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Book reviews for "Nelson,_Ralph" sorted by average review score:

The Wave Principle of Human Social Behavior and the New Science of Socionomics
Published in Hardcover by New Classics Library (1999)
Author: Robert R., Jr. Prechter
Amazon base price: $39.00
Average review score:

Spooky feeling of a breakthrough into the unknown
Imagine you were one of the first people to look through a telescope - and you suddenly found out that the sky was not merely wallpaper. You would have known that the discovery was a breakthrough, but what would happen would be spooky to think about.

That's how I feel reading Prechter's book about the new science of Socionomics. The telescope made sense of the jumble of lights in the night sky, as well as strange events like eclipses. The new science of Socionomics makes sense of a huge jumble of information in financial markets as well as strange events like crashes, manias, fads and fashions. The personality of markets and societies is linked directly to how our brains respond to certain types of input.

It is also a book that stirs up the back of your mind - are we really as independant in thinking as we imagine ourselves to be: how strongly are we influenced by the society around us? The book shows frightening evidence that our brains are hard wired to respond immediately to impulses stimulated by the human herd.

Overall, the book is like reading about the first observations from telescopes - it is a spooky glimpse into a world right in front of our faces that we've not understood until now. If you read it thoughtfully, the book will be both unsettling and inspiring in its implications.

Flat Earthers vs: Round Earthers
If you use Elliott Wave in your investment analysis you know it works. If you try to point this out to a non-waver you feel like the round earth advocates must have felt 500 years ago defending their position to the flat earthers. After all it does look flat; and stock charts do just look like a bunch of squiggly lines.

After reading this book you begin to understand the science that is at work in Elliott Wave Theory, and believe me, they are not just a bunch of squiggles. Mr. Prechter makes his case brilliantly.

Incredible book!
As someone who is extremely interested in how the brain works and why we 'do what we do', as "rational" human beings, I found this book to be extremely compelling. I simply could not put it down. Prechter takes a huge compilation of material (from neuroscience, psychology, fractal anaylsis to technical stock market analysis) and boils it down into a beautifully written and fascinating look at how our mind and society is shaped and guided by an underlying mathematical pattern that is the foundation for all living systems.

We are lead by Prechter through a basic understanding of Ralph N. Elliott's Wave Principle - a technical method of stock market analysis Elliott discovered during the 1930's - and come to find that this pattern is fractal based, and not only indicates where the NASDAQ is going to go tomorrow, but shows us where we will go as a society!

This book is a must read for anyone studying brain function, psychology, or philosophy AND for the beginning and seasoned trader! I wish I had found this type of information years ago.

Small Hours of the Night: Selected Poems of Roque Dalton
Published in Paperback by Curbstone Press (1996)
Authors: Roque Dalton, Hardie St. Martin, Jonathan Cohen, James Graham, Ralph Nelson, Paul Pines, David Unger, Rogue Dalton, and David Graham
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $12.49
Buy one from zShops for: $12.15
Average review score:

Small Hours of the Night, Selected Poems of Roque Dalton
Dalton's poetry is intense, and exudes revolution in every verse. Knowing a history of the poet's life and struggle, you get a greater feel and appreciation for all his work. His pain, love, and hate all mixed together delivers the most powerful poetry I've ever read. I enjoyed this book immensely, and recommend it to all of those that are a rebel at heart.

Must have for your collection
In Dalton's words you can hear his pain, loss and anger; but it's his love and romantic vision that you take away. I tresure this book and it stands as my most read book.

Bram Stoker's Dracula: The Film and the Legend (A Newmarket Pictorial Moviebook)
Published in Hardcover by Newmarket Press (1992)
Authors: Francis Ford Coppola, James V. Hart, Diana Landau, and Ralph Nelson
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $19.99
Collectible price: $52.94
Average review score:

Nice coverage on the legend behind Dracula and the movie
I think this book is a must for fans of horror films and artsy movies. This Dracula is an artistic venture into the horror genre, most notorious for its gore and guts aspects. I like the photographs and the conceptual designs being put into the movie.

Marvelous account of the film.
If you liked this movie, you will like this book even more. It is perhaps one of the best books about the making of a film ever written. You will even get a chance to enjoy the script, and the actors' thoughts. Director Copppola is quoted throughout, as well as the costume designers, and other people involved. However, I felt, as I read through the book, that there was not enough about Gary Oldman, who starred as Dracula. I was looking forward to more of HIS insights than any one else's, for it was HE who brought such new and wonderful emotions to the role. The pictures in the book are wonderful. Drawings and little un-known facts are everywhere, making this truly an interesting read.

This book includes tons of photos from the hit film Bram Stoker's Dracula.Includes the script from the film and the legend of the REAL DRACULA! A must have for Dracula fans!

Dispersing Powders in Liquids
Published in Hardcover by Elsevier Science Ltd (01 August, 1988)
Author: Ralph D. Nelson
Amazon base price: $178.00
Average review score:

Dispersing Powders in liquids
This is realy the book I'm looking for, in the book has manufacturers information, very useful.

R.N. Elliott's Masterworks: The Definitive Collection
Published in Hardcover by New Classics Library (1996)
Authors: Robert R. Prechter Jr. and R. N. Elliott
Amazon base price: $23.80
List price: $34.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $20.97
Buy one from zShops for: $22.75
Average review score:

Elliot Wave Theory explains most Stock Market Behavior
The charts shown in this book are from Elliot's time, namely the depression [ie. the 1930's]. You might think that they have no bearing to today's markets. However, one of the biggest problems with market timing is forecasting a bear market trend; especially a short one. That was my biggest problem with applications involving market behavior analyzed as Elliot waves. This book helps solve that problem by helping the technician analyze long bear market trends where wave counting is extremely critical.

The book helped my timing immensely, so that I don't get caught in false bottoms anymore and can recognize the top of markets, especially with respect to stock trading volume. The writer is at his best when relating to the market and analyzing trends. There is a long biography included in this volume, which I found tedious and boring. His analysis does have some contradictions, however, the charts he presents should help anyone with a high school education and good visual skills become a better trader.

Carolyn G. Hart Presents Malice Domestic
Published in Audio Cassette by Dove Books Audio (1998)
Authors: Carole Nelson Douglas, Mignon F. Ballard, and Ralph M. McInerny
Amazon base price: $25.00
Used price: $4.99
Buy one from zShops for: $4.50
Average review score:
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Concentration in the Manufacturing Industries in the United States: A Midcentury Report
Published in Hardcover by Elliot's Books (1963)
Author: Ralph L. Nelson
Amazon base price: $100.00
Average review score:
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Convective Flow Boiling: Proceedings of Convective Flow Boiling, an International Conference Held at the Banff Center for Conferences, Banff, Alberta, Canada April 30-May 5,
Published in Hardcover by Taylor & Francis (1996)
Authors: John C. Chen, Yasunobu Fujita, Franz Mayinger, Ralph Nelson, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Heat Transfer Division, and American Institute of Chemical Engineers Heat Transfer and Energy Conv
Amazon base price: $105.00
Used price: $22.00
Collectible price: $79.41
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Crossing Pedagogical Oceans: International Teaching Assistants in U.S. Undergraduate Education/Report # 92-8
Published in Paperback by Ashe-Eric Higher Education Reports (1993)
Authors: Rosslyn M. Smith, Patricia Byrd, Gayle L. Nelson, and Ralph pa Barrett
Amazon base price: $17.00
Average review score:
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Crossing Pedagogical Oceans: International Teaching Assistants in U.S. Undergraduate Education: Ashe-Eric Higher Education Report No. 8, 1992
Published in Paperback by Ashe-Eric Higher Education Reports (1993)
Authors: Rosslyn M. Smith, Patricia Byrd, Gayle L. Nelson, Ralph Pat Barrett, and Janet C. Constantinides
Amazon base price: $17.00
Used price: $16.63
Buy one from zShops for: $22.20
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