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Book reviews for "Rabin,_Yitzhak" sorted by average review score:

Liberal Democracy and the Limits of Tolerance: Essays in Honor and Memory of Yitzhak Rabin
Published in Hardcover by University of Michigan Press (2000)
Author: Raphael Cohen-Almagor
Amazon base price: $65.00
Average review score:

a stimulating collection of essays on liberty and tolerance
+AH4-To what extent should a liberal democracy tolerate extremist groups or hate speech? Are the media entitled to give terrorist publicity without the imposition of restraints to protect public safety? These are difficult, even painful issues for any free society, particularly so for Israel after the assassination of Prime Minister Rabin in November 1995. They are discussed in this collection of essays.

The essays cover a variety of related topics: the costs of tolerance, the treatment of speech+AH4-+AH4- advocating violence and of hate speech, the responsibilities of the media when faced with threats to give publicity to terrorism (articles by Joseph Eliot Magnet, David Boeyink and Edmund Lambeth), and the regulation of international communications, particularly on the Internet (Michael Jaffe). Some contributions approach the topic from a legal perspective (David Feldman, Owen Fiss, Irwin Cotler, Richard Moon, David Goldberg), others from that of political philosophy (Raphael Cohen-Almagor,+AH4-+AH4- L.W. Sumner, Sam Lehman-Wilzig). Many writers develop their theme from a Canadian, Israeli, British, or United States perspective, exploring the implications of recent developments within a particular jurisdiction.

Many essays implicitly share an underlying theme: liberalism carries significant costs. It is clearly articulated in the contributions of Frederick Schauer and Harvey Chisick. The public, rather than the victim, should be asked to bear the costs of tolerating harmful speech. +AH4-+AH4- In summary, this is a stimulating collection of essays on subjects of concern for all liberal democracies. Cohen-Almagor's introduction skillfully knits together the various themes as well as making some perceptive points of his own.+AH4-

Russian Bullet for Itzhak Rabin
Published in Paperback by Eurasia International (27 April, 2000)
Authors: Vadim Korsh and Victor Topaller
Amazon base price: $12.99
Used price: $7.95
Average review score:

Russian Bullet for Itzhak Rabin
I found this book very interesting. I didn't put it down from the beginning to the end. Every page in this book breathtaking. This is the first book I have read from these authors, I hope that the authors continue to publish books like this one.

Waves of Peace - Galim 8
Published in Paperback by Ada Aharoni (08 July, 1997)
Author: Ada Aharoni
Amazon base price: $12.99
Average review score:

Yitzhak Rabin: Leader of Peace
This excellent book in the memory of Yitzhak Rabin, published by IFLAC: PAVE PEACE - The Internatioonal Forum for the Culture of Peace, is an eye opener honoring this great leader of peace. It gives an inner view and deep insights into hitherto unpublished aspects of the life and values of Yitzhak Rabin, as for instance, the quoting of his wise words and yearnings for peace, alongside those of other great generals who wished for peace more than anything else in their lives - such as Eisenhower, Marshall and Sadat. This book demonstrates that though we are nuclear giants, we are still infants culturally and ethically.

We should be grateful to the editor-in-chief, Professor Ada Aharoni; for this important collection - GALIM 8 WAVES Anthology, for its richness and excellent choice of subjects.

The book is in English and Hebrew, and some Arabic, and it includes precious information about IFLAC, a new NGO that promotes Peace in the Middle East and in our global village through the building of Cultural Bridges qnd Communications in the spirit of Rabin. An important book for all ages, for libraries; and for Peace Studies. Highly recommended! I also recommend GALIM - WAVES 9, a further unforgettable universal experience.

In the Name of Sorrow and Hope
Published in Paperback by Schocken Books (1997)
Authors: Nao Ben Artzi-Pelossof, Noa Ben Artzi-Pelossof, and Noa Ben Artzi-Pelossof
Amazon base price: $11.00
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $1.86
Buy one from zShops for: $0.01
Average review score:

An honest look at grief, family, and Isreal....
Wow, I can hardly believe that I am the first person to write an on-line review of this book. I really found this book to be a breath of fresh air. Noa Ben Artzi-Pelossof's candor, sincerity, innocence and youth combine to produce a work straight from the heart. She reveals a vibrant family life, which included a special relationship with her grandfather, Yitzak Rabin.

This is a great book for someone who enjoys reading about people's lives in other countries, and wants to know the mind of an Israeli citizen. I didn't agree with her political views, but it is easy for me to disagree while living in a country that has not known war on its land for 130 years.

The authors simplicity and failure to romanticize events makes this book ring with truth and honesty. She tells it like is/was and does so in a compelling way. As a result the reader cares for her, her family and her grandfather, so that when tragedy strikes the pain is real.

One of the best 5 books I have ever read.

An excellent book for all ages about modern Israeli life
I enjoyed this book so much that I bought it for our Lutheran church library. What made me read this book in the first place was the moving eulogy Noa gave at her grandfather's funeral. In front of heads of state, the Israeli government representatives and family, Noa spoke not of her grandfather as prime minister, but what he meant to her as a sabba--he and Mrs. Rabin raised Noa, so Rabin was actually like a father to her. The book is divided into several sections--the assassination and its aftermath, Noa's life, and what it is like to be an Israeli teenager today--very like American living except with compulsory military service and the threat of war always hanging over your head. She calls for world peace. This is an excellent book for teens because it gives them a down-to-earth, real-life story of a young woman in the middle of one of the more important families in political history. I applaud her for writing this story of her life, told touchingly and often humorously. A fine young woman.

Very Moving and Touching
This is an excellent book on many levels. First and foremost it is a powerful and emotional look at Rabin, not as a world leader, but as a grandfather. That is what made the authors speech at his funeral so moving. Despite praise from leaders around the world, when his grand daughter spoke and spoke of Rabin in very human terms it was a powerhouse of emotions. But the book is more than just a look at a grandfather by his grand daughter. Its a powerful cry for peace between Jews and Muslims in the Middle East. It is a book about the effects of the Palestinian/Muslim Israeli Conflict. Because of the authors age while writing this book, it is a good book for high school kids about the crisis in that part of the world. Prepare to be very moved if you read this book.

Murder in the Name of God: The Plot to Kill Yitzhak Rabin
Published in Hardcover by Metropolitan Books (1998)
Authors: Michael Karpin and Ina Friedman
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $1.95
Collectible price: $2.95
Buy one from zShops for: $3.75
Average review score:

A must read for anyone interested in the Middle East.
Riveting book that tells a story that goes far beyond the straight forward facts of the events of the Rabin assassination. It is the trenchant story of how extreme religiousity and extreme nationalism blend into a murderous brew that puts the right wing of Israel above the law and the national pursuit of and interest in a negotiated peace with the Arabs. This book is a must read for - and a clear warning to - anyone with a nostalgic sympathy for the religious community of Israel. The extreme religious right of Isael is centered on an absolute belief in the corectness of their path - and it grants no legitimacy to any other political views. In such a community murder becomes a righteous act rather than the most heinous of criminal offenses. This is a well written and outstanding contribution to understanding the the complex political and religious society of Israel.

A frightening tale of mystagogical fanaticism
This is a gereat book. As a lvoer of Israel I was always appalled by the Yigal Amir's of this world. This book gives great context to the more fanatical nationalist elements in both Israel and regrettable here in the United States. I never thought I owuld ever see the day when bogus Rabbis would issue a "fatwa" on a Prime Mnister's life. yet Jacob Hecht essentially did that. Unfortuantely the debate in Israel (has anyone seen the Knesset in action?) is loud, vituperative, vulgar and shrill. I am also aware of conspiracy theorists ont he web, people who are trying to exonerate the mystagogical settlers from teh murder. This is baloney and worthy of an Oliver Stone. Unfortunately politcal/physical violence against fellow Jews is not unheard of: the Arlosoroff Affair, the Altalena affair; the murder of Emil Grunzweig in an anti-Lebanon war demonstration in 1982 and of course the Rabin murder. The fact that some insane people here and in Israel are calling for a pardon for Amir is very disturbing. If you hate fanaticism as I do, this book becomes despite its superb writing and research - a painful read.

Ties together circumstances which led to Rabin's murder.
This terrific book was an easy read, and managed to weave together many seemingly apparent notions in a manner no one has yet done about the relationship between the assasination of Rabin and the political right in Israel. Yet it also tells the greater story of how the small religious right minority in Israel has slowly begun to leave its mark on Israeli society at large, while using the very government and democratic tools they reject. While this book is a must read for anyone living in Israel or interested in the political situation there, it has great value for Americans (a chapter is devoted to right wing supporters of Israel in the United States) and freedom loving people everywhere. Serious dangers exist when people attempt to gain power democratically while preaching that their ways are the ways of God (with the implication that all others are the ways of non-believers). The chaos that can take place as these groups gain power is apparent from such disparate places such as the United States, Israel, Algeria and Iran, to name a few. This book seriously details the steady erosion to Israel's once vibrant, but now teetering, democracy that has resulted from the rise to power of these would be despots. The terrible situation that exists in Algeria and Iran, partly due to the rise of such groups, is clear. One can also see the clear link between these groups in Israel and those who would bomb abortion clinics, burn black churches, deface synagoges, bomb federal buildings, and commit other similar acts of domestic terrorism and intimidation in the United States.

Rabin: Our Life, His Legacy
Published in Hardcover by Putnam Pub Group (2000)
Authors: Lea Rabin and Leah Rabin
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $1.58
Buy one from zShops for: $0.35
Average review score:

A Tragic Story of Self-Delusion and Self-Destruction
Leah Rabin, at the side of her husband Yitzhak Rabin participated over a period of over 40 years in the major events of Israel's history, including the War of Independence, the Six-Day War in which Yitzhak was Chief-of-Staff, his period as Israeli Ambassador to the US, his two terms as Prime Minister and the signing of the Oslo Agreements with Arafat. The tragedy of Leah Rabin is that her narrow-mindedness brought about her psychological downfall when she failed to see how the disastrous agreement with Arafat brought massive bloodshed and war in spite of her broad experience which is outlined in the book. This was sadly demonstrated on the night in 1996 when Benyamin Netanyahu defeated her husband's successor, Shimon Peres, in the election for Prime Minister and she told a reporter that she intended "to pack up her bags and leave the country". In the end, she stayed, but this unfortunately shows the mentality of so many people on the "establishment Left" in Israel, that they consider the country to be their personal property and their loyalty to it is conditioned on their being in power. She would often state that she viewed Arafat as a "personal friend of the family" and at the same time she would denounce the opponents of her political movement (the majority of the country) as fascists, a type of political terminology that went out of style in the 1970's. She reached her nadir in her final public statement before she died which was a call for "Shimon (Peres) to sit down with Arafat and reach an agreement to stop the violence" a meeting that in the end produced nothing. This tragically shows how truly out-of-touch she was with reality. It was inconceivable to her that "her friend" who had said so many nice things to her would at the same time conduct a war against her country.
I must add, though, that the book is important to read because of her frank account of the night of Rabin's assassination in which she states how the SHABAK (Israel Secret Service) bundled her off and kept assuring her for a long time that the shooting "was not real" and that Yitzhak was all right. This certainly lends credence to those who claim that the SHABAK set up some sort of "game" in which there would be an attempted assassination as a "provocation" to make the right-wing political opposition look bad, but something went wrong and he was killed. In spite of my strong opposition to her political views, I respect her candor.

Read This Book in our Troubled Times
Leah Rabin died 12th November 2000 of Cancer 5 years after the Prime Minister Rabin was assassinated. This is a very good personal Story about The first 50 years of the State of Israel. This is why it should be read. In Tel-aviv and in Rabin Square You can find posters stuck up about the Intifada 2000 that say "This is not Peace, Friend". So the Incitement against Rabin and the Oslo agreements has not ended. For a academic book on the subject of Violence in Israeli Politics look at "Brother against Brother" by Sprinzak.

A must for reading Israeli Modern History
Leah writes from her personal view about Rabin and Israels History. I liked the book very much and I have Leah's signature on my Hebrew Copy. From a reader who is commited to carrying on with Rabins Legacy. We miss him.

Beginning Of The End, The
Published in Paperback by Thomas Nelson (26 January, 1996)
Author: John C. Hagee
Amazon base price: $9.59
List price: $11.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $0.25
Buy one from zShops for: $0.82
Average review score:

An Excellent Profile of the End Times
When I first started reading Pastor Hagee's book "The beginning of the End", I must admit it was a little slow in the beginning. However, it picked up rapidly after that and I couldn't put the book down. This book will give any reader a clear understanding of events of the end times. For believers it brings great hope to know the church will be taken out before the horrible world events take place. Glory! I highly recommend this book; I recently bought this book for someone else. If you're into reading books, don't overlook this one!

An excellent source of information for believers and a true eye opener for all. With the Middle East in a constant state of turmoil, many overlook the daily headlines of war and dischord in the heart of our religious beginnings. Pastor/Author John Hagee brings these events into light, brilliantly explaining and demonstrating how the prophesies and words of God are being and lived out in this century. For those who question prophecy and the Bible, this book gives many examples of prophesies already fulfilled as well as those unflolding before our eyes as we speak. "Are we the terminal generation"? The question is asked and the evidence is shown.

A true understanding of the world that is yet to come.
After reading Revelations of the bible I then read Dr. Hagee's book, "The Begging Of The End". Dr. Hagee sheds light on the world and what is to come of it in the near future. It quotes scriptures from the bible and then interpts them for you, making it very easy to read and understand. Whether you are a Christian or not I strongly recommend you to read this book so that you will have strong understanding of what is to come in the near future and how to be prepared for it.

The Rabin File: An Unauthorized Expose
Published in Hardcover by Gefen Books (1999)
Authors: Uri Milstein and Aryeh Amit
Amazon base price: $34.95
Average review score:

"As someone that was spellbound my the mystique of Yitzhak Rabin, I can guarantee you that THE RABIN FILE can be a very sobering book. As a resident of Jerusalem...I'm living with the consequences of his many blunders."

Daniel Ardel - Jerusalem

a harsh and unsparing portrayal of Rabin
Uri Milstein is unique among the new historians because his focus on the events of the War of Independence also pays major attention to Yitzhak Rabin's conduct and leadership. The same commander receives much less attention from the other new historians. This book portrays Rabin harshly and unsparingly as a weak-minded uncultured chain-smoking drinker, and as a coward who was promoted despite his many leadership failures in battle. In writing such a deep-level criticism of Yitzhak Rabin (a new martyr and an internationally famous symbol of Israeli-Arab peace agreements), Uri Milstein takes on a deeply entrenched Israeli Labor party political-academic myth-defending juggernaut. Whether he has written the truth or not might be disputed, but there is no question that Milstein's career has suffered as a result of his negative Rabin appraisals. This book deserves reading and attention unless its claims can be disproven by other historians...which so far as this writer knows, has not occurred. In the book Uri Milstein does write about denials and threats by other scholars and political figures to sue him for libel...but according to Milstein, such suits were never brought to court. It may be that denials were issued, and negative realities ignored, in order to protect Rabin's legend. In his book, Milstein provides not one instance (Rabin's commonly-known collapse in the Six-day War), but a pattern, of Yitzhak Rabin collapsing mentally or taking naps during military crises or of his fleeing from battle when things turned to the worse (leaving his men behind under the most desperate circumstances). According to Milstein, Rabin's failures were covered by his fellow Palmachnics for the sake of their own political and military survival, even as they themselves felt perplexed by his lack of leadership. If anything, this book raises an alarm by showing the possible dangers to a nation brought about by a political myth-making apparatus which turns a human being into a legend or symbol. In order for such a symbol or myth to exist, truths must be ignored or forgotten. If what Uri Milstein has written is true, it is also probable that much of Israel and the world would not want to hear about it.

potential classic historiography and far-reaching appraisal
This book could and should be read as a sample of a very important revision and as such as a piece of far- reaching historiography. It shows the pivotal role myth making plays in contemporary politics and highlights the need for a search for truth and how far actually this has been lacking. Implicitly the reader can detect the degree to which superficiality has taken over from properly founded research in the creation of standardised interpretation. Therefore the book, as an expose, is something special academically. It is a product of the willingness to question 'orthodox' opinion and to research in detail and to document fearlessly. Therefore author and publisher are to be congratulated on being willing to allow scholarship to advance by the production of a book that spells out in no uncertain terms just what may well be the terrible truth about the 'real' Rabin. In the light of the eulogies about him this brave appraisal is all the more important. Truth is a casualty through death as well as war: President Kennedy's status changed as a result of his assassination and the same to some degree may be true of Rabin. But this change may be anything but beneficial for the way in which Israel runs its democratic processes and understands its position vis a vis its neighbours' intentions. With Rabin neither the master strategist nor 'Mr Security' much is open to question and needs to be. This book starts everyone thinking differently. And it does so with diligence and thoroughness.

Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin
Published in Paperback by Gefen Books (01 April, 1999)
Author: Barry Chamish
Amazon base price: $12.95
Average review score:

A disturbing look at the Rabin assassination...
This book gives the reader an inside look into an alternative theory of the Rabin assassination. While most of the book is believable, the author admits to using unnamed sources for certain parts of the book which drains some credibility from his theory. Regardless, the book does give a detailed examination of both the official and alternative theories of the Rabin assassination. If you are interested in Israeli politics, this book is a must read.

Eye opener for the politically concerned but naive. Wow!!!
The night of the Rabin Assasination, disjointed factoids that appeared in all of the media led me immediately to conclude that the character assassination of the then accused murderer and the left's political machine smear of both the rightwing and the observant sector of the nation smelled of conspiracy and collaboration at the highest levels. Barry Chamish finds the loose ends, inconsistencies, contradictory testimony and evidence that abound regarding the assassination. My only regret is that while he presents the facts that clearly spell conspiracy, he doesn't come to a conclusion about who he suspects or knows is guilty of the actual murder. The book is explosive. I couldn't put it down. This and the book The Secret War Against the Jews are musts for people who want to really know all news fit to print and not what the powers that be want us to see. I'm ordering Barry's other books immediately. You should too. These are musts !!!

Little known facts about the Rabin murder are revealed
This book is a must for any serious student of the Middle East peace process and the history of Israel. Chamish reveals how the official story behind the Rabin murder cannot be true, and that, contrary to popular belief, Rabin was probably killed by people who were interested in promoting the peace process rather than stopping it.

Chamish offers some theories on what may have transpired behind the scenes. When you read the book, remember that the purpose of these theories are (probably not) to give 100% correct answers to everything that transpired, but to give you an idea of what MAY have happened. The book will raise more questions than it answers.

Rabin and Israel's National Security
Published in Hardcover by Woodrow Wilson Center Pr (1999)
Authors: Efraim Inbar and Efrayim Inbar
Amazon base price: $32.00
Used price: $20.00
Buy one from zShops for: $24.68
Average review score:

interested ideas, how domestic policies led Rabin to DC
A clear and unemotional examination of Rabin's impact on Israeli government, security and military affairs, including his influence through his personnel appointments, arms acquisitions and policies. Inbar, of teacher at Bar Ilan, raises interesting ideas on whether the Deri Affair and the lapse in Syrian Peace negotiations led Rabin to travel to Washington DC to sign with the PA and Arafat.

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