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Book reviews for "Moore,_Richard_B." sorted by average review score:

Pharmacology for Nursing Care (With Diskette)
Published in Hardcover by W B Saunders (15 January, 1998)
Authors: Richard A. Lehne, Linda A. Moore, Leanna J. Crosby, Diane B. Hamilton, and Maura Connor
Amazon base price: $57.00
Used price: $6.00
Collectible price: $30.71
Buy one from zShops for: $14.95
Average review score:

Very Clear and comprehencive
One of the best Pharmacology book, it does not get into the chemistry of the drugs etc but a very extensive source to read for first time pharmacology exposure. A lot of things that is normally covered in Physiology books are recalled here. Author also provides extensive links between different applications and explanations. Certainly book is written mainly for Nurses but from simple reading and explanations point of view it is very useful for everybody as a reference book.
I enjoyed reading every line of it. authors do not spare on any information to make it clear.

Excellent foundation text
While the material is highly technical, it is presented in a clear, concise manner with excellent end of chapter summaries.
Substantial amounts of background information are presented to ensure a thorough understanding of the physiology of some body systems in order to permit a better understanding of how some medications work. Minimal molecular biology is included. Personally, I liked this text and will be keeping my copy for years to come.

extremely well written, helpful textbook
I have to say that this is one of the best text books I've ever had to buy! It's well written, well organized, and thoughtfully prepared. The author presents what might otherwise be very confusing and complicated ideas, and makes them straightforward and easy to understand. Best of all, I actually ENJOY reading this text. Yes, that's right, I enjoy reading about pharmacology! By making the concepts understandable, he makes the whole topic of drugs and their affects on the body interesting. What could be better than that?

Texas Art and a Wildcatter's Dream: Edgar B. Davis and the San Antonio Art League (Joe and Betty Moore Texas Art Series , No 9)
Published in Hardcover by Texas A&M University Press (1998)
Authors: William E., Jr. Reaves, Richard Casagrande, and Cecilia Steinfeldt
Amazon base price: $34.97
List price: $49.95 (that's 30% off!)
Buy one from zShops for: $40.85
Average review score:

A must for every Texas art lover.
The book is an excellent resource for the emergence of Texas art and artists. The history is accurate and detailed and color plates of selected art pieces is excellent. One drawback is that the book focuses too much on one individual and not enough on the individual artists. The book's strongest attribute is how it places the "Davis Competitions" or "Wildflower Competitions" in historical context with regard to Texas art in the early 20th century.

Comparative Criminal Justice: Traditional and Nontraditional Systems of Law and Control
Published in Paperback by Waveland Press (1996)
Authors: Charles B. Fields and Richard H. Moore Jr.
Amazon base price: $32.95
Used price: $21.00
Average review score:

Poor editing
This collection of articles should have been excellent. However, it seems obvious its editors were not up to the task. Some articles are excellent (, Law and order in contemporary Japan, Ch. 6; Juvenile Delinquency in the Cross-Cultural Context, Ch.31), others are hardly worth the paper on which they are printed (, Low crime rates in Bahrain, Ch. 2; Organized crime in South Korea). It seems the editors should have been more demanding instead of, apparently, simply accepting uncritically was was submitted to them.In addition, there are several factual mistakes that were not corrected. For instance,the Seventh United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention was held in 1985, not 1983 (pag. 17). And the Ninth Congress was held in Cairo, not in Tunis.This is nsot the exception, but rather the rule. So, the book is marred by poor editing. Too bad, because the material contained therein is of great importance.

A Look at Crinminal Justice Systems Around the World
Today Americans and citizens of most countries think nothing of traveling around the world. They pay little attention to the criminal justice systems of the world because they think they are very similar to their own. Little do they realize that crime and justice even in neighboring countries may be very different.

Fields and Moore do an outstanding job at looking at criminal justice systems around the world. Their book follows the traditional format of introductory criminal justice texts namely looking at crime, the police, the law, corrections, and finally criminal justice systems. What makes this a great primary or supplemental text for the classroom is that the text includes material from all the continents of the world - Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, and Australia.

It exposes the reader to an understanding of the four major legal systems by including material from common law, civil law, socialist law, and Islamic law countries. Therefore, the reader can redily compare those four legal traditions of the world.

This text is especially helpful to the reader from the United States, or any country, because it permits one to compare his or her country's criminal justice system with those from other countries with which the reader may be unfamiliar. It permits the reader to realize that even among democracies, there are major differences and that not all democracies of the world are the same.

The material in this text is challenging to both undergraduate and graduate students. I have used the text for both categories of students and will use it again in the fall 2000 semester. It is an outstanding textbook that is comprehensive and I recommend it to all without qualification.

Caribbean Militant in Harlem: Collected Writings 1920-1972
Published in Hardcover by Pluto Press Ltd (31 December, 1988)
Authors: Richard B. Moore, W. Burghardt Turner, Joyce Moore Turner, and Franklin W. Knight
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Effect of Laser Radiation on Absorbing Condensed Matter (Proceedings of the Institute of General Physics Academy of Sciences of the Ussr, Vol. 13)
Published in Hardcover by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (1991)
Authors: V.B. Fedorov and Richard Moore
Amazon base price: $135.00
Used price: $10.00
Average review score:
No reviews found.

The Louisiana and Arkansas Expeditions of Clarence Bloomfield Moore (Classics in Southeastern Archaeology)
Published in Hardcover by Univ of Alabama Pr (Txt) (2003)
Authors: Clarence B. Moore, Richard A. Weinstein, David B. Kelley, Saunders, and Carolyn B. Humphreys
Amazon base price: $100.00
Average review score:
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Making Connections: Multicultural Music and the National Standards
Published in Paperback by Music Educators National Conference (1997)
Authors: William M. Anderson, Marvelene C. Moore, Michael B. Bakan, J. Bryan Burton, and Richard R. Obregon
Amazon base price: $34.00
Average review score:
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The Name "Negro" : Its Origin And Evil Use
Published in Paperback by U.B&U.S. Communications (01 August, 1994)
Author: Richard B. Moore
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $8.95
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Richard B. Moore, Caribbean Militant in Harlem: Collected Writings, 1920-1972
Published in Hardcover by Indiana University Press (1989)
Authors: W. Burghardt Turner and Joyce Moore Turner
Amazon base price: $57.50
Used price: $10.00
Average review score:
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