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Pages 824-828 unbelievably establish a biblically based explanation of the age-old conflict between Arabs and Jews from chapters found in the book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible. However, this is the Bible believed in by Jews and Christians. According to Genesis, as author Philip Moore quotes, the scripture's promose the fat of the land, i.e., oil to the Arabs and the land of Canaan, i.e., Israel to the Jews both of whom are involved in a 4000-year long conflict which begins with Isaac and Ishmael and extends down to the modern Jews and Arabs of this present year, and on into the 2030's. (The biblical word for fat and oil are from the same Hebrew root and refers to material that produces energy and is combustible through burning. The semetic term, shumon, is also indicative of the production of great wealth.) The author quotes a June 9, 1967 Time Magazine article on page 800-801, which amazingly mentions the conflict using those two biblical names.
In chapters 2-4 and 18, he states Jesus and Moses predicted Israel, i.e., Jews would be expelled from their land in the first century (as he quotes several Bible verses from Deuteronomy and Luke, both Testaments to prove this), and that Ezekial, another Prophet in the Bible, writing 600 BC, predicted their return. Amazingly, the Jews returned to resettle their land in 1948, as he claims is a fulfillment of Chapters 36 and 37 of Ezekial's prediction found in the Jews' Old Testament. Beginning in this era, even though the Arabs own huge amounts of oil wealth, more material wealth than the Jews would ever possess, they insisted on persecution of the Jews, and those who would support them, in their claim of living on this land and giving the world the Bible; this is why the Jews are called the "chosen people." Isaac (the Jew), Ishmael's half-brother (the Arab) was called the "son of promise" in Genesis. The promise was a spiritual one that involves the coming of the Messiah (estensively documented in author's chapters 1, 3 and 5) to lead the earth's people away from paganism and back to the worship of God in a peaceful, yet to be realized earthly kingdom (chapters 29-30). The Arabs harboring jealousy over the Jews ownership of the land of Israel (as foretold by Isaac Newton, see author's chapter 11) are biblically predicted to precipitate world conflict through terrorism, which may be emulated by Russia (chapter 19) and China (chapter 21), which will establish Europe as the major power in world affairs (see chapters 22 and 23). Once the United States is substantially weakened, the new European/New Roman leader, the antichrist, will come to power to persecute millions before the second coming of Christ to crush evil and inaugurate world peace sometime in the 2020's-30's. If all of this is true, we have much to go through before we can rest.
In an appendix, "Apes Fakes and Mistakes" the author absolutely destroys any possibility of the premise of evolution having any truth or fact in its short history until now. The work is truly a book that proves the Bible while accepting the rationale of true science, even using science, along with prophecy to validate the authenticity of the genuineness of the Bible, laid out in true fact.
In Today's Librarian magazine which reviewed this book in September 1999, on page 44, stated this work was the most scholarly and detailed ever written on the subject. The book is over 1200 pages. This book is truly well worth reading, fully illustrated, with over 300 scholars quoted, composed and written in a language understandable to the layman.

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