Used price: $25.41
Collectible price: $31.72
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Used price: $32.95
Buy one from zShops for: $35.00
The choice of uniforms is very appealing, but the photographs don't show the colors of the uniforms very well. Partialy this is due to all of the models being photographed against a bright red background ( probably as some kind of association with the chosen subject), partialy this is due to the lighting leaving something to be desired. This is a real shame, because otherwise the book would have been first rate!
The book does offer some uniforms I have never seen anywhere else before, such as the late war camouflage uniform.
If you would, for example combine this book with the book from Osprey Publishing on the same subject, you would have a good combination to start with.
The only small detail missing on ALL photographs is - a piece of white cloth ALWAYS sewn to the inner side of collar. This white inner-collar was worn on all Soviet uniforms, as by Generals as well as by the rank and file!
As a former conscript of the Soviet Army in the late 70's I still remember how much attention our Company NCO's payed to this lousy piece of cloth, that has to be changed every day in order to look clean, fresh and "cultivated". For unclean "inner-collar" you could be punished.
Otherwise this book deserves place on every military history addict's bookshelf.
Collectible price: $49.99
Used price: $29.00
The book typically presents 3 soldiers per page in national groups, chronologically from the invasion of Poland in 1939 to the Japanese surrender in 1945. This is followed by illustrations of a selection of weapons and gear.
Irritatingly the descriptions of the illustrations are in a seperate index at the end of the book. The illustrations of gear and weapons are somewhat eclectic. Nevertheless this is a valuable reference, especially for a visual artist.
Used price: $45.00
Volume 1: AllGemeine (general) SS
Volume 2: Germanische (non-German) SS
Volume 3: SS VerfugungsTruppe (mini army)
Volume 4: SS TotenkopfeVerbande (concentration camp)
Volume 5: SicherheitsDienst and SicherheitsPolizei (secret police apparatus)
Volume 6: Waffen (army) SS
There are a total of 3 color plates, two of which basically show the colors red and black! The other is of camouflage patterns. This is a problem as cloth and piping colors described in the text, notably 'toxic green' and 'earth grey', are not inherently visualizable. Also one might hope that a multi-volume combination would have a comprehensive index and table of contents but only the latter is provided, almost as an afterthought, in a corner of the title page verso. Because the pagination of the original volumes (restarting with each volume) is unchanged a second set of page numbers has been added in the upper outside corner of each page! Errors identified in the original edtions are not corrected, instead lists of 'errata' are provided at the end of each volume.
For minutiae of detail on the development of SS uniforms and organization this book is wonderful, but without color illustrations it is seriously handicapped.
Used price: $17.00
The book is illustrated with B&W period photographs, diagrams, and line illustrations of uniforms and rank badges. This is a disappointing format because it is hard to envisage certain details in color, particularly the shade of green ('gift grune') used in German Police uniforms and adopted by the SS for its security service.
Andrew Mollo is a British military historian and television producer. He has produced a number of valuable reference works on military uniforms and goes into great detail here to show the development of the uniforms and organization of the Nazi bureau created by Reinhard Heidrich, onetime Nazi Governor of Czechoslovakia. Mollo refers to the complexities of researching an organization which was deliberately self-obfuscating. Still, the book could be better organized and illustrated.
Used price: $57.78
There are almost no books out there providing anything more than cursory information about World War I unifoms. Sadly, this book doesn't really do anything to fill this gap.
Used price: $4.49
Collectible price: $15.88
This thin book is a small collection of poorly-reproduced black-and-white photographs of the infamous Nazi zealots who grew from a handful of bodyguards into a vast paramilitary organization. The book presents photos taken from the unit's foundation in 1923 to after its disbandment in 1945. Snapshots of the SS in action, training, special ceremonies, relaxation and imprisonment are provided together with pictures of leading officers. Very little textual information is provided: no details on uniforms, rank, equipment, or organizational specifics are given; there are no timelines or maps.
Not recommended!