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C.D. Payne's rookie effort, Youth In Revolt, can easily be one of the funniest, most entertaining books you will read this year. Told through the journals of fourteen-year-old Nick Twisp, I found myself rolling through fields of laughter and memory thinking of my own life at his age. Angst ridden, intelligent, feeling the whole world is against him, Twisp brings us face to face with honesty on subjects such as love, masturbation, jealously, parents, society, oh, and did I mention masturbation. Though the book seems to dwell [on this repetitively], the plot never follows an expected course and always keeps the reader turning the page (Even if it is the pages of Webster's dictionary to stay in check with Payne's tremendous vocabulary). I found the strength of the book lied in the fact that Nick was such an interesting character. At times I felt like killing him, or just telling him to quit whining but at other times I felt his comments were so right on that I was able to completely see the world through his eyes, even if it were just for a few pages. At one point of the novel, when Nick's sister's boyfriend is vocalizing his business strategy for a venture the following dialogue ensues. Nick: That doesn't sound very ethical, to ruin a man professionally because of a personal vendetta. Phillip: What business is it of yours, kid? Nick: Ethics are everyone's concern, or at least they should be. It is during an intercourse like this were you see the true in you face intellect and wit of C.D. Payne show through in his character of Nick Twisp. Another strength of this book is the social commentary that Payne gives to his readers. Nick's father is to busy being a giggalo to give his son any guidance and his mother is too insecure with her own life to really care about Nick's. Can we really blame Nick for his behavior seeing where he has come from, and the life he led. He is definitely no angel, as we see in his manipulative love life, but hey love does that to teenagers. It is a time of confusion, lust, jealousy, and naivety, but Payne shows us Nick's role models, and there is really nobody he can go to for solid advice. Nick finds himself in love, out of love, an arsonist, a felon, a runaway, on the lamb, and in the costume of a girl. He experiments with homosexuality voluntarily and involuntarily, acquires wealth and fame, and listens to Frank Sinatra. Really this entire book is just a zany and remarkably hilarious romp through adolescence. It is definitely one that you will not forget and marks C.D. Payne as one of the young American writers to keep an eye on in the future.

List price: $14.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $7.40
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Revolting Youth somehow manages to surpass YiR. Payne has mastered his craft and now effortlessly cranks out complicated and unexpected Twispian plot twists, with hilarious results.
Lots of crazy stuff goes down in this book. While Nick is doomed to suffer setbacks and rejections, he always mananges to come out on top. Sheeni is even more indifferent to him than before, but you can bet Nick finds his way into her . . . erm . . . heart. Or something like it. Fuzzy returns as Nick's best pal, who is consistently, albeit NOT stupidly, a true friend. Don't forget about Ukiah's most beautiful teen couple, Trent and Apurva, now married and expecting two babies, although only one of them is Apurva's. Yes, all your favorite characters are back, and some new crazies join in the madness.
Only one problem remains: Don't expect Payne to come out with another Nick Twisp adventure. It doesn't seem possible that he can equal or top this one.

In the beginning of this book, Nick and his girlfriend Sheeni, are happily living in a rented house after the success of Nick's invention. However, their respective sets of parents soon confiscate all the cash and this forces Nick to run away and plot his reunion with Sheeni, who is playing him the whole time like in the first book.
Payne is a modern comedic genius. I place this book and its predecessor in the same class as John Kennedy Toole's Confederavy of Dunces. The pacing is manic and the action nonstop. Just when you think that it can't get any zanier, Payne pulls another trick out of his hat.
This, and Youth In Revolt, are the funniest books I've read in my 23 years on this planet.

Used price: $6.45
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The first few pages of this book didn't immediately capture me, but I slogged through, and it was worth it: This book is funny! Even if you hate pigeons, or don't want to hear a story from an animal's point of view, if you are an intelligent person, read this book! Payne's vocabulary continues to astound, and he is the master of unexpected plot twists. He'll have you seeing things from a bird's eye view in no time. Even if these birds weren't convinced that they were human, I have a feeling they'd still think they were pretty hip, continuing to trash talk, sleep around, smoke and drink. They're living the life some people dream about! ...

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