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Pin Up: The Tragedy of Betty Grable
Published in Paperback by Berkley Pub Group (1987)
Amazon base price: $3.95
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Collectible price: $7.08
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Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $7.08
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Average review score: 

After I read this book, I was hurt, because I saw Betty Grable in a different light, this book really shows the bad side of Betty, I don't know if this book is true, but if it wasn't, wouldn't the family sue. Even Betty Grable's daughters supposedly was interviewed for this book, and doesn't speak well of their mother. After I read it, no one could give me a good clear answer on this book, was it true or not? But for a while I couldn't watch or listen to Betty Grable, but then I noticed we all are human beings and we all make mistakes, and we shouldn't look at movie stars like their perfect, or have the perfect life, they make mistakes too, and they pay for it, just like all of us.
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