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Book reviews for "Moore,_Nicholas" sorted by average review score:

Class Action Dilemmas: Pursuing Public Goals for Private Gain
Published in Hardcover by RAND (2000)
Authors: Deborah R. Hensler, Nicholas Pace, Bonita Dombey-Moore, Beth Giddens, Jennifer Gross, and Erik K. Moller
Amazon base price: $55.00
Used price: $39.95
Buy one from zShops for: $39.95
Average review score:

Transparent and Balanced Research
This study is likely to remain the last word on class action research for some time to come. The depth and breadth of this study is extraordinary - and so are its revelations.

This is by any standard a major piece of work and we are fortunate that the RAND Institute for Civil Justice has the resources to publish it so fully. The substantial appendices contain much of the detail about methodologies, data collection and calculations that usually have to be omitted from law review articles. Readers can judge for themselves the thoroughness of the researchers and the accuracy of calculations supporting many of their assertions and assumptions.

At heart of this study is the question whether the policing of the public interst and public safety ought to be a function of the state or of "private attorneys general". The study is largely non-judgmental - although you may conclude that this research suggests an answer. There is plenty of ammunition for both points of view to be found in this book.

It is a treasury of fascinating facts about this kind of litigation. It includes the revelation that some attorneys were remunerated at the rate of $2,000 per hour for their efforts - and to think that we thought only mergers and acquisitions lawyers could aspire to that kind of reward!

The only criticism I have to make is that the executive summary that RAND publishes separately is not contained in the book. That is a useful document and its inclusion here would not have added substantially to publication costs but would have enhanced the final product.

An indepth, benchmark study.
Class Action Dilemmas: Pursuing Public Goals For Private Gain is the collaborative effort of Deborah R. Hensler, Nicholas, M. Pace, Bonita Dombey-Moore, Beth Giddens, Jennifer Gross, and Erik K. Moller under the auspices of the Rand Corporation's "Institute for Civil Justice". This in-depth, benchmark study examines newly compiled information about class action law suits and offers a thoughtful discussion of current trends in mass litigation and their implications for the future. Data was collected from extensive interviews with case participants, various electronic sources, court records, and other legal documents. Commentary on the federal class action rule is also reviewed along with the most recent attempt to revise the rule. The contributors discuss the history of the controversy of class action law suits, and present ten illustrative case studies. In addition, proposals for options for reform that may improve the balance of public good and private gain are offered for consideration. Class Action Dilemmas is a very highly recommended addition to professional, governmental, academic, and judicial reference libraries.

Frontlines: Snapshots of History
Published in Hardcover by Financial Times Prentice Hall (18 Juni, 2001)
Authors: Nicholas Moore, Sidney Weiland, and Nick Moore
Amazon base price: $27.00
Used price: $2.21
Collectible price: $31.76
Buy one from zShops for: $2.21
Average review score:

The men on the spot
This must be the ultimate in fly on the wall literature. This well illustated book recounts in excellent journalistic style how reuter's correspondents visited hotspots and met hotshots over the last sixty years. The composition of the book gives the reader the feeling of "being there" and you can relive the tension of many of the situations and empathise with the man on the spot who had to contend with such traumas as hearing someone being clubbed to death outside his prison cell in an unstable African state.
Also the charismatic atmosphere surrounding some of the big names that the reporters met comes through the text to the reader, from Elvis Presley to Margaret Thatcher and many more, the great and the not so good are there.
One surprise was to discover that Derek Jameson began his career by landing a job as a messenger boy at Reuters and subsequently impressed his superior so much that he was made a trainee reporter, which eventually launched him on his future path as a journalist and broadcaster.
Having finished reading this excellent work I would commend the reader to place it on the bookshelf with other historical works for future generations to refer to.

Reuters Foreign Correspondents Tell How They Got the Story
Frontlines will appear to many to be a book of photography, and the book certain does contain several dozen fine images of world-significant events since 1944. However, the bulk of this intriguing volume tells the story behind the story by 40 on-the-scenes correspondents for Reuters who broke the news. In most cases, these essays will provide new details to you that will put much of recent history into a different perspective.

"Where the action is, Reuters is always there . . . ." You will be impressed by the derring-do of the correspondents here. For example, Doon Campbell was born with one arm. Despite that, he came in on an LST with the first wave of Royal Marines on D-Day, and crossed the Rhine with the first gliders (being considered unable to parachute by the authorities).

Although the book covers a tremendous number of world-shaking events (D-Day, the bombing of Hiroshima, the first landings over the Rhine, the Six Day War, building and tearing down of the Berlin Wall, the Iranian Revolution, OPEC's price increases and the Arab Oil Embargo, and space feats), it also covers many many areas of mass culture (Elvis in Germany, over the hill celebrities in Hollywood, and the Thrilla in Manila).

To me, the most interesting essays were the ones that covered getting the story in Communist countries. Usually, the local laws had to be broken to get the story, broken again to get the story out, and then the correspondent had to deal with the angry officials afterwards. You will be moved by the many times that these reporters faced long-term sentences in prison or even execution for covering important stories. One of the most interesting stories is by thriller writer Frederick Forsyth who recalls getting a story about an American bomber shot down in East Germany after World War II. His tale of getting the story and getting out seems just like one of his novels, and you will read those novels differently in the future realizing that he has been there and done that.

The book also has a lot of humor, such as the description of the failed American test of a "space loo" which was wired the wrong way and ejected the material involved instead of sucking it in. One of the funniest was the story of accidentally stepping on Chairman Mao's toes.

If you are a news junkie, journalist, or just someone who likes to know the behind-the-scenes detail, this book will be a favorite in your library for many years to come.

After you finish enjoying the book, I suggest that you take events that most interest you and find the latest books on them. In that way, you can combine perspectives to get a better flavor of what interests you.

Look carefully to see the art and courage behind the bare bones design!

Speleology: Caves & the Cave Environment
Published in Hardcover by National Speleological Society (1997)
Authors: Nicholas Sullivan, G. Nicholas Sullivan, National Speleological Society, and George William Moore
Amazon base price: $21.95
Buy one from zShops for: $18.00
Average review score:

Good Introduction to the Foundations of Cave Science
This book is the classic introduction to cave sciences. Written for the lay person, but with plenty of scientific specifics. Caving is a very young science. This book was written many years ago, and much has been added to our knowledge of caves. Every serious caver starts with this book, though.

An easy to understand introduction to cave sciences
Anyone interested in learning more about caves will want this book. It is easy to read, yet introduces cave science (Speleology) in a clear and logical way. Even a layman like me can understand it. It is beautifully illustrated with detailed diagrams and striking drawings.Both cave geology and cave biology are covered. You will find answers to questions like how caves are formed, why some caves breathe in and out, how stalactites and stalagmites develop, what kind of animals live in caves, and why some cave animals are blind. The authors were pioneers in modern cave research. They have spent a lifetime studying and exploring caves, and write about the subject with style and authority. Main sections are: Caves as Natural Laboratories, Origin of Caves, Characteristics of the Underground Atmosphere, Growth of Stalactites and Other Speleothems, Behavior and Products of Cave Microorganisms, Habits of Cave Animals, Evolution of Blind Cave Animals, Uses of Caves, References and Related Readings, Caves in the U.S. Open to the Public, Index. David McClurg, author of Adventure of Caving, a how-to book on cave exploration.

Twas the Night Before Christmas, or Account of a Visit from St. Nicholas
Published in School & Library Binding by Candlewick Press (2002)
Authors: Matt Tavares, Anonymous, and Clement Clarke Moore
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.00
Buy one from zShops for: $4.95
Average review score:

A classic tale with Amazingly beautiful artwork
My son constantly wants me to read this book to him. The illustrations are beautiful and the story is a classic. I'm sure this book will become a family heirloom.

Absolutely Gorgeous artwork!
This artist's pencilwork is stunning! If you don't have a version of "'Twas the Night Before Christmas," make sure this is the one you buy. The pencil drawings are absolutely luminous and bring a new element to the story. Even if you have several versions of this classic story, this version is a must have!

The Night Before Christmas or a Visit of St. Nicholas: An Antique Reproduction
Published in Paperback by Paper Star (1997)
Author: Clement Clarke Moore
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $2.67
Buy one from zShops for: $2.99
Average review score:

This book looks so authentic it resembles the real thing!
The Night Before Christmas-or A visit by St. Nicholas is a Christmas poem that is a must-read piece of literature. This particular version- is a reproduction of the original copy. The illustrations and print are absolutely beautiful . It takes the reader back in time to an era which truly captivates the real meaning of Christmas through the eyes of an innocent child. This classic work can be read over and over by anyone at any age. This particular version will add to anyone's heirloom Christmas collections and will no doubt be left on display for all to enjoy!

Spelology : Caves and the Cave Environment
Published in Paperback by National Speleological Society (1997)
Authors: Nicholas Sullivan and George W. Moore
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $9.95
Collectible price: $10.54
Average review score:

An intelligent, well-detailed introduction to caves
This book explains the geology and biology of caves, and how they have been used by human beings. The authors explain the details very well, drawing upon lots of interesting examples of caves from around the world and providing useful illustrations, charts, and photographs throughout the book.

In the section on limestone formations, they explain why most limestone caves have been formed by slowly moving water in a thin horizontal zone directly below the water table. They examine scallop formations, carbon dioxide content, calcite solubility and other factors. (Sandstone caves, sea caves and lava tubes are covered just briefly.)

There is some good coverage about water movement through caves, the growth of speleotherms, and how to date caves and cave deposits. There is a table provided that lists the secondary minerals found in limestone caves and the caves they can be found in. You will also learn about cave temperatures, relative humidity, and how different karst formations are related to the nature and distribution of the soil in different climatic zones.

There is also a section about the many cave dwelling micro-organisms, troglobites, and vertebrates. It explains their evolution, adaptation to the cave environment, and how they fit into the food chain.

Structure, Space and Skin: The Work of Nicholas Erimshaw & Partners
Published in Paperback by Phaidon Press Inc. (1996)
Authors: Nicholas Grimshaw, Kenneth Powell, and Rowan Moore
Amazon base price: $24.50
List price: $35.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $23.38
Buy one from zShops for: $23.38
Average review score:

Very good book!
This is the first volume of Grimshaw's work and it's very impressive. Shows his most chalenging projects in the period between 1988-93, with texts, model shots, sketches and computer-generated images.

A Visit from Saint Nicholas
Published in Hardcover by H E Huntington Library & Art (1998)
Authors: Clement Clarke Moore, Sara S. Hodson, and Sue Hodson
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $6.10
Collectible price: $30.00
Buy one from zShops for: $14.99
Average review score:

one of 2 of the best version ever.
I know there are many books on the famous poem,but this one has illustrations from way back in 1869. Like old Victorian Christmas cards,this captures the artwork of it's time. Along with a copy of the handwritten poem and the first class artwork,makes this an awesome gift to treasure,and to pass down the generations.

The other fantastic version is again a reproduction of the poem, (Philomel Books)McLoughlin Bros.,but from 1888,with Santa in a green coat.

These are the two books you will ever need to partner the classic old poem.Both hardback,and from

The Night Before Christmas a Visit from St. Nicholas
Published in Paperback by Dover Pubns (1975)
Authors: Clement Clarke Moore and Arthur Nicholas Life of Clement Clarke Moore Hosking
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $0.97
Collectible price: $4.95
Buy one from zShops for: $1.50
Average review score:

A beautiful edition, to give as a gift
We have an inexpensive paperback version (see our reviews) of this classic poem, and we said that's enough for us. That was before we looked through this beautifully illustrated (by Bruce Whatley) edition of The Night Before Christmas.

The lyrics are the same, from book to book, but the fanciful illustrations in this one are enough to engage adults and children as they read this book together.

The perfect gift for any family whose Christmas tradition includes reading this classic!

The Night Before Christmas illustrated by Tasha Tudor
I discovered this book 31 years ago, for my daughter and it is still loved by all the family. The illustrations are wonderful, warm, charming and delightful and bring a special meaning to the story. We still read it to all the young children on Christmas Eve and for adults we read the story and pass a grab bag gift every time the word THE is mentioned. It would not be Christmas without this book. It is magical.

A Happy Christmas to All
This beautiful book was in my family as a hard cover edition for many years and was a Christmas Eve tradition for my four sons when they were growing up. It's poor battered body disappeared some time after the last of my little ones went off into the adult world. I am so delighted to see it back again, though this time as a nicely affordable soft cover. Clement C. Moore's enchanting story poem already provides an atmosphere filled with warmth and joyful expectation and with the addition of Tasha Tudor's quaint, nostalgic water-colors from an antique New England the Christmas magic is complete!
The winter landscapes fill our senses and Tasha's own gray tabby cat and Welsh Corgi welcome us into this charming world.
Tasha's Santa that you will meet in this book has been portrayed as the poem describes him...a right jolly old elf. He's not that much larger than the corgi and his team really consists of eight "tiny" reindeer. His pointy ears and his Eskimo mukluks add to the delightful ambiance of the book. He dances with the toys and with the happy animals and we can truly believe it will be a happy Christmas for all.
I hope this book becomes a Christmas Eve tradition for many, many more families.

Visit From Saint Nicholas
Published in Hardcover by Bantam Books (20 Oktober, 1998)
Authors: Clement Clarke Moore and Kim Fernandes
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Fabulous rendition of this popular tale. The clay artwork brings the story to life in the way that Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer's three dimensional story does on televison. My only sadness is that on the page where 'sugarplums dance in the childrens heads'--there aren't any sugarplums dancing!! (as a child I was always partial to that particular image). Other than that this really is a beautiful book and the nicest one I've seen of this story.


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