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One of the best parts of this book is that it discusses various types of heart issues, not just heart attacks. The area of heart attacks does get quite a bit of attention in the book, but the authors also cover birth defects and other heart related illnesses. I also found it very useful that they discuss heart concerns in various stages of a women's life, such as pregnancy and menopause.
In addition to explaining heart conditions in a clear and concise manner the book also gives you tips on how to deal with related issues such as doctors and insurance companies.
Since my surgery I have continued to use the book as a reference, and I have recommended it to many friends as well as my primary phsyican and cardiologist. I was delighted to see that the book had been updated and purchased the new version as soon as I saw it. I would recommend this book to any woman and to men that care about the women in their lives.

Used price: $5.90
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Many references are provided, but although the book bears a 1999 copyright, and the pace of research in this field is very rapid, the most recent refrerences seem to be from 1997. There is no glossary, the index is not as complete as it should be, and outlines and flow diagrams are underutilized.
In several of the most important chapters, those involving exercise, the authors move from one sort of patient (e.g. healthy patients at risk to those post myocardial infarction to those in heart failure) to another in a fashion which leaves the reader uncertain as to which problems are under discussion.
Despite the relatively high price, those who have a need for a text covering this material would no doubt be ready to pay for a third edition if it were better organized and with more timely references.