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La edad de oro
Published in Paperback by Ediciones Universal (2001)
Authors: Humberto J. Pena and Jose M. Marti
Amazon base price: $9.95
Average review score:

It's an educational children's book
This book is soo good. I grew up on it as a child in Cuba and it's just as I remember it. Marti was not only a genius but loved children. Adults can benefit from reading the book. It's thought provoking.

A beautiful book by the world's finest poet.
Jose Marti was an amazing man. Poet, writer, revolutionary hero - his poetry is heartbreakingly beautiful and his essays on human dignity and courage eye-opening. It's only a shame that most Americans cannot understand his words.

Anyone who can understand Spanish and hasn't read this amazing little book is truly missing out.

It's time that someone translated this treasure into other languages so much more of the world can learn to cherish it.

A life-changing book
"La Edad de Oro" is a classic book for all Cuban children; imagine George Washington having edited and written a magazine for children and collecting its few issues in one volume. During his exile, the Cuban patriot and author Jose Marti edited a children's magazine in New York. He included classic stories he had translated from other languages, his own poetry and articles dealing with history or current events. A fighter for Cuba's independence in the 19th century, Marti's perspective was that of an anti-colonialist and champion of justice. That being said, it's not difficult to see why this would be a life-changing book for many children (as Marti hoped it would. After all, he was concentrating on children as a way of turning out future adults who would also champion liberty and justice). Some of the stories have a decidedly Victorian outlook but so many are full of a fire for justice that could politicize young readers. His account of the conquest of the Am! ! ericas by the Spanish is unforgettable. I first read this book in its original Spanish version when I was five or six and it changed me forever. Call me a bleeding-heart liberal, a card-carrying pinko...whatever...but I believe so many of the causes I'm interested in (anti-nukes, social justice, anti-poverty, etc.) came as a result of Marti's having opened my eyes to racism, capitalism, colonialism and a yearning for liberty when I was young. And my parents thought they were giving me a nice little storybook! He surrounded his stories about freedom with stories about magic fish and poems about a girl's little pink shoes with the intention of turning out a generation of socially conscious Cuban kids. What a genius!

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