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Book reviews for "Mizrahi,_Isaac" sorted by average review score:

Isaac Mizrahi Presents the Adventures of Sandee the Supermodel or Yveesac's Model Diaries (S&s Editions Comic Book Series)
Published in Paperback by Simon & Schuster (Paper) (1997)
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $9.98
Collectible price: $31.76
Buy one from zShops for: $9.98
Used price: $9.98
Collectible price: $31.76
Buy one from zShops for: $9.98
Average review score: 

If their is a comic strip more fabulous, I beg the smarmy bitchy gods of fashion to allow me an eensy, weensy peek at it! Its an insider's delight, for certain. But one need not get every joke to really lap it up... One only need love camp, satire and neuroticism to enjoy this! It helps if you have a clue about gay culture, (but, please, why would you be reading this review if you didn't? And, really, SHAME on you if you don't know anything about the life!), a FABULOUS clever witty mind, and you've set foot in NYC (or even Bountiful, Utah. Major double points for moi!) Seriously, I couldn't get enough of this comic strip, and decided (after being halfway through it) that I had to have it, and am so relieved it is not out of print. Get thee to your checkout cart with plastic in hand!Go, go!!!

Isaac Mizrahi has done it again. He truly is a genious, not only in the fashion world, but also in writing. The illustrations are gorgeous and anyone who reads this is sure to fall in love with the lovely and innocent Sandee.

These comics are Smarvelous! I cant wait for a Movie! Every bit was entertaining!

Hollywood Dressed & Undressed: A Century of Cinema Style
Published in Paperback by Rizzoli International Publications (1998)
Amazon base price: $24.50
List price: $35.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.95
Collectible price: $15.88
Buy one from zShops for: $27.95
List price: $35.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.95
Collectible price: $15.88
Buy one from zShops for: $27.95
Average review score: 

As someone who's interested in fashion history (and who runs awebsite dedicated to the role of opera gloves in the history offashion and the movies, I found this book an excellent visual introduction to the importance of fashion in Hollywood. The writing is snappy and breezy, and the pictures (which, after all, *is* why you're buying this book - isn't it?) are gorgeous. Truth in packaging compels me to reveal that I read this book at my local library, but it's definitely on my wish list! END

I AM A HOLLYWOOD NUT. . .I love everything about the movies. At last, here is a new twist, by an author who seems to love the movies as much as I do. Thanks, Sandy.

I purchased a copy of this book because so many of my favorite actors were shown in great photos. I started reading the captions and chuckled at the quick quips and short anecdotes. I ended up buying more copies as gifts. This book has turned out to be one of the best books I have ever given. I hope others will get it for their library. It's not only for movie buffs, but the great photos and stories make a fun afternoon read.
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