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Book reviews for "Palmer,_Stuart" sorted by average review score:

HTML 4.01 Programmer's Reference
Published in Paperback by Wrox Press Inc (2001)
Authors: Chris Ullman, Sean Palmer, Simon Oliver, Stuart Conway, Cassandra Greer, Christian Jarolim, Gary Damschen, Daniel Maharry, and Jon Stephens
Amazon base price: $24.49
List price: $34.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $17.99
Buy one from zShops for: $26.72
Average review score:

Dog-eared already.
This is the only book for HTML 4.01 needed. Written and arranged so that information is easily found and understood. An excellent, comprehensive resource for both novice and experienced alike as it touches on everything one would need to know, forms-tables-style sheets-deprecated's, etc.

I am surprised no one has yet post a review for this one....
Honestly, I just got the book today. But guess what, I've been glued to my desk for 5 hours by now... First of all, if you know what it feels like to have ALL of your questions answered regarding the webpage you're working on then you know how I feel right now. This book is every bit competent as it was written to be - an html "reference." I am no newbie in html but still, I like how the book organize and explain the syntax and methodology of this language. My favorite section of the book was on style sheets, not only did I learn quite a few new tricks (or maybe they were simply not listed in my other reference) but I also found the cross-browser reference very useful. This is a fantastic reference that's full of examples and thoughtful materials. Just so you know, my other reference is the well-know "html 4 for the world wide web" by Elizabeth Castro. I must say it is well deserved the praise and hypes because nothing I've seen can topper this champ for for it's purpose -- it'll get you started in no time. But trust me, after you start programming in html for a while, you'll need a more in-depth reference. well, look no further, this is IT. At first I was hesitated to buy this book because there's no review on I'm just a happy reader.

1996 Baseball Almanac
Published in Paperback by Publications International (1996)
Authors: Dan Schlossberg, Stuart Shea, Mike Tully, Michael Bradley, Pete Palmer, Jeff Kurowski, Bruce Herman, and Consumer Guide
Amazon base price: $6.99
Used price: $11.36
Average review score:

Complete Almanac ,just great
I really like this book because I can always use it to refer to any stat I'm looking for. It is a complete package. Has Everythin From rookies, to stars to All time records!

Advanced University Physics
Published in Hardcover by Taylor & Francis (1996)
Authors: Stuart B. Palmer and Mircea S. Rogalski
Amazon base price: $159.00
Average review score:

A strong bridge to cross upon
I work in an industrial chemical research laboratory. I have little formal education, most of what I "know" I have taught myself. I know a little physics, and I've taught myself a little calculus. So why this physics book? Sometimes the introductory is too hard trying to be simple, and sometime the hard is really just the simple with more mathematics, also, the Feynman Lectures do not cover it all!
If you learn because you are curious and ask a lot of questions and are very stubborn and patient to make up for not being very smart, then you are like me, you will find, with efforts, this book to be a wonderful way to bridge the introductory.
I have a couple patents, and in each case I have used a little physics intuition and a collection of wonderful books. When I get an idea I look ahead to get a general feeling for the problem that I wish to solve. This book I have used to look ahead. Next, I go back to the basic college level text books and even more basic if necessary, and then move forward narrowing the questions and looking to solved problems and math text books to get the required background to forward an idea. I have a large collection of books and a poor memory ... this book is one book I use a lot. Do not tell my employer that I do most of my thinking off their clock and that time is not money, rather the momentum-energy four-vector (page 71).
For problems solved, collections of physics problems, I use other books, for understanding I use this book and Feynman's lectures.

Hildegarde Withers: Uncollected Riddles
Published in Paperback by Crippen & Landru, Publishers (02 September, 2002)
Author: Stuart Palmer
Amazon base price: $19.00
Used price: $14.25
Average review score:

This new Lost Classics edition is one of the best. The long forgoten Stuart Palmer deserves to be read today, and this collection of short stories are a great example of good plot in mysteries. The story are a delight (the dog competion is very good). This is a book that every mystery lover must buy!

The Insider 2000 (USA Today Baseball Weekly the Insider, 2000)
Published in Paperback by Total Sports (1900)
Authors: Gary Gillette, Stuart Shea, Doug White, Peter Palmer, and Pete Palmer
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $3.49
Average review score:

Baseball Weekly Insider
This is the best publication that Baseball Weekly puts out. It has a lot of information about trends and where teams are headed and why things happened the way they did last year. It gives you things to look out for if you are a rotisserie buff or just an average baseball fan. Lot better than reading a lot of dry facts or endless paragraphs written by stat-heads. Any trained monkey can prove anything they want to if they give you the right stats. This book does not succumb to that trap.

Murder on the Blackboard (Library of Crime Classics)
Published in Paperback by International Polygonics, Ltd. (1992)
Author: Stuart Palmer
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $2.75
Collectible price: $6.00
Buy one from zShops for: $3.94
Average review score:

This book is worth searching for.
Palmer writes with a flare that is seldom seen now-a-days.He was ahead of his time. He gives a strong female character in a time when there was little or no interest in women who were independant. The story is full of red herrings that draw you into story and shocks you with the climatic death of the murderer. The characters all a more than they same from the simplist urchin to the most complex criminologist. Here's to hoping for many reprints of all of Palmer's novels.

The Penguin Pool Murder (A Hildegarde Withers Mystery)
Published in Paperback by Bantam Books (1987)
Author: Stuart Palmer
Amazon base price: $2.95
Used price: $2.70
Collectible price: $6.35
Average review score:

An interesting setting with a very interesting sleuth
While the book is a fun read in itself, it is much more enjoyable if you have seen the 1932 film based on it and starring Edna May Oliver as Hildegarde Withers. Having the actress in your mind's eye as you read really brings the story to life. It's definitely one of those "they don't write 'em like that anymore" books.

The Tarot Path to Self-Development
Published in Paperback by Shambhala Publications (1996)
Authors: Micheline Stuart and Helen Palmer
Amazon base price: $6.00
Used price: $4.94
Average review score:

Brilliant Tool for the Serious Practitioner
This book offers sound principles of work-on-self, without the pseudo-mysticism and self-centered "feel-good" approaches of so much of contemporary self-help psychology and divinatory toys. One is challenged to tell a deeper level of truth about one's own motivations and to see one's present level of maturity. The path is laid out clearly, and the steps from naive ignorance to conscious participation and service are reflective of the way offered by the great spiritual traditions. This book is not for those who want to play with Tarot, but for those who want to genuinely use this brilliant tool.

The Universities Today
Published in Hardcover by University Press of America (05 March, 1998)
Authors: Stuart Hunter Palmer and M. D. Faber
Amazon base price: $39.00
Used price: $18.50
Average review score:

Stuart Palmer has served academia in many contexts: A professor of socialogy, a department chair, dean of a liberal arts college (all at the Univeristy of New Hampshire); and as a trustee of Daniel Webster College.

Although Palmer is a sociologist the book is nontechnecial. It is his personal obversations of the weaknesses and strengths of the US university system. He is very balanced. The book should be read by anyone insterested in college administration.

Palmer makes many recommendations for improving the substance and image of our universities: Slimming down the administration; increasing the probationary period before tenure; and phasing out marginal programs.

I feel that he misplaces the blame for the sharp rise in tuition. The main causes as I see them are cutbacks in state support, needed increased expenses for technology and unneeded increases in administration. Plamer blames the later and the proliferation of marginal programs.

As to increasing the length of time to get tenure, I'd be open to this if we could also decrease the time it takes to earn a PhD. Plamer does not address the later issue.

Mike Sullivan Math Dept. Southern Illinois University Carbondale IL 62901-4408 msulliva @ (no spam)

How to Be Your Own Nutritionist
Published in Audio Cassette by Dove Books Audio (1987)
Authors: Stewart Berger, Betsy Palmer, and Stuart M. Berger
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $9.15
Average review score:

Written by the guy mentioned on Dead Doctor's Don't Lie
Stewart Berger.. Joel Wallach mentions him on the famous cassette of "Dead Doctor's Don't Lie". Stewart Berger was his own nutritionist alright, but he died at the age of, what, 37?

Reading this book will take 38 years off your life!

How to Be Your Own Nutritionist
I love this book! I read alot on vitamins and minerals, and have found this to be a very informative and easy to follow book. I have checked this one out of our library at least 20 times or more and plan on purchasing my own from Amazon now that I found it. If you want something on Nutrition that is easy to follow and don't totally baffle your mind this is the one to get. As far as him dying at 37 as the one review stated I don't know but he also spelled his name as Stewart, not Stuart so maybe it was a different Berger. I just know it's helped me.

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