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Book reviews for "O'Connor,_John_Joseph" sorted by average review score:

A Heart That Knew No Bounds: The Life and Mission of Saint Marcellin Champagnat
Published in Paperback by Alba House (2000)
Authors: Sean D. Sammon and John O'Connor
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $11.08
Buy one from zShops for: $11.08
Average review score:

The Book Reader, Fall/Winter 2000
"Canonized in 1999, Champagnat was an early member and priest of the Society of Mary and founder of its Little Brothers (the Institute of the Marist Brothers). Author Sammon is the Vicar General of the Marist Brothers and he presents in an easy-to-read manner the difficult times and life of St. Marcellin Champagnat. Born during the Revolution in France, he lived only fifty-one years. In the seminary, he was part of a group "made up of seminarians who were a familiar sight in the taverns of the town." Sammon writes for the modern temperment that needs to know the warts along with the shining myth. The heresy of Jansenism, a moral theology for the elect, influenced Marcellin's study for awhile. He began teaching and "by February 1822 the Institute was made up of ten brothers." There is the miracle in the snow, a serious illness from which he recovers, persistent financial problems for the schools, and an environment of increasing bitter anti-religious sentiment during the revolution in France. Simplicity and humility were Champagnat's outstanding virtues. This is the tale of a man growing past his problems to sainthood. Sammon writes with that same simplicity and humility, and with a fine erudition that moves comfortably from prayer to revolution, from submissiveness to the cry for social justice. Illuminating."

A Down to Earth Saint
Sean Sammon's short biography of St. Marcellin Champagnat is definitely worth reading for anyone who is interested in the life of the Catholic Church and the people they call "Saints".

Sammon is able to describe, in a very uncomplicated way, the historical, sociological and theological background of this man who was born the same year as the French Revolution. Marcellin Champagnat started his life with little education, and through hard work, eventually studied and became a priest and founder of an international Congregation of Roman Catholic teaching Brothers, the Marist Brothers of the Schools.

The book details the life of this very down to earth man. Champagnat was a priest who sometimes defied the stereotypes of priesthood of his day, even to the point of actually building the houses his Brothers would live in. He had an undying love for young people and strove to do all that he could for them, and to lead them to know and love God. The book describes the difficulties St. Marcellin had along the way, and how he overcame them all with determination, prayer, and hard work.

Sammon's treatment of him goes beyond what many biographies present. He not only describes his life and mission, but delves into the psychological motivations that moved him. What emerges is a clear and informative life of a saint who is a very real person, not just a plaster image of what a saint should be! I highly recommend this book.

Covenant of Love: Pastoral Reflections on Marriage
Published in Paperback by Liguori Publications (1999)
Authors: John Joseph O'Connor and John, Cardinal O'Connor
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $7.50
Buy one from zShops for: $7.43
Average review score:

A book of Grace
In contrast to Pope John Paul II's "theology of body", Cardinal O'connor presents a much simpler, yet as elegant collection of pastoral essays on the true meaning and practices of love and marriage. The books aims at the restoration of Divine Mystery in the avenue of life called "Covenant", which most of our contemporary society has ceased to believe in. A perfect blend of inspired Wisdom and everyday experiences- this is a must read for Christian of all vocations.

Introducing Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Published in Paperback by Thorsons Pub (1993)
Authors: John Seymour and Joseph O'Connor
Amazon base price: $14.00
Buy one from zShops for: $21.98
Average review score:

Just What It Says!
I know understand myself, and others more than before. If you think this is some book that will help you control people's minds, this isn't what you are looking for. This will help you understand the sub-concious subtleties that everyone has. It also helps you to excersise your brain power to acheive excellence.

It's the Best
Of the many books published on Neuro-Linguistic Programming, this version tops the list. I say that because it does such an effective job of simplifying a complex set of processes and helps the reader understand its applications. Bandler and Grinder's earlier publications brought the concept to life; O'Connor and Seymour make it far more usable.

A Fantastic Introduction
I do very highly recommend this book. It is enjoyable to read - considerably moreso than other books of it's kind. From this book you will get a very good background in the field. I believe this book serves much better for background information than to give you a set of techniques... if you want to learn techniques --- DO IT AT A SEMINAR --- nevertheless it is very useful to learn them ahead of time.
This book is a good precursor to The Structure of Magic and Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. both by Richard Bandler and John Grinder -- which go much more indepth into the linguistic portions of the NLP model.

Training With NLP
Published in Paperback by Thorsons Pub (01 April, 1994)
Authors: Joseph O'Connor and John Seymour
Amazon base price: $16.00
Used price: $2.74
Average review score:

one of the best NLP resources for trainers
After looking around for a while, I must admit that it is the best book about training I've found (as long as you're not involved in the classic education). The book offers a good and complete overview of what training is all about. If you know something about training, you will find out how much you already know. A nice feature of this book is its use of brain maps to offer a section overview, and really each chapter ends with an overview, offering the key points. My conclusion? If you want to know about training, get this book! If you want to get training in training, follow a seminar!

see for more NLP book reviews

Great book for CIS Professors and Technical Trainers!
I got this book when I went to see Rex Steven Sikes in November, 1997 at his Trainers Training at IDEA SEMINARS in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
I used it when I was training call center Advisors at GM Onstar
for Sitel Corporation
I particularly like all the mindmaps in it.
This book is an easy read for people in human resources and sales
or even computer trainers who are trying to
become good at standup delivery.
Its also good for managers
who need to train others and develop
exciting training for high technology companies such as
the Big 3 Auto Companies.
Elegant NLP basics covered with a customization
for people who train, teach and empower others.
If you manage people this will enhance your mission.
If you want to learn about NLP and Training this is the book
to have for your collection.
I'm currently using this material develop my teaching
lessons at the University that I'm teaching Computer
Science Courses.

Full of Grace : An Oral Biography of John Cardinal O'Connor
Published in Hardcover by Pocket Star (2001)
Author: Terry Golway
Amazon base price: $15.40
List price: $22.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $0.98
Collectible price: $9.95
Buy one from zShops for: $0.98
Average review score:

A Man of Conviction; A Poor Biography
John Cardinal O'Connor was undoubtedly a man of conviction. He was a colorful poltical heavyweight; a significant player in worldwide Roman Catholic politics and in American affairs in general. Sadly, while O'Connor might be commended for his loyalty, he is not a man who should be exalted as one of the great spiritual leaders of the 20th century.

John O'Connor could have been great! He could have been. Instead he chose a different path - favored son in a "family" (in this case an institution) out of touch with the world.

He could have dared to speak up for those who were marginalized.He could have told the poor faithful people of his church that he understood their need to practice birth control. He could have advanced the recognition of women as full and complete members of the church. He could have recognized that so many American Catholics felt out of touch with the message of their Church. While he visited dying gay men and opened places where they cold die with dignity, he continued to deny their legitimate place on the earth.

Perhaps the greatest lost opportunity was the fact that John O'Connor could have changed the Church -- but didn't!

I finish this book sadly feeling that here was a man who had the forum to do great things but sadly chose not to. It is the sadness of "the could have ... but didn't".

A Man of Conviction is small book which poorly conceived and dully written. If this book is some effort to advance O'Connor's spiritual legacy in the hope that he will yet again be promoted, perhaps to Sainthood, it is a bad start.

Lovely book, terrific writer,fawning memories
John O'Connor,late Cardinal Archbishop of New York, was a large figure on the political and religious landscape for almost 17 years. One time Hawkish military chaplain{his pro military stances influenced many of the documents that came out of the bishops conferences],he became bishop of scranton, Pa.,then very quickly{I mean real quickly} Archbishop of the largest archdiocese in North America. He sparred with polticians early{Publicly berating democats Mario cuomo and Geraldine ferraro for their pro-choice stands}though not republicans{though he did criticise R Guliani 's policies as viscious against the poor}, so often putting his foot in his mouth that all three of the major dailies began putting reporters at the Sunday 10 am mass. This collection, has nomne of that. O'connor was a vociferous supporter of the state of Israel, and is warmly remembered as such. He was also an avowed opponenet of homsexuality, and some of his worst moments came in trying to defend his position. He was also a man of great generosity, refusing to close any schools{no matter how poor they were]. begging, literally, begging some of the moneybags catholics{Simon, Grace, et,al. } for donations.He opened doors of catholic hospitals to aids patients{while condeming thier lifestyle. }In short, a man of immense contradictions, who died a slow, painful public death, and did so with great dignity, and without some of the macabre operatic flourishes of so public a demise. The best of these remembrances come from ordianry folks,not the politicians nor clergy{what on earth do youthink a priest of another bishop would say about him? Now if they gave archbishop rembert weakland of Milwaukee a free hand to discuss OConnors lack of support for him with this problems with rome, that would have been interesting]. In all, a well done,though curiosly unsatisfying collection, too much warm fuzziness, not enough exploration.For those who admired him,a very good book. see also Nat Hentoff's ear;lier Biography{also very flattering] for more sources. A loyal soldier of the church.

Enduring devotion has made me biased
I am admittedly a very devoted friend of the late Cardinal. I miss him greatly as a former regular Mass-goer at St. Patrick's Cathedral in the late 90's. I miss him still more as my old guardian angel who did more than one favor for a skinny little kid from Brooklyn, without recompense. Nor did he seek it, except for my soul, and the hope that I would always love Jesus. So if you ever admired this man, his honesty, his frankness, his gift for trying his best in every circumstance, even if you did not agree with everything he said, you will indeed like this book. He was, as his friends reminisce, a mensch. You will hear his words, recognise his wit, recall his stature. I miss him too much, this man who fought tooth and nail, for whatever he thought was truly important for the well being of body and soul of his flock. But then, anyone in New York, or anyone in his line of sight was his flock. Oh, I miss him, and I am glad to hear from him again. Requiescat in pace.

Amadis de Gaule and its influence on Elizabethan literature
Published in Unknown Binding by Rutgers University Press ()
Author: John Joseph O'Connor
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $2.50
Collectible price: $5.29
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Cuomo Vs. O'Connor: Did a Catholic Politician Make an Anti-Catholic Appeal?
Published in Paperback by Dolores Pr (1985)
Author: Ellen McCormack
Amazon base price: $5.95
Average review score:
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Generar beneficios
Published in Paperback by Urano (09 January, 2001)
Authors: Joseph O'Connor, John Seymour, and lair Ribeiro
Amazon base price: $16.00
Buy one from zShops for: $27.99
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His Eminence and Hizzoner: A Candid Exchange: Mayor Edward Koch and John Cardinal O'Connor
Published in Hardcover by William Morrow (1989)
Authors: John Cardinal O'Connor, John J. C'Connor, and Edward I. Koch
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $0.93
Collectible price: $3.34
Buy one from zShops for: $12.85
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John Cardinal O'Connor: At the Storm Center of a Changing American Catholic Church
Published in Hardcover by Scribner (1988)
Author: Nat Hentoff
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $1.75
Collectible price: $4.19
Average review score:
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