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Book reviews for "Moore,_Tui_De_Roy" sorted by average review score:

Galapagos: Islands Lost in Time
Published in Paperback by Viking Press (1987)
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $38.50
Used price: $38.50
Average review score: 

19 year-old Tui De Roy Moore was discovered on the Galapagos Islands by the editor of Audubon magazine, Les Line, in 1972. She had been living there since she was 2 years old with her Belgian parents. Her skill with a basic 35mm camera and Kodachrome is breathtaking, as was witnessed by the cover of Audubon magazine a few months later. Since then, she has published another book about the Galapagos Islands and traveled the world building up an impressive nature and wildlife stock photo portfolio. She even served as associate editor (I think) for one of the finest diving magazines around "Ocean Realm." I bought this book 20 years ago and still treasure it as one of my favorite photo books. If you can find this book, you will not be dissapointed.
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