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Book reviews for "Mollenkott,_Virginia_Ramey" sorted by average review score:
Omnigender: A Trans-Religious Approach
Published in Hardcover by Pilgrim Pr (2001)
Amazon base price: $12.60
List price: $18.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $12.51
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List price: $18.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $12.51
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Average review score: ![](
Man As Male and Female: A Study in Sexual Relationships from a Theological Point of View
Published in Paperback by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. (1975)
Amazon base price: $22.00
Used price: $1.26
Collectible price: $3.69
Buy one from zShops for: $17.88
Used price: $1.26
Collectible price: $3.69
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Average review score: ![](
Jewett attempts to present a coherent theology of mankind as male and female. He makes some advances in his cause and presents some cogent and uncomfortably accurate points. However, the logic of his case occasionally falls short of making the case for a new Christian anthropology. Nevertheless, this book represents a positive step towards a reconceptualization of Christian anthropology. Although this new vision will probably not stand up under scrutiny, there are valid points that should not be ignored because of the flaws in the argument.
Sensuous Spirituality: Out from Fundamentalism
Published in Paperback by Crossroad/Herder & Herder (1992)
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $3.99
Collectible price: $7.93
Buy one from zShops for: $5.46
Used price: $3.99
Collectible price: $7.93
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Average review score: ![](
Sensuous Spirituality is a painful read: certainly not worth reading for pleasure but essential for understanding where feminist Christianity is heading. Ms Mollenkott is a very honest writer who is not afraid of including personal memoir in what is essentially an academic's journey away from her past. This woman can rationalise anything with Bible scriptures. She tears down the foundations of religious Christianity and erects new ones of her own making. Everything is justified with scripture to her complete satisfaction. She wrests scripture with the best of them. Sin is no more, in her universe. Perversion is replaced with anything goes and her goddess looks on with benignity. She cleverly melds the worst of new age thought and mysticism with the gospel of Jesus Christ and airily rewrites his teachings to conform to her worldview. I had to force myself to take up her book and could only bear to read it in very small doses; it is pure poison to the faith of one who follows Jesus and loves the Bible as God's holy word. As soon as I am sure that I understand her beliefs I shall take her book and burn it on the compost heap for the abomination that it is. Don't read this book unless you also worship the goddesses of this world.
The Divine Feminine: The Biblical Imagery of God As Female
Published in Hardcover by Crossroad/Herder & Herder (1983)
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $12.95
Collectible price: $15.88
Used price: $12.95
Collectible price: $15.88
Average review score:
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Godding: Human Responsibility and the Bible
Published in Hardcover by Crossroad/Herder & Herder (1987)
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $3.95
Collectible price: $7.41
Used price: $3.95
Collectible price: $7.41
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Views from the Intersection: Poems and Meditations
Published in Paperback by Crossroad/Herder & Herder (1984)
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $1.50
Used price: $1.50
Average review score:
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Women of Faith in Dialogue
Published in Paperback by Crossroad/Herder & Herder (1900)
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $3.19
Used price: $3.19
Average review score:
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Women, Men, and the Bible/With Study Guide
Published in Paperback by Crossroad/Herder & Herder (1988)
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $3.00
Collectible price: $10.59
Used price: $3.00
Collectible price: $10.59
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Mollenkott debunks the validity of the binary gender construct by first questioning the biological reality of the two sexes -- male, female. Through an exploration of hermaphroditism or intersexuality and other reasoning, Mollenkott shows that our insistence on two, and only two, sexes is erroneous.
Next, Mollenkott shows how the binary gender construct has been harmful to individuals and to society. When people are forced into one of only two gender slots, that labeling has far-reaching ramifications for the kind of life the individual may lead within the good graces of society. The result is personal limitations on choices and behavior, bigotry and hatred toward those who can't or won't fit into one of the two designated boxes, and a perpetuation of patriarchal oppression.
Mollenkott offers a delightful smorgasborg of societies that have gone beyond the two-gender system. Notably, many Native American societies recognize a third gender category called Two-Spirit.
Finally, Mollenkott an omnigender paradigm. She asks us to imagine all of humanity forming a long line with masculine males at one end and feminine females at the other end. Like a rainbow, people with varying degress of gender expression for the center regions of the long line of humanity, with transgendered people forming the very middle ranks. She challenges us to point out, in this continuum we have built in our imagination, where "male" begins and where "female" begins.
Mollenkott's omnigender paradigm would honor the diversity of the gender rainbow. She offers up some specific suggestions for how to encourage or work toward an omnigender society. And she goes on explore what an omnigender society might look like.
In her book, Mollenkott notes that most physical violence is perpetrated by males. To the extent that aggression has been a socially-approved masculine trait, our binary gender construct may be at the root of the increased level of violence we see around us. The omnigendereed view, if implemented in society, would eliminate this type of violence.
Mollenkott argues that it is urgent that we begin to deconstruct the binary gender system. She notes a study conducted at a clinic in Bombay, India. Of 6,000 fetuses aborted at the clinic, only ONE was a boy. With boy children valued over girl children in several places around the world, and with the spread of ultrasound technology, it could be that favoritism for the male child will itself lead to the demise of the binary gender system.
This book presents cutting-edge gender theory in a way that is non-threatening, imminently readable, and just plain fun. The many facts that Mollenkott invokes to explain and buttress her thinking are like shining jewels. As an enticement, you will not be unmoved to learn what Mollenkott uncovered that explains the birth of Jesus to the *Virgin* Mary.
While the book has a religious or spiritual theme, it will not be off-putting to readers who are uninterested in religious dogma. This is most definitely not a book for championing rigid, moralistic, close-minded viewpoints. If anything, Mollenkott's gentle and humorous touch may awaken in some a newfound appreciation for spiritual concerns.