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He clearly explains why government cannot maintain the kind of tough love that leads people out of poverty and shows that sympathy is ..., and exchange -- expecting something in return for assistance given, from those capable of working - is crucial. The subtitle - Expecting More from the Poor and from Ourselves - suggests the need for more volunteering by the non-needy.

For a variety of reasons, I think that Payne hits the nail right on the head in his analysis of the reasons for the failure of poverty programs that practice what he calls "sympathetic giving." Although some receipients find their way out of poverty, it is despite these programs, not because of them. Sympathetic giving provides extremely perverse incentives (the "aggravation principle") not to work one's way out of poverty. It is basic human nature at work. Our government has wasted trillions of dollars on misguided anti-poverty policies. The bureaucratic structure of government programs helps to guarantee the poor result, especially with something-for-nothing give-aways. The fraud is substantial. I've seen it at work for 20 years; oh, the true stories I could relate!
I was sincerely touched by Payne's telling of the success stories that resulted from what he calls "expectant giving." I now am convinced that expectant giving is the better way to help people in need. The challenge is to bring to an end all government poverty programs (whether rapidly or gradually), and to leave it to private charity to deal with the poverty problem. No doubt, there always will be poor people, but expectant giving, properly carried out, will be more effective in result than sympathetic giving programs.
I am so impressed with Payne's book that I want to purchase many copies of it and give them to friends and acquaintances in the poverty field, in the hope that we can begin to think and act differently in our approach to poor people, so that we can truly help, rather than hinder, their lives in the long run. I would really like to speak to Mr. Payne about how to make this happen.

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