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Book reviews for "Murray,_Elizabeth" sorted by average review score:

Cultivating Sacred Space: Gardening for the Soul
Published in Hardcover by Pomegranate (1998)
Author: Elizabeth Murray
Amazon base price: $35.00
Used price: $15.10
Collectible price: $17.95
Buy one from zShops for: $17.00
Average review score:

A great gardening book!
I happened upon this book at a swap meet and purchased it on a whim. It was beautiful and I thought it would make a great "coffee table" book, if anything. I opened it and couldn't put it down! There are 4 "chapters", one for each season. I especially liked the section of the book describing Murray's favorite gardens. I can't tell you how many extra hours a week I've spent in my own garden because of this book. It worked, Elizabeth! Thank you.

I especially liked the "coverage" and photos of the inner-city urban gardens projects in Philadelphia. Ethiopian angels! This book looks at "sacred gardens", old and new, around the world. Also looks at labyrinths and the work of Findhorn and Perelandra, among other things. A beautiful book.

Elizabeth Murray: A Woman's Pursuit of Independence in Eighteenth-Century America
Published in Hardcover by Univ. of Massachusetts Press (2000)
Authors: Patricia Cleary and Elizabeth Murray
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $15.00
Buy one from zShops for: $29.95
Average review score:

This is an excellent biography not just for academics but also anyone who's interested in this period of American history or interested in women's history as well. Cleary does a great job of presenting this woman's struggles and life in a way that is entertaining as well as enlightening. I really enjoyed it and highly recommend it.

I was at the book signing and got an autographed copy. I haven't read it yet, but the author is a hottie!!

Monet's Passion: Ideas, Inspiration and Insights from the Painter's Gardens
Published in Hardcover by Pomegranate (1989)
Author: Elizabeth Murray
Amazon base price: $24.47
List price: $34.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.90
Collectible price: $10.54
Buy one from zShops for: $9.95
Average review score:

Murray's book is the next best thing to being there.
An easy read and visual feast, Monet's Passion exposes methods behind the color, texture, layout and scents of his magical gardens. It magnifies one's experience visiting the gardens or his works in galleries, and is a valuable companion to the painter's many works.

The book motivated me to visit Giverny, France.
Beautiful photographs of the gardens at all seasons. Plant lists. The author tells about the history of Giverny and her experiences as a gardener there. It would have been helpful to know which US zones the plants would be hardy in.

Caught in the Web of Words: James A.H. Murray and the Oxford English Dictionary
Published in Paperback by Oxford University Press (1979)
Authors: K.M. Elizabeth Murray and Robert W. Burchfield
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $2.78
Collectible price: $15.88
Average review score:

The most comprehensive biography of the father of the OED
Elisabeth Murray writes a wonderful and highly detailed biography of her grandfather, James Murray. Simon Winchester reintroduced many in this country to Mr. Murray in his book The Professor and the Madman, which told the story of Murray and an American living in an English asylum named W. C. Minor. This book was highly readable, but not comprehensive as a true biography of Murray.

James Murray, the first editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, was a gentle man of words who dedicated his life to the study of the English Language. His efforts are best understood in this book by the descriptions Elisabeth gives of his scriptorum, where Murray spent the majority of his life, and where Elisabeth worked as a young lady.

In reading about this man's life and the effort that was required to undertake the construction of this dictionary, one really gets a sense of the vastness and complexity of the English Language, the historical richness and the regional diversity. One also sees in florid detail the life of one of the great late-Victorian pedants.

Fascinating history of a great man and a great work
This is really two books in one: the life story of James Murray, first editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, and the tale of the dictionary itself. Both are lovingly told. It's a must read for anyone interested in dictionaries or linguistics.

"J. Murray more major than W.C. Minor"
Elizabeth Murray, the granddaughter of James Murray, who was the chief editor of the huge Oxford English Dictionary on which every serious scholar of English continues to depend, has written an excellent biography of the greatest English lexicographer, and done more: she has also given an insight into his personality, and, yet more importantly, into the whole scholarly world of philology, lexicography etc. in Victorian England, and the difficulties which beset the creators of the dictionary. I recommend the biography most highly, and feel that all fans of *The Surgeon of Crowthorne* (chiefly on Dr W.C. Minor) should read this - preferably BEFORE that book (so as to get a sense of context), but otherwise after. - Joost Daalder, Professor of English, Flinders University (see "More about me')

Sensory Integration: Theory and Practice
Published in Hardcover by F A Davis Co (1991)
Authors: Anne G. Fisher, Elizabeth A. Murray, Anita C. Bundy, and Florence A. Clark
Amazon base price: $41.95
Used price: $29.00
Average review score:

Sensory Integration: Theory and Practice
This was one of the few books available at the time my son was diagonosed with SI. The book was invaluable to me at the time. Understand the book is a theory and practice text, and is not written with the layman in mind. However, I did gain more insight into SI with the book. It helped me understand a lot of the reasons behind my son's behaviors. It also helped me better understand the need for the therapy he was receiving, and why things affected him the way they did. I would recommend this book to other parents who are as perplexed as I was. It helps with a few more pieces of the puzzle.

Understanding physiologic function
I am a music therapist specializing in work with Autistic and other diagnosed children. I have just completed a book titled:
Music Therapy, Sensory Integration and The Autistic Child, currently in publication at Jessica Kingsley Publishers. It is filled with physiologic information as that relates to the work of music therapy. I have used the Fisher book as a reference and found it accurate, concise, and well presented, and it is one of the physiologic references in my own bibliography. Any therapist working with sensory integration issues must investigate the physiologic implications in coordinated hearing, seeing, sensing. For that information, I found this book clear and direct in helping lay readers and professionals alike to understand physiology. My own book follows similar progressions from presenting physiologic information to demonstrating, through case examples, how sensory integration implicates the work of music therapy. I recommend this book for clinicians, educators, caregivers. My own book will be available in late 2001.

Sensory Integration:Theory and Practice
Even with forty years of experience in the field, I found this book insightful. It is written to enlarge existing understanding of sensory integration without intimidating the reader. The wealth of knowledge can help not only the new graduate, but also the more experienced practitioner.

Saint Germain's Prophecy for the New Millennium: Includes Dramatic Prophecies from Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and Mother Mary
Published in Paperback by Summit Univ Press (01 April, 1999)
Authors: Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Murray L. Steinman, and Patricia R. Spadaro
Amazon base price: $7.99
Used price: $1.95
Collectible price: $6.09
Buy one from zShops for: $3.50
Average review score:

Eat your cake and have it too (and feel good about it)
Hucksters of prophecies usually make their sales by scaring what wits their customers still have entirely out of them. So, this book stands out from the rest by stroking the terrified reader with reassurances that all is not so bad as it might seem. Of course, this is the usual thing with the Biblical and other religious crowds, who all hope to make it past the fiery Millenium, but freaked out New Agers may want to hear some good tidings, too.
A bonus is the book's inclusion of several, not just one, traditions of hocus-pocus. So several word-of-mouth and late-night-television groups may be drawn to this title.
I'd recommend it for the paranormal collection in high schools, public libraries or podunk colleges, where stuff like this gets checked out permanently or ripped off all the time and the staff need to keep something on the shelf.

"Know that you Know your own Truth
Having never read any of Elizabeth's books before, and being relatively aware of St Germaine and his wondrous work on this planet, this book jumped out at me. Yes, I agree with the other reviewees, that it is a helpful book to enable us to 'relax' somewhat and know that all is indeed not doom and gloom. Power to the people could never be as important at this time that we are presently in. However, there is a group of chapters which I would have to whole heartedly disagree with and if I didn't know any better, they appear to have an agenda behind them.The Child's Perspective and a few of the following chapters from this one I personally found quite alarming in their content. There is no greater truth than your own, so take care when reading some of this, because at the end of the day it is only an opinion. Don't be afraid to feel and if all of her words ring true for you fantastic, but if they don't this is because this is Elizabeth's truth and not your own.

Be the change we want to see
This is a very well-written and well-researched book, but most importantly, it gives us a very profound sense of hope by saying that prophecy is just a warning, it's not intended to panick people and make them buy tons of supply and just wait for the world to crumble down, but we actually can overcome it and make our destiny what we want it to be.

Cat in the Garden 2003 Calendar
Published in Paperback by Pomegranate (2002)
Authors: Elizabeth Murray and Pomegranate Publishers
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $11.05
Buy one from zShops for: $11.05
Average review score:

Absolutely Beautiful
I have this calendar hanging in my colorless office cubicle, and it brightens my workday world. Countless coworkers have come by to exclaim over the beautiful juxtaposition of cats and flowers, and it makes everybody smile.

My only tiny comment is that the calendar does not reflect the seasons--for instance, January shows a sunny garden full of gorgeous cosmos (and a cat to match). On the other hand, maybe that's a good thing, since January on the East Coast is no picnic!

I recommend this calendar to all cat lovers. Snap it up before January disappears--or keep it for the gorgeous, frameable pictures.

Essential Annuals (Essential Gardening Manual)
Published in Hardcover by Crescent Books (1989)
Authors: Elizabeth Murray and Crescent Books
Amazon base price: $14.99
Used price: $3.30
Collectible price: $7.36
Average review score:

Essential Annuals The 100 Besfot for Design and Cultivation
If you are in the horticultural landscape business, or simply a gardener who is planning a colorful garden with annuals, this is a handy reference book with beautiful photographs of flowers and landscapes (by Derek Fell). Novice gardeners will find this book by Ms. Murray to be an asset. I have used and referred to this book countless times and have told many friends and associates about it. Wish it wasn't out of print!

Making Sense : Teaching and Learning Mathematics with Understanding
Published in Paperback by Heinemann (1997)
Authors: Thomas P. Carpenter, James Hiebert, Elizabeth Fennema, Karen C. Fuson, Diana Wearne, and Hanlie Murray
Amazon base price: $23.50
Used price: $13.99
Average review score:

Teaching Math and Reaching Students
This book is perfect for any teacher that wants to teach children math, so that they will learn with understanding. This book examines the elements that are necessary in a classroom that teaches with understanding. This book also examines several different, diverse classrooms that serve as examples. This book is an excellent resource and will help any existing or pre-service teacher better understand mathematics and how to teach mathematics within the classroom.

Kabbalah: Key to Your Inner Power (Mystical Paths of the World's Religions)
Published in Paperback by Summit Univ Press (01 September, 1997)
Authors: Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Patricia R. Spadaro, and Murray L. Steinman
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $5.94
Buy one from zShops for: $9.00
Average review score:

Beware of Cults
Before considering reading anything by Elizabeth Claire Prophet, read this eye-popping report at ... ...

an excellent book
I heard about Kabbalism and was interested in learning more about it so I came to the website to see if I could find a book about it. When I read the review of this book that another user wrote, I decided to purchase it. It was just as excellent as the other user had said it was. I found it explained many concepts that I had learned from the Bible/church and Catholic school in a way that made them make so much sense to me. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who wanted to know more about those topics discussed in the Bible and who wanted to understand them more fully. I also enjoyed the book "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" by Drunvalho Melchizedek that contained many of the same things that were in Mrs. Prophet's book and explained them just as well and she did.

This is where to begin and where to end studying the Kabbala
I almost gave up studying the Kabbalah in depth given the difficulty and general "user-unfriendliness" of most deeper books. Have you ever tried starting with the 3-volume "Wisdom of the Zohar"?? This book is astonishing in that while there is always more scope for study of this subject of course, Prophet's work is not only by far the best introduction to Kabbalism, but gave me the best idea of the subject's history and origins, the purpose and use of this esoteric system, and even topics barely mentioned elsewhere. For example, what did the original Kabbalistic mystics actually DO? How does the Kabbalah connect with the subject of twin souls? And how to use "the science of the spoken word" in conjunction with the Kabbalah? Finally, with this great guide, exhaustively researched, I feel able to read other works with true understanding and application.

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