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Book reviews for "Passantino,_Gretchen" sorted by average review score:

Published in Paperback by Zondervan (11 May, 1995)
Amazon base price: $6.99
Used price: $4.00
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Used price: $4.00
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Average review score: 

I found this to be a refreshingly calm and objective look at an alternative religious movement. To my surprise, I found that the authors disparaged more hysterical fundamentalist accounts of conspiracy theories, and even admitted that some fundamentalists lie about satanic ritual abuse and satanic conspiracy theories. They also regard many "satanists" as nothing more than very naughty adolescent misfits. As a neopagan, I was also pleased to see that the authors distinguish our traditions from satanist practices. Neopagans do not believe in an incarnated antideity of evil or Nietzschean superhumanity, whereas christians and satanists do. Stripped of the evangelical apologetics, this would be an excellent offering in a comparative religion course. I hope the authors and publisher decide to market it as such, as I am sure it would meet a warm reception if they did.

The pAssantinos do excellent work every time out!

When the Devil Dares Your Kids: Protecting Your Children from Satanism, Witchcraft, and the Occult
Published in Paperback by Vine Books (1991)
Amazon base price: $8.99
Used price: $2.02
Collectible price: $4.00
Buy one from zShops for: $6.00
Used price: $2.02
Collectible price: $4.00
Buy one from zShops for: $6.00
Average review score: 

Another work of paranoia making the work of God look evil through lies and false witness. This kind of erroneous and deceptive material is why Pagans are the hardest group in America to witness to.

This book is right on, Satan desires to destroy children,
look at the lastest obsession with a certain boy wizard. More evidence that in the last days, Right will be Wrong
and Wrong will be Right. The bible forbids the practice of
witchcraft and of the occult, don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
look at the lastest obsession with a certain boy wizard. More evidence that in the last days, Right will be Wrong
and Wrong will be Right. The bible forbids the practice of
witchcraft and of the occult, don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
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This book is a short book, of only 96 pages, titled "Satanism", but it does not tell much about Satanism as one might expect. Instead, it spends much effort on defining Christian theological terms of "Satan", "demon", "angel" and the like, from their meanings to their history. Also mentioned in details were Christian philosophies of "demonology" and the witch hunts, etc.. The author had done a neat and concise work on this, but sorry this is a book on Satanism. In chapter two on "History", a length of 32 pages, only 6 pages are actually Satanism related.
In chapter four on "Theology", there are great lengthy parts of ridiculous "refutation of Satanist arguments". Never have I seen an introductory book on any particular religion has such a section! The "refutations" are all Christian viewpoints, some of them are themselves questionable (but still presented as if they are solid facts).
And the next chapter, "Witnessing Tips", was a chapter teaching Christians how to approach Satanists and have them persuaded to turn their minds back to the Lord. Holy.
Hardly can I say this book is objective. If you are looking for an introduction to Satanism, you have better choices elsewhere.