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Troy H. Middleton : a biography
Published in Unknown Binding by Louisiana State University Press ()
Author: Frank James Price
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $4.73
Collectible price: $15.88
Average review score:

Rare Biography of a WWII Corps Commander!
With the exception of Gen J. Lawton Collins, little attention is placed at the level of corps command during WWII. With new biographies of Dwight D. Eisenhower and George S.Patton surfacing regularly, one wonders if and when the focus will trickle down to the two-star generals who actually fought the battles that made up the various campaigns of the war. It is for this reason that Frank James Price's biography (first published in 1974) of Troy H. Middleton is significant.Middleton, the youngest colonel to command a regiment in WWI, commanded the 45th Infantry Division on Sicily. In March, 1944, Ike gave Middleton command of VIII Corps. It was Middleton's 4th Armored Division (Maj. Gen. John S. Wood) that spearheaded the breakout from Normandy. It was Middleton's VIII Corps that was left behind to fight in Brittany, while the rest of the American Army raced for the German border. And it was Middlton who held the southern flank during the Battle of the Bulge.Price's book is really two works combined. The first half covers Middleton's military career; the second part his career on the admisitrative faculty at Louisiana State University. Written while Middleton was still alive, Price conducted hundreds of hours of interviews with his subject. Thus, Price's work takes on the qualities of a memoir rather than an objective biography. I was also looking for a bridge between Middleton's military and civilian careers. How does a professionally trained Army officer make corporate decisions? Price (also at the time on the faulty at LSU) does not provide that bridge. Asside from these minor flaws, I reccomend Price's biography. Middleton's achievments in WWII alone should have warranted him more exposure. Although not as political as Eisenhower and, certainly not as flamboyant as Patton, Middleton story sheds light on a level of command so often overlooked by military historians.

1985-1986 Game Buyer's Price Guide
Published in Paperback by TSR Hobbies (1985)
Authors: Frank Mentzer, James M. Ward, and Jean B. Black
Amazon base price: $5.95
Average review score:
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Fenton Glass: The Third 25 Years
Published in Paperback by Antique Publications (1998)
Authors: William Heacock, Frank M. Fenton, and James S. Measell
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $25.21
Collectible price: $21.95
Buy one from zShops for: $22.45
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