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Book reviews for "Rice,_Bebe_Faas" sorted by average review score:

The Place at the Edge of the Earth
Published in Hardcover by Clarion Books (21 October, 2002)
Author: Bebe Faas Rice
Amazon base price: $10.50
List price: $15.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.50
Collectible price: $4.40
Buy one from zShops for: $3.00
Average review score:

Another fine novel from Bebe Faas Rice.
THE PLACE AT THE EDGE OF THE EARTH masterfully combines mystery, time travel, Indian history, and suspense. Bebe Faas Rice skillfully weaves the factual information about the Indian schools into her well-plotted story.

This is a book to be treasured by children (of all ages) and their
parents. Like all great books, it is a "keeper", one to read and
reread and share with family and friends.

The Place at the Edge of the Earth--Highly recommended!
The Place at the Edge of the Earth by Bebe Faas Rice

Scrupulously researched, this book is a fascinating dramatized account of a young Lakota boy who is forced, along with other Indian children, to attend a boarding school in the late 1800s for the purpose of assimilation into white society. The story follows Jonah Flying Cloud on his frightening trip to the school in Pennsylvania where his hair is cut (a sign of mourning with his people), his Indian clothes taken from him, and he's made to wear scratchy long underwear, thick woolen uniforms, and shoes that hurt his feet. His days are scheduled by bells and bugles, and he's marched to meals and classes where he's taught to speak the white man's language. He's even taken to church and told he'll burn in a fiery pit forever if he doesn't accept the white man's god. Jonah Flying Cloud dies, brokenhearted, at the school and is trapped between the place of his earthly life and "the land above the clouds, where the eagles fly."

Jonah Flying Cloud's first-person narrative unfolds in alternating chapters with present-day Jenny Muldoon's story. Jenny moves with her mother and new stepfather to military quarters at Fort Sayers, which once housed the Indian school. When she finds out that her new home was once the school infirmary, the stage is set for her to meet the spirit of Jonah Flying Cloud who needs her help to be released from his dark half-world so that he can join his family and tribe members in the afterworld.

Both stories keep the reader moving quickly through the pages. In an interesting subplot, Jenny helps a friend, the son of the commanding general at Fort Sayers, stand up to his father and get help for his alcoholic mother. At the end, Jenny is finally able to figure out how to help her Indian friend. The novel ends with a final, poignant scene between Jenny and Jonah Flying Cloud.

This book a must for anyone interested in learning about the Indian schools. Its compelling story is sure to capture the interest and imagination of readers of all ages. Highly recommended!

A Book That Speaks To The Heart
This is a beautifully written and important book. It will give all readers, young and
old, a better knowledge, understanding, appreciation and sympathy for the Indian
children about whom the author writes with such deep feeling. Rice has managed to
balance the stories of the two main characters--the young Indian boy, Jonah Flying
Cloud, who died over a hundred years ago and the modern day young girl, Jenny
Muldoon--with exceptional skill as the two young people "meet" in a time warp and

gradually become sensitive of one another's feelings.
This is a well-told, smoothly flowing tale, a real page turner. Rice has a knack for
perfectly capturing the way young people talk, how they respond to one another and to
adults. Once again, balance comes into play in the way the author weaves flashes of
humor into the central, serious story line.
Though I hated to have the book end, my spirit soared at the conclusion, which
deserves to be read and reread several times. It's truly beautiful.
The Author's Note, where Rice speaks of writing this book "from the heart"
should not be missed. I wouldn't be surprised if The Place At The Edge Of The Earth
garners several awards, both for its writing craft and the importance of its subject.

Class Trip II
Published in Paperback by Harper Mass Market Paperbacks (1995)
Author: Bebe Faas Rice
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $0.45
Collectible price: $2.50
Buy one from zShops for: $3.39
Average review score:

Another wonderful book by Bebe Faas Rice.
Class Trip II is a well-written, suspenseful book, one that young adult readers and their parents will enjoy. Be sure to read Ms. Rice's other fine books, which include "The Year the Wolves Came", "Music from the Dead", and "The Listeners."

This books made me hold me breath the whole time!
I was so scared when I read this!!! I was impressed on how the tension built so high and the suspense was great. I read the first Class Trip, and this one is a far better book. The first Class Trip was still pretty cool, with an amazing twist, but I think I liked this better.

great book. would make a great movie!!!!!!!!!!
Bebe made a great book!!!!!!!!!!! The book's adjectives really painted a picture in my mind.

The Year the Wolves Came
Published in Hardcover by E P Dutton (1994)
Author: Bebe Faas Rice
Amazon base price: $15.99
Used price: $6.35
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $11.50
Average review score:

Suspenseful, Surprising, Endearing.
A well-written story with plot twists and suspense. I am especially impressed with Rice's vivid and endearing characters, who come to life on the pages as unique individuals. The heroine, an upbeat young girl, relates the dark story of a werewolf, and some of the events are decidedly creepy and frightening. Small children may be a little freaked out, but if they can handle it, I recommend this book. The chills are part of what make it good! And the sad passages are written so deftly, you experience the pain of separation and loss yourself. I'm not sure how to explain it, but it was a far sweeter and more realistic "scary story" than any of those R.L. Stine or Fear Street books will ever be, and, as far as I'm concerned, a more enticing mystery. Partly, I think, because through the tragedies in the story the author probed the emotional reactions of the characters, rather than racking up shock value. Good job :) I look forward to reading what else she has written.

Not a scary horror story, but enjoyable.
Since this book is about werewolves, I expected it to be a horror story. It was more of a suspense story, but I still enjoyed it. I found it to be extremely sad, and haunting. I liked how there wasn't a perfect ending, but a hopeful one anyway. I reccomend this book if you like books with a touch of horror, but more suspense and chills.

A beautifully written, haunting novel.
This story is one that will haunt you. You will probably want to read it first yourself and then again (and again) with your children. Bebe Faas Rice has done a masterful job. Why isn't the book available in paperback? It deserves a huge readership.

My Sister, My Sorrow
Published in Paperback by Dell Pub Co (1992)
Author: Bebe Faas Rice
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $0.87
Buy one from zShops for: $3.00
Average review score:

Beautifully written story about life and death.
A very touching story about life, death, the importance of family, and hope. Beth, who is diagnosed with leukemia, is a refreshingly likable, honest young woman.

Bebe Faas Rice has written numerous other fine novels, including "The Year The Wolves Came", "The Listeners", and the "Class Trip" novels.

Spring Break (Keepsake, No 30)
Published in Paperback by Harlequin (1988)
Author: Bebe Faas Rice
Amazon base price: $2.25
Used price: $1.58
Average review score:

A wonderful blend of mystery, romance, history, and humor. I am sorry that the book is out of print. Although the book's cover gives the impression that SPRING BREAK is a romance novel aimed at the young-adult female audience, this book, like all Ms. Rice's books, can be enjoyed by young readers (male and female) as well as older readers.

Be sure to read Bebe Faas Rice's other fine novels, which include THE YEAR THE WOLVES CAME, THE LISTENERS, AND MUSIC FROM THE DEAD.

The Vampire (Doomsday Mall No 5)
Published in Paperback by Skylark (1996)
Author: Bebe Faas Rice
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $7.97
Average review score:

"The Vampire" manages to be both funny and scary!
Another winning tale from the pen of Bebe Faas Rice. Martha and Charlie are resourceful, appealing protagonists. The story builds to an exciting climax.

Be sure to read Ms. Rice's other fine books, which include MUSIC FROM THE DEAD, THE YEAR THE WOLVES CAME, and the two CLASS TRIP novels.

With Flame and Sword
Published in Digital by ()
Author: Bebe Faas Rice
Amazon base price: $3.95
Average review score:

Another wonderful novel from the pen of Bebe Faas Rice.
WITH FLAME AND SWORD is a masterful blend of history, romance,
and adventure that will appeal to a wide readership. It's
always a pleasure to read a Bebe Faas Rice novel.

The Listeners
Published in Paperback by Harper Mass Market Paperbacks (1996)
Author: Bebe Faas Rice
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $1.44
Collectible price: $5.00
Buy one from zShops for: $1.80
Average review score:

Haunted By a Murdered Family
Moving from middle-class North Carolina to posh Brentwood, Virginia, 16-year-old Kathy Colby thinks her family has it made now with their new fancy house. That is, until she feels the cold presence on the landing upstairs and learns about the house's history. Apparently, there was a mass murder in the house ten years ago; a man killed his wife, three sons, and the family dog--and he was never found. If the freedom of a madman isn't scary enough, the strange, cold presence in her house is enough to scare Kathy stiff. She believes the Winstons' ghosts are listening, waiting... but for what, Kathy doesn't know.

What exactly happened on the landing in Kathy's house? And who are the two new strangers in the Colbys' life--the derelict man her mother has hired as a gardener, the scuzzy guy who gives Kathy the creeps; and the curious young boy her 7-year-old brother Timothy has befriended who nobody else can see?

"The Listeners" is a pretty good supernatural teen book. I read it in one sitting without any difficulty. It's very fast-paced and just under 200 pages, ideal for kids. However, the identity of Philip was so obvious to me I doubt other readers will be fooled either, but maybe younger readers will still be surprised at the end. Recommended for children 12 and up.

Another wonderful book by Bebe Faas Rice.
"The Listeners" is a terrific ghost story that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The writing and characterizations are much better than what is usually found in books for "young adult" readers.

Be sure to read Ms. Rice's other books, which include "Music from the Dead", "The Year the Wolves Came, and the two "Class Trip" novels.

Another fine novel from Bebe Faas Rice!
"The Listeners" is an unusual ghost story that is both scary and moving. Bebe Faas Rice does a great job of providing chills and thrills without resorting to explicit violence.

Be sure to read her other novels, which include "Music from the Dead" and "The Year the Wolves Came".

Music from the Dead
Published in Paperback by Harper Mass Market Paperbacks (1997)
Author: Bebe Faas Rice
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $1.25
Collectible price: $8.85
Average review score:

Too many mysteries
A Review by Danielle:
The main characters are Peter, Marnie, and Clare. Peter and Marnie move to a new house called Stoneycraig. Something weird was going on but they had no logical explanation for it. Clare, someone who's lived in the city her whole life wants to help. ... in some way she had made it even harder to figure out the truth.
I really liked this book, it was so interesting and surprising. But, it had too many mysteries to call it a horror book.

A thrilling ghost story and murder mystery.
As Marnie and Peter race to discover the secrets of Stoneycraig, readers will anxiously turn the pages. Fine writing, a likable hero and heroine, and genuine suspense make this a fine read for young adult readers and their parents.

Be sure to read Ms. Rice's other novels, which include "The Listeners", "The Year the Wolves Came", and the "Class Trip" books.

Suspenseful and unpredictable--a real page turner!
"Music from the Dead" is a wonderful mystery/ghost story. The hero and heroine are appealing. The house is truly creepy. The solution to the mystery is a real surprise.

Be sure to read Bebe Faas Rice's other novels, which include "The Year the Wolves Came" and "The Listeners".

Class Trip
Published in Mass Market Paperback by HarperCollins Publishers (1995)
Author: Bebe Faas Rice
Amazon base price: $1.99
Used price: $1.00
Average review score:

Well, it was okay . . .
Class Trip was an alright book; the author is pretty talented, except it wasn't too hard or complex to follow, which usually forms the best kind of mystery. The killer was only mildly surprising, and so was how the killer would get caught. But it's still a fine read, so go ahead and check it out. :)

I could not put this book down if my life depended on it! I have never in my life read a book this fast. The killers identity will take you by surprise... it did me. I wish that the book was longer, but I'm looking forward to reading Class Trip II(2). I reccommend this book for anyone, and everyone!!!

A great read!!!
A very great suspense novel. It keeps you on the edge of your seat. The killer's identity will susprise you. I hope she keeps up the good work. I wished it was longer.

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