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Book reviews for "Robinson,_Douglas_Hill" sorted by average review score:

Up Ship!: A History of the U.S. Navy's Rigid Airships 1919-1935
Published in Hardcover by United States Naval Inst. (1982)
Author: Douglas Hill Robinson
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $45.00
Collectible price: $47.65
Average review score:

Up Ship!
An outstanding work, superbly ullustrated, which tells one not only everything one needs to know about the U.S. Navy's airship program, but also provides a full description of the technical aspects of airship design, construction and operation -- information applicable to all airships, not just those of the USN. A very balanced presentation in which the author displays both an appreciation of the romantic nature of airships, and an awareness of their limitations.

One of the best books on the US Navy airship program!
Douglas Robinson is one of the best-known historians of the airship with good reason. This book delves into the politics, the men, and the ships of the US Navy airship program & gives a very complete picture of the what was done right, what was done wrong, and why the program eventually met its fate.

The Zeppelin in Combat: A History of the German Naval Airship Division, 1912-1918
Published in Hardcover by University of Washington Press (1980)
Author: Douglas Hill Robinson
Amazon base price: $30.00
Used price: $45.00
Buy one from zShops for: $45.93
Average review score:

The best book ever published on the subject.
In the 1996 hit film 'Independance Day' the terrified populance of the worlds major cities cringe as huge ships of an invading force hover overhead. While that movie was simply escapist entertainment, something strikingly similar happened (over London, at least) during World War I; Germany tried to force England into submision using that uniquely German invention, the Zeppelin. 'The Zeppelin in Combat' by Douglas H. Robinson, is regarded as the standard reference on this particular facet of WWI. The book documents the trials, tribulations, and tragedies of the attempt to make the airship into a viable weapon. Covered is the role of the airship in the famous Naval battle of Jutland, an extraordinary attempt to supply troops in Central Africa via airship, and several vivid accounts of British pilots that successfully shot down Zeppelins. Other topics include the story of one crew downed in the north sea, who's eventual fate was revealed by a note washed ashore in a bottle. Another crew became the only hostile forces to march over English soil during either world war when they were forced down during a raid (although not too terribly hostile, they were captured en masse by a lone policeman on a bicycle). Personalities include Hienrich Mathy, the Red Baron of airships, and Peter Stasser, the Naval leader of airships whose almost religious belief in the airship as a weapon of war lead to his own death in an Zeppelin off the coast of England. This revised edition includes many photos published for the first time. For the serious airship enthusiast, this book provides fascinating reading. One caveat, however; the book is published by Shiffer Military History, and contains numerous typo's (as many Shiffer books do). But all in all, they should be applauded for publishing a book at all on such an arcane subject

The dangerous sky; a history of aviation medicine
Published in Unknown Binding by Foulis ()
Author: Douglas Hill Robinson
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $136.79
Average review score:
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Giants in the Sky: A History of the Rigid Airship
Published in Textbook Binding by University of Washington Press (1973)
Author: Douglas Hill Robinson
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $27.00
Collectible price: $50.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Lz-129 Hindenburg
Published in Paperback by Aero Pub (1981)
Author: Douglas Hill Robinson
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $18.00
Average review score:
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