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Lovers and devoted students of poetry will be caught up in Neruda's poetic power, hopefully capturing the quintessence of this great poets mind. Others, like myself, who are occasional readers of poetry, may need to reread his words, but, through the rereading, Neruda's own spirit will descend into you mind.
Pablo Neruda speaks to the heart and struggle of us all, as he writes, "How many times in wintry streets, or in a bus, a boat a dusk,.... in the very lair of human pleasure, have I wanted to pause and look for the eternal, unfathomable truth's filament I'd fingered once in stone, or in the flash of a kiss released." Highly Recommended.
Although I must have read Poem 10 (Antigua America, novia sumergida) fifty times, it always sends chills down my spine and sends me thousands of feet high into the Andes. The Heights of Macchu Picchu has comforted me when I felt lonely, helped me write my college essays, and helped me see my future plans as worthwhile instead of idealistic mush. Anyone concerned with the history of Latin America, social justice, nature, or the works of Neruda should read this poem.
Used price: $0.49
Collectible price: $3.45
I, presently, am in love with my life. The only significant obstacle I have to fulfillment is my physical health. Depression, for me, is very slight and never lasts longer than a few hours. By any standard, this has not been the norm for most of my life. I am 22, and until about seven months ago most of my life since junior high has been distinguished with either overwhelming depression, or more frequently, intense anger and a general hatred of the human race. The only periods of emotional calm were made possible by anti-self sources of meaning, which permitted me to be ignorant of my fundamental, unconscious, disatisfaction of who I was. Gradually, over the years, since I have never considered any form of unhappiness as my natural state, I thought and thought, and was able to piece together an appropriate model of reality that permitted me to understand my weaknesses, so that I could fix them and attain satisfaction with who I was, rather than to seek fulfillment from some source outside of myself. (Anti-self sources of fulfillment that I used, at one time or another, were New Age/Paranormal phenomenon, video games, the immensity and beauty of the Universe, a sense of superiority derived from the blatant and absurd irrationality of billions of people who serve anti-self sources of meaning that I have been able to avoid, and to some degree the approval of others.)
Still, despite significant progress, I never felt fully content, "deep down". About seven months ago this changed. Because of a particular experience, over the course of about three days my understanding of myself and my relationship to reality increased utterly and indescribably during a life-changing flash of insight. Factual knowledge and existential knowledge assembled into these intuitive mental structures such that I could see connections between things and understand all the same knowledge in a more holistic way. My intuitive understanding of the same things I had understood before changed dramatically.
When this happened, my level of fulfillment, my self confidence, my sense of freedom, my sense of having the ability to achieve any realistic goal no matter how grand, my sense of optimism, reached a state of euphoria. This was no doubt a sense of purpose that few humans ever have the privelage of experiencing. This euphoric state gradually declined over the succeeding three weeks, but since then my emotional resonse to the very essence of my existence has changed forever.
The reason this personal experience is directly relevant to Honoring the Self is because all the psychological and philosophical insights I gained are in this book, written much more elegantly than I presently am able to. Reading it was very much like a refinement in words of ideas I already had realized intuitively. Nathaniel Branden not only describes these ideas, but describes the psychological manner of living necessary so one can eventually understand oneself to a degree that most human beings do not realize is possible. Self-discovery, achieved through pro-self sources of meaning, is the ultimate means to a fulfilling existence.
If I had not had the experience that caused my life-changing flash of insight, but instead had read this book, then my understanding of the same things I understood as a result of that insight would have been an inevitable occurrence, though perhaps less suddenly and with less euphoria. Regardless, within Honoring the Self are the most important ideas regarding human psychology, the most important ideas regarding human emotional fulfillment, indeed, the simplest ideas, written well. I emphatically recommend this book to every member of the human race.
The message is simple and straightforward, and it's the same one Branden has been repeating for a long time. It's about taking responsibility for your life, and learning to value what's good about yourself. It might change you life.
And I read 9 of his books, within the same year, as I documented everyday, whatever came to my mind.
Recently, I had the pleasure of scanning through those old documents. I am so very happy to have read his books.
Looking back, the most important thing that I believe that I learned, in reading this book, my favorite amongst those that I have read by Branden, requires me to preface this by saying that I grew up in an environment where thinking for yourself was punishable in the worst of ways.
The point in which I picked up Branden's books, and this one in particular was when I told myself that those childhood messages were "junk."
I knew that through reading books there were some answers that I had decided that I couldn't find any other place.
I gained from reading this book, to recognize the difference between what I want and what I need.
That marked a huge step in my life's journey. Because then I had to study what kept me from owning those 2 basic parts of being human.
I learned through reading this book to not only look at my history, but to also explore who everyone in my life was, and who they are now - I became a scientist in a human lab, prepared to own, admit, experience and express my feelings, in the present moment.
And oh did this become comfortable.
Read this book to speak through your authentic voice.
It will require you to be patient with yourself, and to parent yourself in a way that you have never been parented before.
Honor everything about who you are, the "good," "bad," and in between.
Ask youself who gave those labels to you. Then ask youself if those are the labels that fit you now.
You will come to enjoy the journey of being here for the purposes of why you are sent here.
Used price: $1.49
Collectible price: $6.95
have deleted the name completly.
The Living Bible was the work of Kenneth Taylor, who wanted something much more easily understandable for his family than the King James Version (KJV); also, the Living Bible was paraphrased from the American Standard Version (ASV) - not the KJV.
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.82
Collectible price: $13.65
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One rainy night in Chelsea, England, at the residence of Ian Rider and his nephew Alex, two Bobbies, British policeman, rapped sharply at the door. It was three a.m. Ian was away on a supposed business trip for the bank that he supposedly worked for. Alex was the only one home. The Bobbies told Alex that his uncle had gotten into a car accident and had died because he wasn't wearing his seat belt. Alex automatically knew that they were lying, so he started to investigate his death. Along the way, the bank that Ian had allegedly worked for called Alex and said they wanted to meet him. They wanted to send him into Port Tallon and take out a top-secret terrorist act taking place at a world-renowned computer company. Alex took it, went to Port Tallon, and went through with the mission.
As Alex went along in his mission, he encounters countless dangers and has almost died. Will Alex complete the mission and save all of England? You'll have to read the book to find out.
We give Stormbreaker five stars out of five. It was one of the best books that we've ever read. The action of Tom Clancy is mixed with the suspense and mystery of Dean Koontz, to form a brilliant masterpiece that hooks you right away. This is a great book and we recommend it to anybody and everybody. Anybody who likes action is sure to love this book.
Used price: $2.25
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Reading "The Outsider" allows you to enter a world few people understand. This book hits the reader on many different levels of thought and emotion. You are provided an in-depth look at the world of a clearly sophisticated and intelligent man whose illness takes him to the outer realms of society. The book also brings to light how the severely mentally ill are overlooked in our society.
Mostly though, this book represented to me one man's strength and courage to take a close look at his father's illness and openly express his feelings along the way.