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Book reviews for "Moore,_Thomas_William" sorted by average review score:

Life of Sir Thomas Moore
Published in Paperback by Templegate Pub (1992)
Author: William Roper
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $5.97
Collectible price: $25.00
Average review score:

"An Insightful and Intimate Biography"
William Roper's biography of Sir Thomas More provides an intimate account of More's life from his own son-in-law, who himself lived with the Saint for sixteen years. So, from this first-hand source of More's life comes an intimate, unique and fascinating narrative of the principle events of his life; but mostly, the events described begin shortly before his elevation to Lord Chancellor, so for anyone looking for insight on More's early life, this work is not the one. Although, on the other hand, for anyone seeking to find a dramatic account of More's tragic but heroic fate, or for anyone just looking to find a collective bevy of More's wise old sayings, Roper's work will be of inestimable value. The only drawbacks to Roper's biography is that it is short, lacks scholarship, and fails in general to surface a clear portrayal of Thomas More's life and overall character. Furthermore, with this in mind, it can easily be imagined how much more we would know of him if someone with much more depth and perspective as an author sought to comprise biography of Sir Thomas More instead. However, had Roper not written at all, it may equally be envisaged how much we would have lost More's life. So, in the end, Roper's work pays off for the details he provides, and for the fact that his familiarity with More engenders a certain level of confidence and reasonable reliability as a whole. William Roper's work is indispensable for anyone serious about the study of Sir Thomas More.

he have the new revolution in culture.
he did many differnt thing. but he is weak to god,and strong to society. so, he keep the relision and make the new society.

Plantagenet Descent: Thirty One Generations from William the Conqueror to Today
Published in Hardcover by Thomas R Moore (1995)
Author: Thomas R. Moore
Amazon base price: $49.50
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Average review score:

I purchased this book in hope off adding information and knowledge to my own genealogical research. The book was too narrow and offered no additional informantion helpful to me. I felt the line, although accurate, was not detailed enough to use as a building block twards other works. The information contained in this book could have easily been obtained in about 15 minutes on the internet. I really did not need to know about the author's current family or see any pictures of himself or offspring(Which there are Many). I feel the title was misleading and I was looking for a book more directed towards History rather than present. ... I supposed I would not be as disapointed if the price was say half of what I paid for it.

Good topic - misleading title
The approach of linking the great French (and subsequently English) family of Plantagenet of the early modern world to their contemporary American descendants, is a good one. Perhaps more space might have been devoted to contemporary Plantagenet family members in the direct male line as these do exist today (despite the best efforts of Henry VIII, scion of the dancing wardrobe master Owen Tudor). The Beaufort family of England or the de Warren family of France are conspicuous examples. It should also be noted that William the Conquerer was in no shape or form a Plantagenet. On the contrary, the Dukes of Normandy and the Counts of Anjou were traditional enemies and entirely distinct in origin.

Favorably reviewed in The New York Times and London Times.
Favorably reviewed in The New York Times, the London Times Literary Supplement and The American Genealogist.

This book reveals one family for 31 generations from William the Conqueror in 1066 through Princess Elizabeth Plantagenet, daughter of King Edward I of England, through English royalty, nobility and gentry, through statesmen of the Elizabethan Age, through high government offices in Ireland, to Walsingham Moore who came to Canada in 1817, then down one line of his estimated 55,000 American descendants alive today (with many surnames) to contemporary joyous professional and personal lives in Manhattan. Many of us share part of the same history and genealogy but lack the records to know it. All will revel in this human, exciting and true story.

Thomas R. Moore, the distinguished New York lawyer, author and connoisseur, received his B.A. magna cum laude from Yale University and his J.D. from Harvard Law School. His deep knowledge of biography, genealogy and history and his ability to present a story clearly and compellingly captivates his readers from beginning to end. Recently he was granted a coat of arms and created a Knight of St. John by Queen Elizabeth II and inherited his ancestral title of Lord Bridestowe.

The New Bottom Line
Published in Hardcover by New Leaders Pr (1997)
Authors: John E. Renesch, Bill DeFoore, William George, Ian Mitroff, Gil Fairholm, Allen Cymrot, Thomas Moore, Angeles Arrien, Kymn Harvin Rutigliano, and Jacqueline Haessly
Amazon base price: $20.00
Used price: $1.94
Collectible price: $14.82
Buy one from zShops for: $1.94
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The Johns connections : with references to Ayer, Benjamin, Browder, Cadwalader, Calhoun, Davis, Edwards, Emmanuel, Evans, Griffin, Harry, Hughes, Humphrey, James, Janeway, Jenkins, John, Jones, Lewis, Loftin, Lovelace, Miles, Moore, Morgan, Nunn, Oliver, Owen, Prichard, Pouncey, Rhys/Rhees, Rice, Richards, Roberts, Rogers, Sides/Seitz, Thomas, Townsend, Welsch, Wild, Williams, Wilson, Woodley, and many other related families
Published in Unknown Binding by Heritage Books ()
Author: Helen Sides Dye
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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The Power of Boldness: Ten Master Builders of American Industry Tell Their Success Stories
Published in Hardcover by National Academy Press (1996)
Authors: Elkan Blout, Alfred D., Jr. Chandler, John F. Taplin, Ralph Landau, Gordon E. Moore, George N. Hatsopoulos, William M., III Haney, Thomas D. Cabot, Robert Galvin, and Stephen D., Jr. Bechtel
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $10.46
Buy one from zShops for: $15.40
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Two Irish poets : Goldsmith and Moore
Published in Unknown Binding by R. West ()
Author: William Gamble
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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W.B. Yeats and T. Surge Moore : Their Correspondence, 1901$1937
Published in Hardcover by Greenwood Publishing Group (1978)
Author: William Butler Yeats
Amazon base price: $38.50
Used price: $34.95
Average review score:
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Wcw and Others: Essays on William Carlos Williams and His Association With Ezra Pound, Hilda Doolittle, Marcel Duchamp, Marianne Moore, Emanuel Roman
Published in Paperback by Univ of Texas (1985)
Authors: Dave Oliphant and Thomas Zigal
Amazon base price: $16.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

William Roper: "The Lyfe of Sir Thomas Moore" (Early English Text Society OS)
Published in Hardcover by Boydell & Brewer Ltd (1976)
Author: E.V. Hitchcock
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
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