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Book reviews for "O'Connor,_Patrick" sorted by average review score:

Lincoln on Democracy
Published in Paperback by HarperCollins (paper) (1991)
Authors: Abraham, Lincoln, Mario Cuomo, Patrick O'Connor, and Harold Holzer
Amazon base price: $15.00
Used price: $3.25
Collectible price: $4.24
Average review score:

Lincoln on Democracy
Lincoln on Democracy edited and introduced by Mario M. Cuomo and Harold Holzer is an anthology written by Lincoln, in his own words with essays by America's foremost Civil War historians. These include: Gabor S. Boritt, William E. Gienapp, Charles B. Strozier, Richard Nelson Current, James M. McPherson, Mark E. Neely, Jr., and Hans L. Trefousse.

I found this volume to be very valuable in understanding, not only Lincoln's psyche, but that of the country as a whole. Lincoln has been called one of the best writers among the American presidents, even though his delivery was not as dynamic. This unique anthology includes such well-known selections as the Emancipation Proclamation and the Gettysburg Address, but that is only the beginning. As there are equally inspiring speeches, letter, notes and diary entries. Not to mention a revealing dream that Lincoln wrote down for posterity.

"Lincoln on Democracy" documents Lincoln as an extraordinary leader, taking him from a local politician to a national leader in time of crisis. The reaffirmation of Lincoln's commitment to the ideas of liberty and the savior of the union.

This book is dedicated to the people of Poland as this volume was assembled at the request of the Solidarity teachers in a newly democratized Poland. There are seven chapters in this book dividing it into easily followed and logical order.

They are: "The People's Business" Lincoln and the American Dream 1832-1852

"All We Have Ever Held Sacred" Lincoln and Slavery

"Another Explosion Will Come" Lincoln and the House Divided 1858

"Right Makes Might" Lincoln and the Race for President 1859-1860

"Hour of Trial" Lincoln and the Union 1861

"Forever Free" Lincoln and Liberty 1862-1863

"For Us the Living" Lincoln and Democracy 1863- 1865

This is a fully annotated collection also containing an extensive chronology linking Lincoln's life and accomplishments with the world and national events with photograghs from various periods in his career. The essays are written extremely well and set the tone of each chapter making this volume compelling as we reexamine our republic with Lincoln as our guide for the time period of this book.

The Rights of Man
This is a great book for getting an overview of President Lincolns life in a chronological way. We learn how his thinking process develops as he encounters the diverse situations of his life and times. Through actual letters, speeches and business dealings we see the man. We find it is a man in the making. President Lincoln did not arrive full and complete in terms of philosophy. He developed his thesis of the rights of man as he lived the conflicts of his fellow citizens especially as it related to the slavery of the black man. A great book you must have in your personal library. A true resource for any student of civil rights and demorcacy in the western world. Makes a great gift for any student of history.
Respectfully submitted by;
Mark V. Aarssen

Mario Cuomo Does Lincoln
Mr. Cuomo has put together a rewarding synopsis of several of A. Lincoln's Speeches and Writings. He added his own editorial content to make us better understand Mr. Lincoln's thoughts. This volume is easy to read and the themes are current for the times. Highly Recommended.

Beware of the Mouse
Published in Paperback by Borgo Pr (1978)
Author: Leonard Patrick O'Connor Wibberley
Amazon base price: $21.00
Used price: $54.16
Collectible price: $44.99
Average review score:

The birth of the mouse
Charming, witty, romantic and it has an action element too. Jean McGill's review of the book does it justice. It tells of the early days of the Duchy of Grand Fenwick during the time of knights and high chivalry. If the word delightful has not been used yet it should be. This book is my favorite of the Mouse series.

The Mouse In the Middle Ages
This is the pre-pre-prequel to The Mouse That Roared, that lovely tale of tiny Grand Fenwick versus good old Uncle Sam. If you have ever wondered why the mythical duchy of Grand Fenwick retained the longbow as its official weapon, you must read this book. Long, long ago, before Professor Kokintz and his Q-Bomb, there were still weapons of terror - and ways to get around them.

Leonard Wibberley makes Grand Fenwick come alive as completely and delightfully in the middle ages as he does in the Twentieth Century. This is one of my all-time favorite books for plain old enjoyment.

Mouse on the Moon
Published in Hardcover by William Morrow & Company (1962)
Author: Leonard Patrick O'Connor Wibberley
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $0.15
Collectible price: $0.25
Average review score:

Grand Fenwick into space.
The Mouse on the moon is a wonderfully funny sequel to the"Mouse that Roared." The Duchy of Grand Fenwick, the world'ssmallest country, whose army of 20 longbow men defeated the United States in "The Mouse that Roared" is back again. The time is during the space race in the 1960s, and the Americans and the Soviets are racing to claim the moon. Both sides are vying for advantage both on the technical and propaganda front.

While such great events are afoot elsewhere one must pity poor Count of Mountjoy, a man who aspires to greatness but as the Prime Minister of the Duchy only gets to deal with trivial matters. He has to arrange to have the potholes in Fenwicks single road repaired, or to pay for the restringing of the bows and the purchase of new arrows for the nations tiny army. He dreams of superhighways and modern facilities and budgets in the billions for Grand Fenwick, but instead is stuck dealing with 2 pounds and 10 shillings to purchase some new arrows.

One day the Duchy's beloved princess Glorina decides she wants a sable coat, which costs considerably more than the Duchy's entire annual budget. This request combined with considerable diplomatic maneuver by Lord Mountjoy and diplomatic posturing by the US and the Soviet Union starts a chain of hilarious events that catapult the Duchy into the forefront of the space race. The US and the USSR are trying to get ahead of one another in a military space race, only if Grand Fenwick can beat them both will cooperation prevail in space.

This book avoids most of the pitfalls that render most sequels inferior to the original book, and I would highly recommend it. The only minor pitfalls to this book is that of course it is a bit dated and some of the historical nuances may be a bit inaccessible to young readers. END

The Quest of Excalibur
Published in Paperback by Borgo Pr (1979)
Author: Leonard Patrick O'Connor Wibberley
Amazon base price: $21.00
Used price: $14.28
Average review score:

A Real Treat: Wryly Funny Yet Romantic
This book combines Arthurian legend and Wibberley's trademark humor to give the reader a wry commentary on modern rules and regulations. At the heart of the story is the crown princess' desire to have a little freedom, but there are subplots involving the return of King Arthur, a student's search for a missing passage of an Arthurian poem, and nuns' attempts to save their convent. Everyone is caught in redtape - but ultimately bound together by chivalry. It's reminiscent of Wibberley's "The Mouse That Roared" series, yet more moving. I was grinning when King Arthur, the princess, and their allies underwent psychiatric evaluation. I laughed when Mother Superior told the building inspector, "Please send your(condemnation) notice to the lunatic asylum. I am taking the nuns there. I have no doubt the temperature is right and the boiler pressure correct in that place, and God, thank God, is everywhere." But the resolution of "The Quest" is touching and gently romantic. A very good book, even after repeated readings.

The Mouse That Roared
Published in Hardcover by Little Brown & Co (Juv Trd) (1955)
Author: Leonard Patrick O'Connor Wibberley
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $25.00
Average review score:

This is THE book to read
The Mouse that Roared is the best political satire I have ever read. I read it thinking I would dislike it, like many novels read in the classroom, but I was wrong. Besides being hilariously funny, this novel criticizes modern day America and the policies of war in a way that is not boring to read. I was hooked from the first mention of the name Grand Fenwick and the explanation of its history. The characters are at once realistic and comical, and the ludicrous ideas of the old-fashioned duchy are actually not so impossible when one considers many Eastern cultures. Altogether a great book!

'The Mouse that Roared' is a brilliant book filled with charm and wit. It portrays an imaginary tiny country wedged in between other countries in Europe and often forgotten because of it's size. When their only source of external revenue is threatened by company in the US, and their demands ignored, they go to war with the United States and win before the US realizes thay are at war! the Cold war humor is quite enjoyable, and the message this book presents is one of "You can conquer anything if you have enough of the right intention". The ultimate 'underdog' and 'little guy becomes the hero' story if there ever was one. I cannot say enough about how wonderful this book is. It will make you roll you eyes at times, and cause you to squirm with embarrassment for the characters and also laugh aloud. In the end you will find yourself cheering. It is probably one of the most important books in political satire ever written, and should be required reading for all who seek positions of power in our modern society. You will enjoy and remember this one a long, long time. The wisdom is timeless.

Great cold war comedy
Although this book is now a bit dated, and the cold war humor might be difficult for younger readers to grasp, it is still a tremendously funny read for those who remember or have studied the cold war days.

In this book a tiny European country decides that the answer to its financial problems lies in going to war with the United States and loosing. After seeing how the US rebuilt its WWII adversaries it really seems the only sensible way out of their current economic crisis. Add to this a perfectly justifiable reason to make war on the United States in the form of an American company marketing a cheap clone of the nations staple wine label, and you have a unanimous decision for war in the great counsels of Grand Fenwick.

The only problem is how to get the Americans to realize that they are at war. An official note declaring war was simply lost in the bureaucracy of the state department. At last they mount a mighty invasion of New York City (with an expeditionary force 20 longbowmen strong). The results are hilarious. Indeed not a chapter went by in which I did not laugh out loud at least a couple times. This was a fun book to read. I think this book is far better than the movie based on it. The only cold war comedy movie that was as good as this book was Dr. Strangelove (although the humor is of a very different verity).

Literary Savannah
Published in Paperback by Hill Street Press (1999)
Authors: Patrick Allen, Flannery O'Connor, John Berendt, and Rosemary Daniell
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.69
Collectible price: $7.36
Buy one from zShops for: $8.95
Average review score:

Amazing breadth of sources, genres, view of the city
I can only visit this beautiful, ineffable city once a year, but this wonderful volume of literary gems makes me feel like I live there all year around. There is SO much more to know about the Hostess City of the South than one finds in "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil."

Always something new...
I've been to Savannah I don't know how many times; have walked the streets and squares and read the historical markers; have devoured some local history and novels--such as MIDNIGHT IN THE GARDEN OF GOOD AND EVIL. But, now I don't feel like I knew Savannah at all. I learned so much more in LITERARY SAVANNAH. I highly recommend it for anyone who has visited (and loved, of course) or is planning a visit to Savannah.

Wonderful amalgamation of Savannah - Past and Present!
This book is exceptionally well done and brings all the facets of a Southern Gem - Savannah - together in one book. For anyone who loves the old South, I would strongly suggest this book. The compilation of stories show a rich wonderful city that has had its own share of joy and sorrow. The editor did a wonderful job pulling literary tones together in a unique and complimentary fashion, sounding a true lyrical tribute. My favorite stories are by Conrad Aiken and Flannery O'Connor. The description of Savannah by James Ogelthorpe is astonishing. The piece that stole my heart , however, was written by Aberjhani entitled "Return to Savannah." The voice of the poet moves the words straight to the core of the reader.

The Centurion
Published in Hardcover by William Morrow & Company (1966)
Author: Leonard Patrick O'Connor, Wibberley
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $3.70
Collectible price: $7.99
Average review score:

The Centurion
This is the story of a Roman Centurion and his political and religous beliefs during the time of Jesus. The story of Christ as seen from the point-of-view of the Roman Centurion is the central theme. The Centurion is responsible for the area of Judea and reports to Pontius Pilate.

He is a battle-weary soldier who has no religous beliefs but still believes in justice for all regardless of their position in society.

~A Centurions Journey to Christ~
This is an upbeat story that has a satisfying end. The story starts by telling the life of this Centurion named Longinous. He is a tough old soldier who has the basic roman belief in gods.

He meets John the Baptist and learns of the Messiahs coming. He is a man who understands and sympathizes with the jews but changesd his mind when they crusify their Savior Jesus Christ. The end of course calls for tears and cries of joy at the same time. I reccomend this book to anyone who doesn't understand Jesus's journey. It basicly makes the book of Mathew into a story. This book is awesome!!!!

Hollywood Irish: In Their Own Words: Illustrated Interviews With Gabriel Byrne, Liam Neeson, Pierce Brosnan, Stephen Rea, Aidan Quinn and Patrick Bergin
Published in Paperback by Roberts Rinehart Pub (1997)
Authors: Aine O'Connor and Gabriel Byrne
Amazon base price: $17.95
Average review score:

Insightful interviews.
Aine O'Conner manage to capture the cadences of the various actors very well. While reading the text, I could almost hear the men speaking their words. I suspect that she didn't edit the tapes very much, save for verbal pauses (the usual "uhs" and "you knows") and for length. Ms. O'Conner also included several photographs (many were candid) that were sprinkled throughout the various sections.

While Ms. O'Conner asked many insightful questions, she didn't follow through on many. Indeed, at times I was a little disappointed that she failed to follow up on specific points; however, that point is trivial compared to the overall effort of the book.

If you are a fan of any or all of the actors listed, or simply are curious to see how contemporary Irish actors are dealing with the joys and disappointments of Hollywood, then you should enjoy this book.

Worthwhile Profile of Hollywood's Leading Irishmen
_Hollywood Irish_ is a fantastic collection of interviews and photographs of six handsome and talented actors: Gabriel Byrne, Liam Neeson, Stephen Rea, Pierce Brosnan, Aidan Quinn and Patrick Bergin. The simple introduction provided by Áine O'Connor sets the mood for the rest of the book well. As she mentions, the interviews do reveal insightful, private information: "Liam Neeson reveals how he considered leaving acting and how he found the confidence to continue; Pierce Brosnan, simply and openly, shares the painful story of his wife Cassie's death; Stephen Rea discusses the relationship between acting and politics; Aidan Quinn talks about the Irish identity and its many paradoxes; Patrick Bergin reveals the temptations of an actor's life and the difficulties of doing love scenes; Gabriel Byrne tells us about the risks and illusions that surround fame." In a nutshell, that's the book. Each actor discusses his beginnings, both in life and as an actor. Each discusses, in some capacity, how being Irish has impacted him. Each actor's profile comes with several b/w photos from childhood, movies and family collections. At the end, one can find each actor's filmography. The only complaint I would have regarding the book is that the material is dated (only current to 1997) and I wish an updated version could be compiled. That criticism aside, though, this is certainly a title worth owning.

Great Look at the Lives of Some of Hollywoods Finest Actors
This book provides a facinating, indepth journey into the lives of six very capable and successful actors. Many humourous and sometimes tradgic tales of life in Ireland and struggles to make a name for themselves there and in America. Each actor tells of personal hardships that they have battled throughout their lives and how they have created such prominent status in today's Hollywood scene. Each story is spoken first hand which adds to the richness of these beautiful retold memories. This book provides a greater sense of who these men are by recalling tales from childhood, adolecence and adulthood which explain their journeys to becoming the great actors they are.

Practical Reliability Engineering
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (1985)
Author: Patrick D. T. O'Connor
Amazon base price: $46.80
Used price: $7.00
Average review score:

Another Opinion
I disagree fairly strongly with the previous reviewer. I'veused a number of texts in the study of systems reliability andreliability engineering and Mr. O'Connor's is the most user-friendly and real-world one that I have yet found. It is impossible to study this field without some involvement of mathematics and probabilistic and statistical functions. However, Mr. O'Connor makes these elements of the field both accessible and intuitively understandable. I rate this text as a very good introduction for those new to the field, and a good solid reference for those already practicing.

Excellent Reliability Book.
"Practical Reliability Engineering" by Patrick D.T. O'Connor, (with David Newton and Richard Bromley), John Wiley & sons, Chichester & New York, 1996. Third Edition Revised.

Back in the 1980s, I used the first edition of this book, and it was very helpful then. The third edition has been expanded to add a few chapters, including what I would call a "motivational" first chapter, entitled, "Introduction To Reliability Engineering", pages 1 to 16. This first chapter answers many of the questions that management used to ask, and to whom the final reply was, "We do Reliability because it is a contract item". Now, you can refer the managers to the first chapter.

The original edition once began with Chapter 2, "Reliability Mathematics", fundamental needed to understand Reliability; that chapter has been expanded in this edition, so much so that some has overflowed into Chapter 3, "Probability Plotting". Chapter 3 is a very complete chapter, being a compendium of the different kinds of probability paper, along with a short explanation of how to use the paper.

Interestingly enough, Chapter 5, "Reliability Prediction and Modeling" had a shipboard missile system reliability problem (pages 129-132) which was an explicit example of what we were attempting to portray on one contract. When the Naval Officers saw O' Connor's example, it made it so much easier for us as our work paralleled expert's work in the book's example. This alone was worth the price of the book. Chapter 10, "Software Reliability" is greatly expanded over the previous editions and is up-to-date with current best practices in the field. This new edition of the book is highly recommended as it provides a concise collection of reliability fundamentals. John Peter Rooney, ASQ Certified Reliability Engineer #2425.

Good Book
I have used this book (2nd edition) for about 5 years. I find it extremely practical and useful. Mr. O'Conner concentrates on the background information that a Reliability Engineer uses on a daily basis. There is no way that I can answer all the questions the Engineering Staff asks. I find that almost always, I can look-up a concise and clear answer to a question, it refreshes my memory, and I can hit the ground running. This book lives next to 2 other books: The "Data Analysis Handbook" and "The Theory of Life Distributions". I hate to admit it, but I really can't see the need to know more than in contained in this trilogy about reliability and life statistics.

Footworks II
Published in Paperback by Patrick L. O'Connor, M.D. (11 April, 2001)
Authors: Patrick L. O'Connor M.D., Thomas M. Schaller M.D., and M.D. Patrick L. O'Connor
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $9.87
Average review score:

Very poor
Author is an egomaniac typical of most orthopods. He uses outdated technology and advice given for foot deformities is definetly questionable. Better to read a book by a real foot specialist- Podiatrist.

Great read for the patient or the physician
This is a fantastic, easy-to-understand book for anyone who has foot or ankle problem and wants to learn more about their condition. I have various foot ailments, including on and off again plantar fascitis and club feet. This book, given to me by my physician, has greatly forwarded my understanding of both diseases. I highly recommend this book!

Footworks II
Amazon Book review

RE: Footworks II, The Patient's Guide to the Foot and Ankle

Footworks II is a welcome addition to my medical library. As a family practitioner for nearly 30 years, I regret not learning and applying the principles in Dr.'s O'Connor and Schaller's book earlier in my career. I highly recommend this wonderfully clear, practical work on the foot and ankle that is appropriate not only for patients and physicians, but also for parents, teachers, and athletes.

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