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Book reviews for "Rayner,_Mary" sorted by average review score:

Babe - The Gallant Pig: The Gallant Pig
Published in Paperback by Random House (Juv) (1997)
Authors: Dick King-Smith, Mary Rayner, and Smith Dick King
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $2.00
Buy one from zShops for: $0.74
Average review score:

Truly a classic animal tale
Babe captured my heart, as he was trying to save his own skin. This book is truly a classic animal tale, where the creatures take on believable and human emotions and personalities. We see intelligence, fear, hope, and love, in a heartwarming pig, and his other animal friends. The inter-species bond between Babe and his human farmer is delightful! I have read it several times, and each time, see another angle, in this Pig-Shepherd memoir. Should not be limited to any age group, because adults as well as children will be entertained.
Arlene Millman
(The tale of a remarkable Boston Terrier)

The Best Sheep-pig Ever
When I read the book I thought it was great. I think that Babe set a good example because he never gave up.Babe is a pig that wants to be a sheep-dog.But since he is a pig he can't.But he still tried and his owner entered him in the sheep dog trials.I dont want to spoil the ending for youso that is all I have to say.

Babe the best pig
I had to read Babe in school. I didn't think I'd like it but I really did. I think Babe is very nice. He was always kind to others and never tried to be mean in any way. He got people (sheep) to obey him by just being kind. I think people in the whole world should read Babe and try to be like him.

Mrs. Pig's Bulk Buy
Published in School & Library Binding by Atheneum (1990)
Author: Mary Rayner
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $21.95
Average review score:

Ketchup Heaven
Mrs. Pig's Bulk Buy is a delightful children's story about little pigs that just love ketchup. It presents Mrs. Pig's solution to every mother's problem of what to do with kids that want to eat the same thing all the time. I love Mary Rayner's style of writing and the delightful illustrations. I discovered this book at the city library when my children were young and now am sharing it with grandchildren and great-neices.

Ketchup lovers delight causes new view of ketchup effects
This is one of the books I recommend to the children who come in to the library where I work. I have even recommended it to a mother in a restaurant who was having trouble convincing her young son not to use so much ketchup on everything he ate. While it may not change anyone's eating habits, it may lessen any mealtime conflict over using too much of the red stuff. Ketchup and cereal? Pu- Leeze.

It was very funny and enjoyable
This book is about ten little piglets called SORROL,BENJAMIN,SARAH,CINDY BRYONY,HILARY ,TOBY,ALUN,WILLIAM AND GARATH. Now these little piglets were addicted to tomato ketchup. How their mother cures them of their addiction is hilarious, and will put you off ketchup for life!

Garth Pig and the Ice Cream Lady
Published in School & Library Binding by Atheneum (1990)
Authors: Mary Rayner and Mary Raynor
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $6.54
Collectible price: $15.88
Average review score:

one of my childhood favorites!
Garth Pig is a fabulous children's book, and it ought to be reprinted! My parents still remember long passages of the text 20 years later, they read it to me so many times. Garth's kidnapping by the ice cream lady (a wolf) and his dramatic rescue by his nine daring siblings on their 10-seat bicycle will captivate kids of all ages, and the wit and fun along the way is sure to charm adults as well. This is a gentle story, too - bravery and honesty from the protagonist piggies, and the ice cream lady is "never seen again" - nothing too scary for little ones. You'll thank yourself for tracking down this great book!

a great bed time story
I had grown up with this book and it takes you into another world. They are fun stories, and Garth has had other stories written about him too. A funny, well worth it read.

Published in School & Library Binding by Simon & Schuster (Juv) (2002)
Authors: Anita Briggs and Mary Rayner
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $14.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $3.95
Buy one from zShops for: $3.95
Average review score:

A winning story with some similarities to "Babe"
At first glance, Hobart would appear to be just another pig of Farmer Mills. Indeed, Hobart would appear to be no different than his brothers, Byron and Wilfred, or his sister, Violet. But Hobart is like no other pig. He has dreams and aspirations that regular pigs could not begin to imagine.

Other animals on the farm try to vex Hobart's spirit by telling him he will be made into bacon and eaten. But this does not deter Hobart's big dream of becoming a tap dancer. Hobart soon learns, however, that Farmer Mills plans on selling him to the local butcher. Fearing for their lives, Hobart and his siblings come up with a plan to both escape the local butcher and convince Farmer Mills that the pigs have talent and should be allowed to live.

A wonderful flight into fantasy, "Hobart" will remind many readers of Dick King-Smith's "Babe, The Gallant Pig." However, Hobart's winning attitude and Briggs' writing style keeps the story fresh and limits comparisons with the other swine. Mary Rayner's illustrations help keep the story moving and add an extra dimension to the story. Though targeted for four to eight year olds, "Hobart" is recommended for children of all ages.

Lost and Found
Published in Hardcover by E P Dutton (1985)
Authors: Jill Paton Walsh, Jill Paton Walsh, and Mary Rayner
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $8.99
Collectible price: $17.46
Average review score:

Misplaced objects become treasures
Sequence of kids, from stone age to present,
misplace items on errand to their respective
grandparents. On losing his own item, each
finds item lost by previous kid, and the found
item becomes a treasure.

Big pictures with many details tell the story
almost as completely as the narration. The illustrations
actually fill in quite a bit of the story that would
be awkward to put into kid-accessible prose. The
illustrations seem to have a dialogue with the
text, when the same geographic features are called
by different names, or new features are named for the
landscape they replace.

Pigs Might Fly
Published in Hardcover by Peter Smith Pub (2001)
Authors: Dick King-Smith and Mary Rayner
Amazon base price: $19.75
Collectible price: $24.95
Average review score:

My thoughts
I just finished a great book called Pigs Might Fly. When I saw that Dick King Smith wrote the book I had no intention on reading this book, but I did.
This book was a lot better that I thought. By the look on the cover, it looks like a baby story but once you read it you will relies it is a book for all ages. " There is nothing worse than being the smallest, the shortest or the last." It is not fun.
I think being who you are is the theme in the story. I think even though it doesn't look good it is a lot better than you think.

A Super book
I thought that this was a great book, I could hardly put it down. This book was about how a pig wants to fly, but can only swim. My favorite character was Daggie Dogfoot, because he was a very cool character to read about. My favorite part of the book was when Daggie saved his owner. I think that you should read this book if you like fun and adventure.

Very Funny!
I just finished reading this book out loud to my 11, 9 and 6 year olds and we all laughed out loud. I read it changing voices for the different characters and they just loved the very humorous Otter, "Izack". I think they will be mimicing him for many days ahead! It was a very heartwarming, family book that keeps you routing for the underdog. (It was also perfect for bedtime, nothing scarey or spooky here.)

Mr and Mrs Pig's evening out
Published in Unknown Binding by Macmillan ()
Author: Mary Rayner
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $9.00
Average review score:

A little icky
The first time I saw this book I thought nothing of it other than - it's a cute story about pigs victorious over the big bad wolf. A classic folktale theme. But then I read the book to a group of children in a storytime and got some suprising reactions. A few of the children were pretty disturbed by this story. I have to admit, it is troubling. The pigs vs big bad wolf theme works fine in a folklore context, but when you take the wolf and make her into a babysitter...
This book is about parents unknowingly hiring a bad person as a babysitter. They know nothing about her. "I don't like babysitters," said Benjamin. "Oh," said Mrs Pig, looking vague, "well, she's coming from the agency so I'm not sure what her name is, but you're sure to like her."
The babysitter turns out to have bad intentions towards the children. After Mr. and Mrs Pig leave the house she creeps up to the children's bedroom and snatches one of the children from the bed.
This story has very quickly lost its innocence. If you can see past its modern connotations, that's fine. It is a good adventure. But it is just a little too icky for me.

A weird babysitter
Just imagine if a pig hired a wolf to take care of her children. What would happen? The mother pig was so out of it that she didn't see that the babysitter had a long furry tail and sharp teeth. Children from the ages of 5 to 10 would like this book. The pictures are funny and detailed. I give this book 5 stars!

One of my children's all-time favorite books
I was looking for some of my favorite picture books of all time, and I was SO saddened to see that this book is "out of print - limited availability"! My children are in their late teens and early 20's and this is probably one of the books they enjoyed the most when they were little! I really hope all the books in this series get reprinted!

If you can get hold of a copy of this book, buy it while you can! You'll love it!

Mr. and Mrs. Pig have their hands full with 10 young piglets and they decide to go out for the evening. They get a sitter from "the agency" and leave the house. The sitter is dressed up like a woman, but your children will see that she is indeed a WOLF! Yes, a wolf babysitting for the piglets! After she gets them to bed, she preheats the oven and decides to try to catch Garth, the youngest pig.

While this may sound like a very frightening book, your kids will love it! The antics of the pigs as they save their brother Garth and send the babysitter packing will keep you laughing.

Please also look for Garth Pig and the Ice Cream Lady where the pigs send Garth out to get ice cream from the ice cream vendor who - you guessed it - turns out to be a wolf! The story ends happily ever after, but not before Garth goes for a terrifying ride in the ice cream truck and the other pigs use their ingenuity to outsmart the Ice Cream Lady.

Mrs. Pig Gets Cross and Other Stories
Published in School & Library Binding by E P Dutton (1987)
Author: Mary Rayner
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $2.22
Collectible price: $26.47
Average review score:

Delightful Piggy Adventures!
This is a wonderful collection of short stories involving a diverse litter of piglets! Garth, Sorrel, Sarah and their siblings work together to solve problems, sometimes of their own making! Whether they are helping Father plant the garden, driving Mother to distraction with their messiness or competing with each other in field day activities, the piglets' lively adventures are well worth reading. Children and adults will love the charming illustrations of the piglets in their colorful play clothes! Mary Rayner does an excellent job of creating a lovable cast of characters, whose humanlike dilemmas will have you chuckling along with your child!

Ten Pink Piglets : Garth Pig's Wall Song
Published in Paperback by Penguin USA (Paper) (01 May, 1994)
Author: Mary Rayner
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $13.37
Average review score:

cute..bouncy...great illustrations
Watch out Mrs. Wolf woke up and wants to catch a little pig for lunch. Countdown as the little pigs make their escape. Neat, catchy little tune too. My daughter loved this book.

Animal Stories Pack
Published in Paperback by Heinemann Educational Books - Library Division (18 May, 1999)
Author: Mary Rayner
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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