Used price: $22.00
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comprehensive and written for the advanced reader but it is a MUST for ALL and should be mandatory reading for any
progressive school or person. The book discusses several human brain conditions from anxiety all to way to schizophrenia and
discusses their definition, diagnosis, origins, prevalence, reasons for existing, etc.... What I specifically noted about this book, apart from all the good that has been written, is its attempt to remove, as much as possible, human biases in the science of psychology and psychiatry and to just state "Just the facts mam". They even admit to the pitfalls of the traditional fields of psychology and psychiatry (e.g. psychoanalysis). A MUST for those wanting to move on beyond the traditional psychobable
and self-help; towards real science.
An extremely interesting book detailing evolutionary human behavior. Covers a very wide range from the history of evolutionary
thinking to the latest views. Includes: kin selection, friendship, family, group, and tribal behavioral dynamics as viewed from an
evolutionary point of view.
For further reading:
The Moral Animal : The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology by Robert Wright
Charles Darwin by John Bowlby
Darwinian Psychiatry by Michael T. McGuire, Alfonso Troisi
Used price: $8.00
Used price: $5.25
The complicated plot is ingenious right to the very end, in which he keeps you guessing even after you have finished with the book.
I would recommend this book to all.
Used price: $1.99
Collectible price: $7.41
I hope this isn't his best book.When ever I read this book I feel like I am in The first world war fighting the Germans.I cannot tell you any more because I have wrote the rest with invisible inc.If you want to find out any more about
"War Game" why not buy the book.
Used price: $0.43
Collectible price: $1.07
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Used price: $14.00
Frigates, in their classical wooden form, only existed as a class of warship for a century (c1750-1850). As fast scouting cruisers, they were - again in Nelson's words -'the eyes of the Fleet'. But they were much more than that: as true fighting-ships, lightly-built but heavilyarmed, they were also the maids-of-allwork of the British navy, ready for every task short of joining in those great set-piece fleet battles which were the preserve of ships-of-the-line like Nelson's Victory.
Yet Nelson's own first command as a fully-fledged captain was of a frigate: for every young officer, command of such a ship was the essential first step towards fame and admiral's rank. And in such a ship a young captain could become a millionaire - and even a Jack Tar could win the equivalent of 16 years' pay in an afternoon.
The Eyes of the Fleet is the story of the frigate's evolution and high days, told largely through the overlapping careers of a succession of some of the most famous - and infamous - frigate captains and set against the 22-year drama of the last of the great 'French Wars'.
Used price: $2.00