Book reviews for "Patel,_Indraprasad_Gordhanbhai" sorted by average review score:

Mrs. Kennedy Goes Abroad
Published in Hardcover by Artisan (1998)
Amazon base price: $13.27
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $1.80
Collectible price: $7.00
Buy one from zShops for: $1.75
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $1.80
Collectible price: $7.00
Buy one from zShops for: $1.75
Average review score: 

As an ardent admirer of Mrs. Kennedy for the past 40 years, I have read every book on her that I could get my hands on. "Mrs. Kennedy Goes Abroad" is a refreshing change from the repetitive narratives and recycled photos that are the mainstay of so many other books about her life. Ms. Duheme's illustrations are elegant and sumptuous but also embrace a childlike purity and simplicity which capture the essence of Mrs. Kennedy's persona and mystique. The commentary has the simple charm of a beautifully written children's book. It is obvious why Mrs. Kennedy chose Ms. Duheme to accompany her on her more memorable trips abroad as First Lady. A truly enchanting book.

Mrs. Kennedy Goes Abroad is an adorable little book filled with colorful Fauvist-like illustrations. Anyone who likes Laura Stoddart's simple-chic illustrations for Kate Spade will probably enjoy this book. Fans of the recent exhibition at the Met that highlighted Jackie's White House clothes may appreciate it too. The commentary is kept to a minimum and black and white photos from Mrs. Kennedy's travels are included, but the focus is on French artist Duheme's amusing miniature paintings that capture Jackie in all those great pink sleeveless dresses and crisp suits in Paris, India, London and Italy.
As a side note: Duheme and Jacqueline Kennedy became friends who shared similar painting styles, and Duheme was invited to Cape Cod to give the First Lady an art lesson.

"Mrs. Kennedy Goes Abroad" is a beautiful book. The illustrations are lovely to look at, and the book is fun to read. A good choice for anyone to add to their library; especially recommended for those interested in the Kennedys and Jackie in particular. Evokes the fun mood of Jackie's scrapbook written with her sister Lee, "One Special Summer".

The Tea Tree Oil Bible: Your Essential Guide for Health and Home Uses/Your First Aid Kit in a Bottle
Published in Paperback by Adi Gaia Esalen Publications (1999)
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $3.03
Buy one from zShops for: $5.38
Used price: $3.03
Buy one from zShops for: $5.38
Average review score: 

It's a user friendly book, that has help me save money. It is very well cross referenced in the main section and in the index. I was surprised to find out the hundreds of ways as well as health and other uses tea tree oil is good for. It helped my teenage daughter clear-up her acne. Discovered tea tree is great for disinfecting and cleaning uses. Best idea was how to use tea tree oil with my regular toothpaste to get rid of plaque. The dentists hygenist asked me if I'd recently had my teeth cleaned, sincew there was so little plaque. That tip alone, made the book worth it.

Explains well the many ways to use this incredible natural remedy. A frined follwoed the books instructions and it healed the fungal infection on his foot. As the book recommended, I told a girlfriend to massage some onto her scalp and add some to her shampoo, to get rid of her itching scalp and dandruff that she had unsuccessfully tried many dandruff shampoos on, it worked. I used it for my eczema, like the book said and finally have something safe and easy to use for my skin problem. tea tree and this book are staples I wwould not want to be without - they are great!

The book explained and gave many scientific studies about the uses of tea tree oil. Which made me more comfortable about using tea tree oil. I liked the fact that the methods of using tea tree oil for each conditon, were clearly given. In a few weeks it helped me clear up swollen gums (gingivitis), and I discovered loads of other health, home and pet care uses because of the book. I browsed a few other books on the subject and this was the only one that told me how to safely use it on my dog, and gave the warning signs of tea tree oil poisoning of small pets and what to do about it. This book helped me discover the lot's of ways to safely use tea tree oil.

The Presence of Siva
Published in Paperback by Princeton Univ Pr (11 January, 1994)
Amazon base price: $42.50
Used price: $10.99
Collectible price: $29.11
Buy one from zShops for: $39.12
Used price: $10.99
Collectible price: $29.11
Buy one from zShops for: $39.12
Average review score: 

Stella Kramrisch is transporting us in another world where we have to put aside our Western conditioned mind and to fully open our heart to grasp the complex world of the hindus Gods and particularly of Shiva, the Great God. But more than unveiling the secret stories of Shiva, this book is actually highlighting the "real presence" of Shiva in our current turmoiled World. A premonitory book !

Stella Kramrisch has done a brilliant job bringing Shiva to life. I have many other books which contain the stories of Shiva and Parvati; but no other does justice to his fantastic, immense, amazing, mind-blowing qualities. Shiva even has the power to kill with his 'lingam' which can be used as a weapon to annihilate his enemies. For those of you are interested in tantra and Kundalini, you will be delighted to understand that snakes form Shiva's ambience and that this ascetic is also master of the erotic and dance. Stella's translations will stir you imgination back to a more auspicious time. The stories make the conquests of today's corporate rulers seem pathetic.

Advances in the Evolutionary Synthesis of Intelligent Agents
Published in Hardcover by MIT Press (05 March, 2001)
Amazon base price: $57.95
Used price: $30.00
Collectible price: $42.35
Buy one from zShops for: $49.01
Used price: $30.00
Collectible price: $42.35
Buy one from zShops for: $49.01
Average review score: 

This book is an excellent reference book on evolutionary design of intelligent agents. It is a welcome addition to the growing body of literature on intelligent agents in general, and evolutionary approaches to synthesis of such agents in particular. One of the editors, Professor Honavar, as amply demonstrated by his other publications, has the rare ability to interrelate an amazing diversity of perspectives on Artificial Intelligence - from symbolic methods to neural networks and evolutionary apporaches, to uncover the shared principles and common foundations, and show how different paradigms can be brought together in synergistic ways to advance our ability to design and analyze intelligent systems. This book includes chapters written by some of the leading experts in the field. The first chapter provides an excellent introduction to the topic. The rest of the chapters provide a veritable feast of material ranging from design of sensory systems for robots to current research on design of software agents. Most of the chapters, although they describe some of the latest research in this area, are written in a style that is accessible to even an interested layperson. (My 15 year old daughter has enjoyed reading several chapters). The book should be especially useful as a reference to graduate students and researchers interested in artificial intelligence, machine learning, evolutionary computation, software agents, and computational evolutionary biology. It should also be useful as supplementary reading for a graduate or upper level undergraduate course on evolutionary computation, computational intelligence, or a related area or as a primary text for a seminar course. I recommend this book enthusiastically to everyone who is interested in the science and engineering of intelligent agents.

Business Object Design and Implementation: OOPSLA'95 Workshop Proceedings
Published in Paperback by Springer Verlag (30 June, 1997)
Amazon base price: $69.95
Average review score: 

This book publishes all the papers presented in the first Business object Design & Implementation Workshop which was held in OOPSLA'95 conference where there were 12 position papers presented. The theme of that workshop was largely surrounding the areas of applying Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) methods within the business environment. [Casanave 95] proposed to integrate the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) with the middle layer architecture and to form a standard of Business Object Architecture for vertical industry's applications. Casanave's approach was supported by [Poirier et al 95] which proposed a telecommunication architecture Business object model. [Hertha et al 95] proposed a 3-model 4-tier framework for business applications. [Kossman 95] proposed a model to support real-time OO systems. [Digre 95] proposed a component based architecture for client/server distributed applications. [Ramackers et al 95] proposed a CASE tool environment to integrate OO modelling, Business Process Reengineering (BRP) and workflow management. [Grothehen et al 95] proposed a mechanism to interface with legacy system. [McCarthy et al 95] suggested a Resource-Event-Agent (REA) for value-added processes of a business enterprise. [Schwaber 95] used the rugby metaphor by adding a SCRUM management technique in OO project. Based on the position papers presented, Business Objects were used in a wide range of spectrums in both academic and industrial sectors. Most, if not all, the presenters held high calibre in their particular industrial / academic sectors. That's how they made such a good quality paper.

Culture And Common Mental Disorders In Sub-Saharan Africa
Published in Library Binding by Psychology Pr (01 April, 1998)
Amazon base price: $44.00
Used price: $28.95
Used price: $28.95
Average review score: 

If you are an anthropologist, sociologist, or physician interested in performing fieldwork and top-notch cross-cultural research, then Dr. Vikram Patel's book "Culture and Common Mental Disorders in Sub-Saharan Africa" is a must-read. The author explains in painstaking detail a lucid synthesis of his library research about mental disorders in Africa with truly elegant and meticulous field research that he conducted while practicing and teaching psychiatry in Harare, the capital city of Zimbabwe. Although much of the book is presented in technical research terminology, the summary and conclusions sections are clear and thought-provoking. Dr. Patel is truly a pioneer and trailblazer in doing cross-cultural psychiatric research, emulating and expanding on the work of the original guru of cross-cultural psychiatry, Dr. Arthur Kleinman. I recommend this book as a "can't miss" primer on cross-cultural research and pscyhiatric epidemiology.

Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology (3-Volume Set with Online Version)
Published in Hardcover by Academic Press (1999)
Amazon base price: $925.00
Used price: $800.00
Buy one from zShops for: $185.00
Used price: $800.00
Buy one from zShops for: $185.00
Average review score: 

This set is at the library at my university. I like it so much, that I wanted to purchase it. Alas, on a student's budget, I cannot afford the price!

Handbook of Cardiovascular Clinical Trials
Published in Paperback by Churchill Livingstone (15 January, 1997)
Amazon base price: $41.95
Used price: $16.00
Buy one from zShops for: $15.99
Used price: $16.00
Buy one from zShops for: $15.99
Average review score: 

One of the best books I have ever used for insomnia.

Handbook of the Normal Distribution
Published in Hardcover by Marcel Dekker (1982)
Amazon base price: $79.75
Average review score: 

This book provides the most comprehensive and in-depth treatment of the univariate and bivariate Normal distributions (for multivariate Normal see a book by Y. L. Tong). Both probability and statistics applications are considered. If you need an even deeper treatment, virtually every formula cites a source. This is a great reference book.

Arranged Love: An Indian Boy's Search in Amrika To Find A Suitable Girl
Published in Paperback by (2002)
Amazon base price: $19.95
Buy one from zShops for: $19.95
Buy one from zShops for: $19.95
Average review score: 

probably one of the easiest books to read that I have come across in a while. Definetly brings cultural memories and is a great gift to give to others in the same situation!

Great Read! All I can say is that it's about time that someone write a book on the subject that all of us ABCDs have to go through in order to find a mate here in Amrika. Patel's stories of his struggle, and search are sure to please anyone who can relate as they themselves navigate the long, ardous process of find the "one".

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. While it details the search for love and marriage in the Indian culture, the book's humorous telling of the search, including the involvement of family and friends in Vijay's efforts to find his true love, will be enjoyed by all.
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