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Book reviews for "Reynolds,_John" sorted by average review score:

Delta Green
Published in Paperback by Tynes Cowan Corporation (01 February, 1997)
Authors: John Tynes, Adam Scott Glancy, John Tynes, Bob Kruger, Blair Reynolds, Heather Hudson, Toren Atkinson, Denis Detwiller, and Adam S Glancy
Amazon base price: $27.95
Average review score:

A gaming masterpiece. Buy it!
Many have commented that DELTA GREEN is where X-Files meets the Cthulhu Mythos. They are correct, but it goes beyond that. Delta Green presents a satisfying and believable context for mythos roleplaying in the modern era. This supplement for CALL OF CTHULHU, a game which has a history of great supplements, raises the standard by which future works will be measured. This is quite possibly the best role-playing supplement ever. I have been into RPGs for nearly 20 years now, and I have seen most of what is out there. Believe me, it does not get better than this.

Best Call of Cthulhu supplement ever
To call DELTA GREEN a supplement for Call of Cthulhu is to do it a great injustice. Even if you don't play the game, but are a Lovecraft aficionado, you owe it to yourself to pick this up and see what Tynes and company have done. This is not your father's Cthulhu Mythos. This is something much, much nastier.

Gone are the days where monsters lurked in dark places, and could be banished with the right spells. The stars are right - right here, right now, and the Mythos has kept pace with modernity, corrupting openly, though humanity is still too blind to see. Delta Green has been fighting them ever since Innsmouth and 1927, a hidden conspiracy within the government dedicated to seeking out and destroying that which threatens humanity.

Only trouble is, even the government has disavowed Delta Green, in favour of collusion with the enemy. But the menace is so great that Delta Green continues, an illegal conspiracy hidden in the bowels of that which wants too destroy it. Delta Green isn't Mulder or Scully, seeking the truth that nobody else knows. Delta Green *knows* the truth, and is making sure nobody else suffers from knowing that either.

DELTA GREEN takes everything we know about modern day conspiracy theory - Roswell, Area 51, Majestic-12, UFOs, and merges it seamlessly with the battle against the forces of the Cthulhu Mythos. The secret history it reveals is frighteningly plausible, and like Lovecraft's fiction, nags at you and makes you doubt its fictional qualities.

As a way of bringing a moribund CoC campaign from the gothic horror of the 1920s to the survivalist horror of the 1990s, it is second to none. Think you could have dealt with those creepy crawlies if you only had an AK-47 instead of a revolver? Think again. The psychological cost of fighting terrors from beyond is not forgotten either, with Delta Green agents wandering shell-shocked from encounter to encounter.

And as I said, as a means of stimulating your imagination to bring Lovecraft up to date, it is also superb. Anyone who thinks Lovecraft's themes are hackneyed and old only needs to read this to see how horrifyingly relevant they still are.

Buy this book, and its companion DELTA GREEN: COUNTDOWN, which describes the UK and Russian counterparts to Delta Green. The truth is here. And it's hungry.

Delta "Green with envy!:
If Lovecraft was alive today this sourcebook would make him green with envy! This takes the Call of Cthulhu game to the contemporary level. There's more than enough plots and characters to juice up a modern (postmodern?) Call of Cthulhu game. I especially like how the creators have made so many versatile options. You can make this supplement as intricate or as simple as you want. I definitely recommend this as a sourcebook to all Call of Cthulhu role playing fans.

Lingering Memories
Published in Paperback by Five Corners Publications Ltd. (10 October, 1999)
Author: John W. Reynolds
Amazon base price: $9.95
Average review score:

read it again and again
Lingering Memories is a book that will NOT be read once and then placed on a shelf to collect dust. Some of my greatest memories are the ones of sitting with my dad and listening to stories of the "good ol' days". Dad has been gone for several years now, but when I pick up Mr. Reynold's book I feel I have a little re-visit with him. Thank you, Mr. Reynolds, from the bottom of my heart for sharing Lingering Memories with us!

Lingering Memories
My wife and I enjoyed this book very much. It portrayed life in the delta when times were simple and gave insight into southern culture during the mid-1900s. Many descriptions associated with farm life were familiar, but there were some unfamiliar ones as well. We learned much from reading this book. The southern "phrases" at the conclusion of the book were delightful. Thank you, Mr. Reynolds, for helping us remember our past as southerners.

Lingering Memories
This is truly a poignant collection of stories and descriptions of how it really was. Throughout, it evokes a wide range of emotions from painful to very happy ones mixed well with humor. It reflects the strong moral fiber and self determination required to sustain a generation experiencing devastating economic conditions. The grueling work, hardships and lack of resources reflect the faith and foundation for better times to come. Without social programs or governmental assistance the phase, 'root hog or die' clearly reflected the times. An excellent picture of 'the best of times and the worst of times, serving as a bridge to our heritage. (With the difficult start in life, these same young men by the millions with characteristic resolve and determination selflessly engaged in a global conflict to preserve freedom.) A book to keep.

Original Citroen Ds: The Restorer's Guide to All Ds and Id Models 1955-75
Published in Hardcover by Motorbooks International (1996)
Authors: John Reynolds and Jan Delange
Amazon base price: $36.95
Average review score:

Complete down to the fabric swatches
I've owned and restored 9 DS models and have been around a hundred or so more. As much as I know about the models, this book has doubled my knowledge with one purchase. If you are a serious Citroeniste, you absolutely must have this book on your shelf.

A great help in restoring a Goddess
The book includes good photos, many details and is inspirational to look through. Every single development of the car through it's lifetime appears to be covered. A must for the DS/ID owner setting out to restore a specimen of these highly individual and sophisticated vehicles. Written in a language understandable even for a non-technical mind as Yours truly.

A guide to goddess worship, for initiates and newcomers both
You need look no further for an outstanding guide to the history, mechanics, and pedigree of what must surely be the most original car ever engineered - the Citroen DS. I would recommend this guide without hesitation to anyone either interested in the car in the abstract, or actually intending to undertake a restoration. The illustrations are thoughtful, helpful, and (in the case of exterior shots) almost romantically posed; the language is clear throughout; Reynolds does an impeccable job of making the book useful to the non-gearhead enthusiast. My only complaint is that the book is such drool-inducing & lethally glossy DS porn that I fear it will make the experience of non-ownership all but unbearable for fans, and so further increase the competition for those few magnificent cars still available.

The Golden Letters: The Three Statements of Garab Dorje, the First Teacher of Dzogchen, Together With a Commentary
Published in Paperback by Snow Lion Pubns (1997)
Authors: Garab Dorje, John Myrdhin Reynolds, Garab, and Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche
Amazon base price: $13.27
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.17
Buy one from zShops for: $10.85
Average review score:

A lamp in the dark
The essence of the Dzogchen teaching is found in Garab Dorje's "The Three Statements That Strike the Essential Point" (Garab Dorje was the first Dzogchen master). These "Three Statements" appeared in a text known as "The Last Testament of Garab Dorje" which was part of a larger work known as the "Golden Letters".

The nineteenth century Dzogchen master Patrul Rinpoche wrote an important commentary of "The Three Statements" entitled "The Special Teaching of the Wise and Glorious King", this is the main subject matter of the present book.

Patrul Rinpoche's commentary is a joy to read, it is to the point and written in simple clear language with a minimum of technical phrases. If this wasn't enough we are then treated to further clarification with John Myrdhin Reynolds generous commentary of "The Special Teaching".

Later in the book there are more treasures in the form of a translation of the actual "Last Testament" together with Reynold's superb interlinear commentary. By the end of the book the reader is left in little doubt (as far as words can take us) as to the meaning of "The Three Statements".

It is written "to look for gold in the dark we need a lamp". "The Golden Letters" is such a lamp.

Golden Letters
This book is of great benefit because it points us directly to our true nature and it gives a very wide range of explanations for those that may need a bit more.It is a great invitation to explore within oneself. This book also helps us understand in more depth what Padmasambhava left us as great gift: Self Liberation through Seing with Nacked Awareness.

Just THIS.
If you're one of the few with the estimable karma to have truly seen through the futility of seeking as the means to 'finding,' you will only need a few lines or pages of this miraculous 'Vajra' (diamond/indestructible) teaching to 'arrive home.' If you're not, your ego's misappropriation of the stuff will probably send you on another ego trip of a few million reincarnations.

So... on one hand, this book is worth its weight in diamonds many times over; on the other, it's extremely dangerous, and useless -- it doesn't tell you anything your True Nature does not already know.

Have a deep and honest understanding of your state before you click on the order button.

The Bottlenose Dolphin: Biology and Conservation
Published in Hardcover by University Press of Florida (T) (2003)
Authors: John Elliott Reynolds, Randall S. Wells, and Samantha D. Eide
Amazon base price: $24.47
List price: $34.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $24.00
Collectible price: $24.35
Buy one from zShops for: $23.34
Average review score:

Big brains in large bodies
The collaborators who put this book together are dedicated scientists with years of experience in the field. I admire their work. But I find on thing missing from the discussion of brain versus body size. They establish ratios of brain to body size and declare this is one method of measuring the intelligence of the animal, i.e. the larger the brain is in relationship to the body, the smarter the animal is. But they do not explain why a large body needs a large brain. After all, whale sharks of the same size as sperm whales have brains smaller than your fist while the sperm whale brain is six times larger than the human brain. Perhaps it is the large brain which requires the large body. The laws of physics would prohibit a brain developing in a very small body. Necks breaking and cortical sheering would be a problem.

Excellent Information
I have read through this book while doing some research on dolphins and marine mammal conservation and must say that this has some information that I could find nowhere else. This book hits on such a large variety of information relating to dolphin biology and conservation that I cannot believe that they fit it all into one book.

Samantha is great
Good to see Samantha successful in life. I knew her back when she was a struggling student at Eckerd College.

Biology of Marine Mammals
Published in Hardcover by Smithsonian Institution Press (1999)
Authors: John E., III Reynolds and Sentiel A. Rommel
Amazon base price: $75.00
Used price: $68.55
Buy one from zShops for: $68.55
Average review score:

excellent resource on marine mammals
I personally feel this book is one of the best comprehensive reviews of marine mammal biology out there. Both of the editors as well as all of the authors of the book are reknowned in their fields of marine mammal science. Reynolds and Rommel compiled a great resource for aspiring marine scientists as well as professionals.

Exelente libro
El contenido es muy bueno, una obra de consulta permanente y actualizada. Cubre todos los enfoques. Realmente es un muy buen compendio de información que por lo general es difícil de conseguir.

biology of marine mammals
excelente mamotreto, grandiosas imagenes y contenido

Published in Paperback by Snow Lion Pubns (01 November, 2000)
Authors: Karma-Glin-Pa, Namkhai Norbu, Rigdzin Karma Lingpa, and John Myrdhin Reynolds
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.39
Buy one from zShops for: $9.82
Average review score:

An answer for the restless mind
I discovered that upon reading this text, a part of my mind which was always seeking to understand this life had finally been satisfied! I do not consider myself a practicioner of buddhism, much less an expert, and yet what it had to say was clear and persuasive.(...)

Self-Liberation: Through Seeing with Naked Awareness
The only thing to add would be that this is a new addition of previously published "Self-Liberation: Through Seeing with Naked Awareness". The work itself is a terma(treasure teaching) of Guru Padmasambhava discovered by master Karma Lingpa. Personally, I found this book of a great value for the reason of a very lucid INSTRUCTION rather than just theory, which is sufficiently expounded, too. It gives a clear explanation as to why and how the principle of a spiritual teaching can be misunderstood and points out directly on the right method of application of this knowledge. I would recommend this book to everybody!

Terton Karma Lingpa
Terton Karma Lingpa is a highly respected authority in the Dzogchen Tradition. A present-day practitioner can not but appreciate the classics...

Admiral John H. Towers: The Struggle for Naval Air Supremacy
Published in Hardcover by United States Naval Inst. (1991)
Author: Clark G. Reynolds
Amazon base price: $46.95
Used price: $17.72
Collectible price: $37.06
Average review score:

Very well written and informative, highly recommended!!
As webmaster for the USS Towers (DDG-9) website, it was a significant pleasure to find such a well-researched and extremely well-written text about the man for which our ship was named. I never realized that the Navy had pilots before they had planes, or that 'Anchor's Away' was written for the USNA graduation ball of 1906! There is a great deal of naval history in this wonderfully done book. I would highly recommend this item to anyone that desires to learn more about naval history, while at the same moment being entertained by a extremely talented author.

An excellent biography of an under recognized individual
Reynolds provides a thorough and complete biography of a man who made major contributions to the Allied success in the Second World War. Towers, an early advocate of air power, struggled for recognition and promotion between the wars. His administrative ability during the war was largely responsible for the fact that the right aircraft were produced and delivered. This book is not about tactics. The market is flooded with books about the battles. This is a book which describes the nuts and bolts of putting airpower to work. Well researched, thoroughly documented, entirely typical of Dr. Reynolds.

Beyond Trout: A Flyfishing Guide
Published in Hardcover by Johnson Books (1995)
Authors: Barry Reynolds, John Berryman, Kingston, and John Gierach
Amazon base price: $24.00
Used price: $120.40
Average review score:

The title says it all.
This book is a very good discertation on fly fishing for species other than trout. It covers warm water species, bass bluegill/sunfish, perch and crappie as well as other cool water species, like walleye and pike, and even includes catfish. The author covers each species in a seperate chapter. Covering items such as prefered habitat, spawning, water temperature, fishing methods, and fly recommendations. If you like to fly fish, but trout aren't readily available in your area, this book could give you some insight into fish you might not have considered as fly rod fish.

A great book
This book is a great place to start, or if you already have that is okay, in warmwater fly-fishing. The information is very helpful. A must for the angler who can't go to the trout stream every weekend and a local lake is much closer.

Courtyards: Aesthetic, Social, and Thermal Delight
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (15 November, 2001)
Author: John S. Reynolds
Amazon base price: $75.00
Used price: $63.48
Buy one from zShops for: $63.06
Average review score:

THE Book on Courtyards.
Courtyards is a terrific book, the result of 20+ years of loving research. Oregon Professor John Reynolds is crazy for courtyards and it certainly shows.
A courtyard is a space surrounded by a building, often surrounded by a house. There are all manner of courtyards, large, small, huge, quiet, loud. Some are open and others are terribly private. But all good courtyards have things in common. In the landscapes most of us in the US are used to, we have a house and the gardens are on the outside and we see them before we see the house. In a sense these landscapes serve mostly as dressing to enhance the outward look of the house. But a fine courtyard garden is different. It is smack in the middle of the house and the house surrounds it. It is not wide open to the world, but instead is a place to get away from it all, a place to be outside, but not to be out in the open. The best courtyards are open to the sky, have water, vines, a multitude of interesting flowers, trees, potted plants. A large number of the very finest courtyard plants are discussed in detail in this excellent book. I was struck by how interesting the numerous photos and designs were. Profusely illustrated, each one serves a definitive purpose. I was struck too, by how many different things go into the making of a well thought out courtyard. What is involved so that it will be warm in the winter and cool in the hot summer. What is involved so that it becomes a place where people want to be. I took many notes as I read this large book and some day I plan to build a house of my own design, and in the middle of it, I'm going to have a courtyard. And in this courtyard, I'll have all the things needed, the ingredients so carefully detailed here, that make the right courtyard a magical place. I'd recommend this book for anyone who ever plans to build their own home, for all landscape designers, for all architects, for anyone with a serious interest in horticulture and design. An excellent book.

Must have for courtyard designer
Courtyards book is filling a gap in architectural book market where much is focused on nice pictures and minimal designs. Few technical books that gets published receive little attention. But this book will attract the designer as well as the technician.
All technical aspects are simlply stated and science and aesthetics of the courtyards are very well covered with nice drawings and beautiful photos. The guidelines that summarize the long research are very clear, creating a pattern language for courtyard design.

Being an architect from Turkey, I have been interested with courtyards and did some research. This book is doing much groundwork for those who will design a residential courtyard. But the guidelines would also apply to commercial atriums.

Too bad that housing today is understood as single family housing in American Style Villas or public housing as high rise apartment buildings. This book proves that with the correct guidelines very nice and dense housing is possible.

Ýt inspired me to do some courtyard housing design. I am sure it will be one of the most used buildings of my library.

Living Places
In a world where so many of our buildings are dead, John Reynold's "Courtyards: Aesthetic, Social, and Thermal Delight" treats us to a world of buildings that live. It is that rare book that feeds part of the brain with with inspiration and beauty, while informing the other side how its done. This book clearly articulates patterns and concepts for approaching courtyard design as a function of climate, use, people and place. It is a book that any designer will value for its lessons and observations on what makes a building live, but will be appreciated by everyone who loves beautiful buildings. For those looking to create built environments that honor and nurture both the human spirit and the more than human world, John Reynolds offers luminous insights. This book belongs in the library of every designer.

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