: $75.95
Average review score:

A very practical book covering many business areas
It just coveres my Business Studies "A" level.Its case studies put in a real situation.It would also be helpful to those starting their business and to those who are interested in world economy

Stay Out of the Shower: 25 Years of Shocker Films, Beginning With Psycho
Published in Paperback by Dembner Books (1985)
Author: William Schoell
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $7.75
Collectible price: $25.95
Average review score:

Read this book but Stay Out of the Shower
William Shoell's look at Psycho and its cinematic legacy sheds interesting insights on suspense filmmaking from 1960 to the mid 1980s. Shoell's take on the aftermath of Psycho is that American film making in the post Psycho era was able to become more graphic thanks in part to Psycho's overwhelming success at the box office. Shoell backs up his claim with analysis of multi-genre Hollywood films from the 60s on. Most notable are his criticism of the Hollywood western and television violence. Horror fans will be delighted to revisit the golden age of the stalk and slash film as Shoell highlights that era's top pictures. Shoell gives an organized, interesting, and carefully rendered account on 25 years of shock cinema. It is interesting, and informative reading.

Martini Man
Published in Paperback by Cooper Square Press (2003)
Author: William Schoell
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

From on Dino fan to another....
This book was pretty good. But it spent way too much time talking about his movies. It did fill me on on a few of the facts that I did'nt know, like Dean's arrest for having a gun in his car. He was for sure the best entertainer that ever walked the earth because he did'nt really do anything but be himself and get paid for it. I bet everyone would like to be able to do that for a living. What a cool guy he was. The stars today or really lacking, and it is sad that there will never really be anymore superstars like Dean Martin, how can you top his act? It had everything! Wine, women, song, films, TV, and he did it all by just not giving a crap and doing what he wanted. I really loved the stories about how he got by in the lean years before he made it big. He really was just a normal blue collar guy at heart, and probibly would have been just as happy if he continued to deal blackjack in some backroom the rest of his life. We miss you Dean, I hope you are knocking them dean in that big La$ Vega$ in the sky .

A good look
This book is a nice, basic look at Dean Martin's life. I am a Frank Sinatra fan and of course became interested in Dean as well. I watched several biographies of Dean Martin and so I had a good overview of his life. This book helped with some details, mostly his movies. The author talks a lot about Dean's movies and I found this helpful, but had I already known all of Dean's film roles I probably would have found it tiresome after a while. However, I'm glad I read the book. It was helpful on dates and smaller details that are glossed over in television biographies. I recommend this book for new Dean Martin fans. If you are a diehard Dino fan, this stuff won't be news to you. Its an easy read.

As a big Dean Martin fan I enjoyed this book tremendously.
As a big Dean Martin fan I found this book to be thoroughly enjoyable. It gives in-depth review of all of Dean's movies. The book also offers good insight on what was going on in Dean's personal life. The author denounces some frequently cited anecdotes and accusations about Dean and gives thoughtful explanations to support his statements. The author either interviewed people close to Dean or referenced interviews done by others. I wish he would have spent as much time detailing Dean's recording career as he did his films, but then the book would have been three times as big as it is. One thing I find odd about the discography that the author offers is that he doesn't consider "Everybody Loves Somebody" as one of Dean's "greatest songs". I found this book tremendously enjoyable and I think that any fan of Dean, Jerry, The Rat Pack or just someone who longs for the days before political correctness will enjoy.

Spawn of Hell
Published in Paperback by Leisure Books (1987)
Author: William Schoell
Amazon base price: $3.75
Used price: $1.40
Collectible price: $5.55

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