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One needs only to read an essay or two of those collected here to see that Mr. Mitchell was a well-educated, fully informed individual. But his ability to write in a voice that transcended his obviously cultured status, to make his points accessible to people of all backgrounds in a thoughtful, mannerly, and humorous -- always humorous -- style, is an ability his modern-day contemporaries would be smart to emulate. (Are you listening, Maureen Dowd?? Oh, forgive me -- why would we expect you to start now?)
Still, Mitchell's discretion could give way to much stronger sounding of his opinion, and flat-out satire that was without peer. Even when it did, Mitchell managed to maintain the tone of rationality and etiquette which was the underpinning of all his work, and which is sadly lacking on today's op-ed pages. This indefinable quality -- and the sheer quality of the writing itself -- sets Mitchell's work apart.

"No man is a hero while brushing his teeth or clipping hair out of his ears. He needs some kind of warning that this is the moment to act."
He shares himself (a locution he might mock)as he observes the passing world. If you enjoy E.B. White or Russell Baker, buy this book.

Used price: $9.00

Used price: $7.00
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List price: $14.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $3.10
Collectible price: $7.99
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Mitchell explores human desire and the hungers of this animal existence. "Think flicker and fluid and flow" and you will be caught up in the lyrical transformation that the language lures us into. The poems pull and tug and tempt and stir. Their worlds are worlds worth entering. "What is so strange / it feels like home? It calls. I follow."

Used price: $7.00
Collectible price: $10.59
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Mitchell's energy is such that you feel she is taking you to ride a little on the wild side -- this is also, perhaps, where the innovative elements of her poems come in. I was disappointed when my friend didn't seem to like this volume (after I had recommended it so eagerly), and it is no surprise that she prefers classical *sensible* poetry -- with rigid meters, rhymes or some definite form -- and if you are a reader who prefers such poems, I wouldn't at first recommend this book to you. However, if you are not the exacting type, and rather than scrutinizing want to enjoy a fabulous book of poetry, I highly recommend this. But I believe this book also certainly deserves being recommended to even the 'classical' poet. There is just something universal about the spirit of poetry that Mitchell portrays so perfectly in her words, and I guarantee that you'll agree, after you give this a fair chance.

Used price: $14.50
Buy one from zShops for: $15.90

Used price: $0.75
Collectible price: $0.95
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List price: $15.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.83
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Used price: $2.49