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Book reviews for "Rickenbacker,_Edward_Vernon" sorted by average review score:

Published in Hardcover by Prentice Hall (1967)
Author: Edward Vernon, Rickenbacker
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $2.15
Collectible price: $19.95
Average review score:

This book is absolutely incredible. It is a must read for any American citizen. It should be required reading for all school children. Although I knew who Rickenbacker was, I had no idea he was THIS influential to the development of America as we know it today. What is amazing are his predictions for the future in the last chapter. Published in 1967, many of them are bulls-eye accurate for today. Simply awesome.

A Real American Hero!
Mr. Rickenbacker was always ahead of his time. The pity is that those who can see and plan for the future are never listened to by those who are supposed to be the leaders of this country.

If only Eddie and Billy Mitchell had been listened to right after WWI the Second World War might never have taken place.

The intense supidity of Franklin Roosevelt comes through, throughout this book. Just think, this country sent plutonium to Russia so that they could develop their own Atomic Bomb to wipe out the U.S. and no one even tried to stop the shipments.

Those in the leadership roles of this country very rarily look to the future. Visionaries seem to be continuously scoffed at, but still heroes like Eddie Rickenbacker come forward.

Eddie Rickenbocker has been, is and always will be one of the greatest heroes this country has ever produced.

Eddie Rickenbacker is what "The American Dream" is all about! His book should make anyone proud to be an American and should be required reading by all High School Seniors.

I wish that we could have had Mr Rickenbacker in the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam Era. I know he would have brought a lot more of our men and women home alive!

This is a great book written by a great person!

Read It!

Now this is living!
I may have hated Ben Franklin's autobiography, but by loving this book so much it proves I have nothing against autobiograhies. I guess because you hear of Franklin so much and he lived so long ago you'd expect him to tell you something worth hearing. EVR, on the other hand, I had never heard of before reading the book so I had no expectations whatsoever. Ed lived an incredible life and even if only half of the book was true the same could be said(some of the stuff he tells about is so fantastic that it sounds like it can;t possibly be true - like survivin in a raft in the middle of the ocean in the midst of WWII with no food or water for a month and living to tell about it.) The best part was early on when he flew in WWI. Some of his finncial whellings and dealings seem irrelevant, but they can be skimmed with no loss to the story. His rise to success while remaining basically a normal person is pretty inspirational. A must read.

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