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Book reviews for "Schnitter,_Jane_T." sorted by average review score:

William Is My Brother
Published in Hardcover by Perspectives Press (1991)
Authors: Jane T. Schnitter and Gerald Kruck
Amazon base price: $12.00
Used price: $18.95
Average review score:

Two brothers, one adopted, one not. Family issues.
This book is a factual, upbeat story about a family with two boys -- the older one is biological and the younger adopted. It focuses on them as brothers -- what they like and dislike about each other, and how normal and natural their "brotherhood" is. A good intro for mixed families (like ours) and it gets discussion going. Basic black and white drawings and a nice surprise ending.

Let Me Explain: A Story About Donor Insemination
Published in Hardcover by Perspectives Press (1995)
Authors: Jane T. Schnitter and Joanne Bowring
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $14.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.89
Buy one from zShops for: $9.84
Average review score:

Let me explain
I found this book to have mostly "feel good" language ie "I'm special and my daddy loves me" rather than a good,clear explanation of what donor insemination is. It also had a couple of real clankers in it - the worst one was "here's me in my Mommys tummy" Mommy's tummy?? This is biologically incorrect information that parents tell their children because they are too embarrassed to use the word "uterus". I will actually white this out in the book before I read it to my child. It might serve as a general reinforcement to your child that it's ok to be a product of donor insemination, but don't expect valuable information from this book.

Great way to approach what could be a tough topic
A child's DI origins may be difficult for a parent to discuss. How do you bring it up? What do you tell them? Well, this book will definately help! It is written as a story that you can read to your child at a young age. A must for any parent of a DI child.

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