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The Other Side and Back: A Psychic's Guide to Our World and Beyond
Published in Hardcover by E P Dutton (1999)
Authors: Sylvia Browne, Sylvia Browne, and Melvin L. Morse
Amazon base price: $23.95
Used price: $1.75
Collectible price: $6.50
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Average review score:

An enlightening and interesting read for anyone!
Sylvia Browne takes a different approach in "The Other Side and Back" by making it a guide to achieving and understanding the lessons she's become famous for teaching the world. It has a few repeated items items from "Adventures of a Psychic", only because those facts are important to know for the in-depth study of the lessons in the new book. I thought I had found out all Sylvia had to teach(from watching her lectures on TV, reading her biography, and attending a live lecture), but I learned SO MANY new things, I was astonished and somewhat embarrassed that I had assumed I knew it all already. "The Other Side and Back" tells us all about the dark side,where the bad people go since there is no flame-ridden hell like we had assumed, how to astral travel in our dreams, interesting (and humorous) ideas and stories about the mind and its potential.I loved this book because it gave an all around revitalizing look at how we can control our mindset and vocabulary to lead more positive, learned lives and finally reach our home with God.

Influenced the way I think about Life, dying, relationships
I found this little paperback book purely by coincidence (although now I believe there are no coincidences). In any event, I was at a tremendous crossroads in my life when I first picked up the book, thinking it would be an amusing read of new age hocus pocus. Not so. It helped me to cope with an extremely difficult break-up and the resulting effects on my job, friendships, family and self-esteem. It also helped me to cope with my father's death.
I had begun an earlier quest for spiritual enlightenment, and this book helped to give me some focus. While the spiritual journey continues to be a struggle to attain balance, every time I am feeling off center, I re-read THE OTHER SIDE AND BACK, to help me focus. You do not have to believe or accept everything that Sylvia says, but you have to respect her no-nonsense gutsy approach in expounding her ideas. If nothing else, the book will get you thinking about your life as it relates to others around, the universe and God. Read it and you just might begin on a path of self-examination. I did.

believe it or not...
this book actually did "change my life". I am a recent college graduate who is very scientific minded, but I grew up in a very religious household, so I am at a point in my life where I am quite skeptical of anything pertaining to "God" or "angels" or "spirits", etc. But I have seen Sylvia on Montel Williams, and I was curious enough to buy this book. I am so glad that I did, because whether or not any of it is true, I came away with such a feeling of peace, self-worth, and control over my life, that it was more than worth the price of the book. I have more insight into things I always felt may be true, and I also understand and accept with much more peace things that happen around me and to me. I try now, more than ever, to learn from every experience. The guidance, humor, and warmth make this book a wonderful read. Highly recommended. Thank you, Sylvia!

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