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Book reviews for "Ray,_John_Philip" sorted by average review score:

The Battle of Britain: New Perspectives: Behind the Scenes of the Great Air War
Published in Hardcover by Arms & Armour (1994)
Author: John Philip Ray
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $10.00
Average review score:

A view of the battle from the inside looking out
John Ray's book is in keeping with the excitement and suspense of other accounts of this fascinating battle (the only one in history to be fought completely in the air), but he takes the point of view of Britain's Sir Hugh Dowding, Commander-in-chief of RAF Fighter Command. Ray tells of the inner workings of the RAF, the political battles and clashes of personality that were happening as the battle was being fought and eventually won. It isn't a hagiography of Dowding, but defends his positions and points out his weaknesses. The details on the battle are given as they relate to Dowding's story, without a rigid historical chronology, but containing some terrific anecdotes (such as Dowding's visit to the French Armie de L'Aire headquarters in March of 1940, which helped him make up his mind not to send any more of his fighters to be destroyed in what was obviously a lost cause.

This is a book for those who already know the Battle of Britain and wish to delve deeper into the personalities involed, rather than a complete record of events during the Summer of 1940. It is an intellectual and entertaining look at the Battle from behind the desk of its most tenacious leader.

Britain and the modern world
Published in Unknown Binding by Heinemann Educational ()
Author: John Philip Ray
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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Lloyd George and Churchill
Published in Unknown Binding by Heinemann Educational ()
Author: John Philip Ray
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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Rays of the Rising Sun: Japan's Asian Allies 1931-45 China and Manchukuo
Published in Hardcover by Helion Publishing, Incorporated (2003)
Authors: Philip S. Jowett and John Berger
Amazon base price: $41.97
List price: $59.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:
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Roosevelt and Kennedy
Published in Unknown Binding by Heinemann Educational ()
Author: John Philip Ray
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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