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For those, such as myself, who are adults who have studied or explored the Victorian age in the past, there is nothing really new here, and the organisation and tone of writing, which assumes no previous knowledge and is very much "junior high" level, make it a less than engaging read.

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This new edition, probably intended to replace the poorly edited Everyman version, contains a number of "extras." These include letters from Mrs. Wood, the report from publisher's reader Geraldine Jewsbury (herself a popular novelist), data on the novel's publication and serialization, contemporary reviews, contextual material, and selections from one of the many theatrical adaptations of the novel. Like most Broadview publications, this edition is obviously designed for classroom use, although casual readers should also find the additional material helpful.
Unfortunately, this edition has something in common with the Everyman version: the editing and proofreading. The text is rife with bizarre word substitutions, as if the MS had been run through a spellchecker without a second reading; typos; and improper accidentals (e.g., semi-colons for apostrophes and commas for periods). The often scattershot footnotes did not help: they were sometimes repetitive (e.g., annotating "Turk" more than once) and often too terse to be of much use. Many notes glossed old sayings whose meanings remain obvious even to today's students. To make matters worse, my own copy was badly printed. Instructors may want to keep these problems in mind.

What I should like to comment upon is the edition -- and here my rating is just 2 -- published as a volume of "Everyman's Library"...The text is disfigured by dozens...of misprints -- from a philological point of view, this edition is just useless.
The volume is out of print at the moment. This should be welcomed by the editors as an occasion to correct those numberless misprints. If they don't do so, there is only one comment possible on their edition: forget it.

I certainly can believe how successful it must have been when it was first printed in 1861. I also believe anyone who reads it wishes Lady Isabel back in her ex-husband's life and Barbara Hare out! Wonderful!!

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