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Book reviews for "Reid,_Alastair" sorted by average review score:

Published in Hardcover by Henry Holt & Company, Inc. (1994)
Authors: Fernando Savater and Alastair Reid
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $3.00
Collectible price: $3.65
Average review score:

Where it's at
Although somewhat of a contradiction in terms, this book is a touching discourse from a father to a son on how to live life on his own terms. He gives his perspective on everything lofty that he ahs ever come in contact with but underneath it all is the suggwestion that this is merely his take, and the most important interpretation is a persons' own.

clear and simple,just the way life is, many examples
I'm still looking for my own copy, unfotunately I couldn't read it all, but what I read was very close to my own ideas and, I think, many of my friends. I liked very much examples from literature and History Mr Savater uses all along the book; congratulations.

The wisdom of a father...<BR>

The Etichs telled to a teen-ager with fairness and honesty.
A book that leaves the last word to a son who grows up.
A book to read, to discuss, to share with a son.
A must read for all the sons, parents, teachers and educators.

Published in Paperback by Farrar Straus & Giroux (1975)
Authors: Alastair Reid and Pablo Neruda
Amazon base price: $8.95
Collectible price: $30.14
Average review score:

Touching this world and the next and loving and hating both
Pablo touched me as no poet that I have read in the last 25 years. His lines particularly sees the world with wisened eyes, writen in his later days. He embraces his past occationally crushing it with bittersweet energy. At the same time he looks forward to rest and what's next. He never stopped Becoming, as Sarte would say, through the years. "Her" declares the need and joy of loving and working life together with his spouse. "Larnyx" chills with news from the doctor that all of humanity dreads.

The spanish on the facing page lets one glimpse at hidden meanings, reaching back for our Spanish 101 or Elementary Latin, a treat. If you buy one poetry book this year, this should be the one. If you are silver haired, as I, then this is the poetry of the decade for you.

One of the most interesting books I have ever read. It taught me that there's poetry in every movement we make and every moment we live.

Fully Empowered
Published in Paperback by Farrar Straus & Giroux (2001)
Authors: Pablo Neruda and Alastair Reid
Amazon base price: $10.40
List price: $13.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $5.25
Buy one from zShops for: $4.99
Average review score:

Another poetic triumph by Neruda
"Fully Empowered" is an outstanding volume of poetry by Pablo Neruda of Chile. The book has been translated into English by Alastair Reid, and is presented in a bilingual format, with the Spanish originals and English versions on facing pages.

Overall, I found Neruda's voice in this book to echo that of United States poet Walt Whitman (who could be seen as one of Neruda's 19th century poetic "ancestors"). Neruda's attentive poetic eye looks at both humanity and nature with reverence and compassion. His voice is often very tender. Like Whitman did in his work, Neruda often writes in the first person in this book.

Some of the most memorable selections in this book include "To Don Asterio Alarcon, Clocksmith of Valparaiso," in which Neruda finds dignity and transcendence in the work of the title figure; "Thistle," in which he celebrates "the blue thistle of Chile"; and "The People," a passionate tribute to all the working people of the world.

In "Summary," Neruda writes, ". . . my life was always / singing its way between joy and obligation." "Fully Empowered" marvelously embodies both Neruda's sense of moral duty and the joy that proceeds from his life's work.

El Capitan de la poesie latina
This bilingual collection of Nerudas poetry is an outstanding selection. Neruda is the great one of Latin American poetry. New Directions has for years provided us with quality bilingual collections of great world poets. Plenos Poderes (Fully Empowered) is another classic. Neruda continuously made impassioned pleas for his people. He was a great lover of his land and his people. He was a true revolutionary poet in the vein of Lorca. This collection was published in 1962 (nine years before he was justly awarded the Nobel Prize.) Here Neruda states his mission in a poem like The Poets Obligation: He will give voice to those who have no voice. He will speak for the downtrodden. The imagery of the sea is scintillating. The poem Fully Empowered also backs this stand. But amid the political stuff there are some beautiful lyric poems as well. To Sorrow is a gorgeous poem. Short pieces like It is Born reflect a deeply sensitive poet. This is classic Neruda. Viva Pablo Neruda!

Isla Negra
Published in Paperback by Farrar Straus & Giroux (1983)
Authors: Pablo Neruda and Alastair Reid
Amazon base price: $16.00
Used price: $35.00
Collectible price: $16.94
Average review score:

there are not enough words for this book. enticing and mesmerizing, Neruda remains to me one of the greatest lovers of life. An acute observer of surroundings, a revolutionary, a lover, a man of the world and of the senses. this book is a whirlwind of poetical autobiographical moments and what a wonder it is. recommended to be read quietly and in an atmosphere undisturbed.

a masterpiece.

Isla Negra: A Notebook
Published in Paperback by Noonday Press (1999)
Authors: Alastair Reid, Pablo Neruda, and Enrico M. Santi
Amazon base price: $12.60
List price: $18.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.60
Buy one from zShops for: $11.16
Average review score:

Great stuff. Why is it not available?
I just purchased this book of poetry. Wonderful stuff! Exquisite translation. Why is it no longer available? I keep this in the same place as my collection of Elliot poems. But these are warmer, deeply personal reflections of a life. It is like walking through a man's memories while he tells you what each one meant to him.

Weathering : poems and translations
Published in Unknown Binding by Canongate Publishing ()
Author: Alastair Reid
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Weathering to perfection!
I first came across a copy of Weathering by Alastair Reid whilst browsing the poetry section of our little library in Inverness, Scotland. I was immediately captivated! His poetry is wonderfull simple, simple words, simple subjects. But within this simplicity lies a cunning hook, and suddenly you find yourself transported to some lonely sea shore, reliving some personal romantic moment, or back to your very first school lesson. The imagery will bring a smile to the face, a tear to the eye, a wrench to the heart. This book really is an absoulute gem, and I cannot recommend it highly enough..... But beware! Once your friends find out about your purchase, you may never see it again! A must for any xmas, or birthday, all ages, all walks of life. Enjoy!

The Man Who Counted: A Collection of Mathematical Adventures
Published in Paperback by W.W. Norton & Company (1993)
Authors: Malba Tahan, Patricia Reid Baquero, Alastair Reid, and Leslie Clark
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.25
Collectible price: $7.93
Buy one from zShops for: $9.82
Average review score:

Good Stories
The math is everywhere , this is a great book to read , it's easy to follow the math he uses in order to solve others problems , they are very impresive

The best book I've ever read. You've got to read it.
If you like Math... this is the perfect book for you. The most interesting book I've ever read. When you start reading it, you just can't stop. It lets you just too eager to stop. Even people who hate Math can love this book.

Math and every day life
I've read this book in the original Portuguese many years ago and was pleasantly surprised to find an English translation in the US. It is the same gem that I remember it to be, offering the delightful adventures of a very keen and wise man, who masters not only the Art of Mathematics, but the Art of Living as well. A joy to read and highly recommended to everyone.

Pablo Neruda: Absence and Presence
Published in Hardcover by W.W. Norton & Company (1990)
Authors: Luis Poirot and Alastair Reid
Amazon base price: $39.95
Average review score:

Pictorials of the Poet's home life
While this unique book could have used more of Neruda's poetry, the essays from friends who knew him well and the black and white photographs of his collection of homes and flotsam and jetsam antiques (mastheads, bottles and shells washed ashore, etc.) are proper tributes. These views/voices of his personal world shed light on the passions and ideas that ruled his writing.

There is purity and uncontrived artistry in his eccentric living places. I am in awe.

Amazing photographs and investigation
Luis Poirot is one of my favorites photographers. This book about Pablo Neruda is great, not only for the quality of the beatiful images, but also for the investigation with the people who knew Neruda well.
Absolutamente recomendable!!!!

I love looking at the pictures and reading his poetry. I also love knowing the little tidbits of information. I have been to his three houses in Chile that are pictured in this book. When I look through it I have this rush of emotions and a pleasant rememberance of being there.

The Winners (New York Review of Books Classics)
Published in Paperback by New York Review of Books (1999)
Authors: Julio Cortazar, Elaine Kerrigan, and Alastair Reid
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.95
Buy one from zShops for: $10.34
Average review score:

I enjoyed "The Winners" though at times I found it a bit "heady". Its a novel that requires you keeping track as you go along. It took me while to figure out the setting, and what was happening (which means Cortazar did his job). There's so much symbolism and historical significance in his writing. I highly recommend the short stories collection "Blow Up" if you liked "The Winners."

Discreet Charm of The Lottery Winners
I read and enjoy Cortazar in the same way I enjoy Luis Bunuel films, in fact I think Bunuel could have made a wonderful film of THE WINNERS. Like Bunuel, Cortazar finds the things we accept as normal to be quite absurd but also like Bunuel he has a certain affection for those he makes fun of. All those on board the Malcolm are guilty of some sort of petty prejudice or limited world view but they all mingle and tolerate one another to a point. When things go absurdly wrong the lottery winners begin to wonder what it is they've actually won. Cortazar is an existential comic. A book which succeeds because it never forgets that despite our differences we are all bound together by our not knowing exactly what is going. With a little help from Cortazar we can see that knowing is just a pretense.
Perhaps the novel like Camus Plague is a parable with many possible levels of meaning. Not the least of which is the political level. After all Cortazar left Argentina under Peron to live and write in exile.

Ducks and Eagles
Cortazar places his characters in categories I've found people all fit--one or the other--like it or not--we are each either a duck or an eagle. Ducks follow of course and eagles set new paths. Ducks may have easier less lonely lives. Unless of course they inherit wealth and power--in which case they must be very confused and inflict chaos on the less entitled. Eagles succeed in endeavors against all odds and are therefore resented by those they seek to please. None of us has an easy time co-existing with others. No one wants to admit this of course! This book encourages reflection that may have social value, but it doesn't offer much in the way of a hopeful outcome for the social redemption of mankind--at least not in this generation. Therein lies its depth. We must expect less from our companions in life. We're all horrifyingly flawed. Somehow we must find the path to honesty and forgiveness. The book--?--I couldn't put it down. Now I can't get it out of my mind. If you want to live in denial don't read it.

Amador: In Which a Father Addresses His Son on Questions of Ethics-That Is, the Options and Values of Freedom-And Attempts to Show Him How to Have a Good life
Published in Paperback by Owlet (1996)
Authors: Fernando Savater and Alastair Reid
Amazon base price: $10.00
Used price: $4.98
Average review score:

en mi conciencia esta la libertad
Literatura especial para ser leida por adolescentes,ya que el autor se expresa de una forma muy amena y con un buen sentido del humor.Sobre el tema creo que hace una buena descripcion de los conceptos que van encadenados a lograr una buena manera de vivir, con alegria y con inteligencia y sobretodo con LIBERTAD.
NO existe un codigo de etica, el cual debemos acatar, sino que la Etica, la hacemos nosotros mismos,con nuestras decisiones , con nuestras actitudes,con nuestros conocimientos y sobre todo con nuestra conciencia.

Very readable, clear-thinking, philosophical.
I'm on page 70 now, not quite halfway through this quick-reading little gem.

If a book doesn't grab me in the first three pages, I don't read it. I broke off reading Rebecca West's Black Lamb and Grey Falcon at page 680 to read this wonderful little book, which I bought and it is beautifully printed and bound. What a find! This man gently addresses his son as I would mine, but so much more clearly. He explains concepts like freedom and self-discipline, bringing in superbly appropriate quotations of the great thinkers, ancient and modern. This reminds me of the better philosophy courses I had in college. It was written so recently that he also refers to things we have in daily life such as computer games. This book is as accessible and lucid an introduction to ethics as I could hope to find. I am going to buy two more copies: one for each of my children.

Why on earth did they take it out of print so soon?

Guia para redescubrir los verdaderos valores de la vida
En un mundo donde tienden a expanderse los espejismos que nos conducen a buscar nuestra realizacion personal o felicidad en falsos valores, es muy alentador redescubrir que la riqueza, el poder, el conocimiento o la fama, solo adquieren sentido y tienen plena justificacion si nos sirven para mejorar nuestras relaciones personales con quienes nos rodean. Es lastimoso pero frecuente ver que en demasiadas ocasiones nos arrastran a deteriorlas.

Se trata de la obra cumbre de un docto filosofo espaƱol que solo alcanzo mundial reconocimiento cuando decidio darle un regalo trascendente a su hijo adolescente, que le sirviera de guia para escoger los valores que dan real sentido a la vida, y con amor simplifico y concentro lo mejor de sus conocimientos e ideas en este breve texto de sabia y sencilla filosofia practica.

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